A mortuary is a place where autopsies are performed. It may be attached to a funeral home or a Department or Institute of Forensic Medicine.

Generally speaking, mortuaries are less-comfortable, bare-bones operations than full-service funeral homes. Some offer a curated selection of casket choices, lawn markers and upright monuments. Others provide assistance with online and newspaper obituaries.

Preparation of the Body

In our LinkedIn poll, 68% of respondents agreed that a mortuary is a place that stores and prepares bodies for cremation or burial. However, most standalone morgues do not have funeral directors on staff. Funeral homes, on the other hand, offer a full range of services in relation to memorialization and funerals.

This includes the preparation of the body by embalming, which is done by draining blood and injecting the corpse with a solution that slows down the decomposition process. They then wash the body and dress it in clothing that the family selects. They may also carry out cosmetic embalming to improve the deceased’s appearance.

A mortuary is usually refrigerated to prevent biological decay, and the bodies stored here are often awaiting identification, autopsy, respectful burial or cremation. A mortuary can be found in hospitals and some other public health facilities. The government has regulations for who can store and handle bodies.


The embalming process is a series of steps in which a mixture of preservatives, sanitizers and disinfectants are used to delay decomposition. This allows relatives to spend more time in the presence of their loved ones and gives mourners time to say goodbye.

Embalming is a popular choice for funerals as it can be an important step in the grieving process. However, it is not a requirement and can be avoided. In some cases, such as when a family chooses a natural or eco-friendly burial, it is not possible to embalm.

Before beginning the embalming process, the embalmer will verify that they have the correct body and review the medical certificate of death. Then they will place the body on the mortuary table in the supine anatomical position. After this the body will be washed. A tube is then inserted into the carotid artery and another into the jugular vein. The fluid is then pumped through the tubes and into the bloodstream, which circulates around the body.


Identifying the dead is a very sensitive task, and is often done in a private room. In films and on TV, the person identifying a body has to gasp as the sheet or bag is opened, but in real life, identification is much more discreet and consists of comparing photographs. Circumstantial evidence such as scars, birthmarks, and distinctive marks on clothing may also help to determine a person’s identity.

In mass fatality incidents such as a terrorist attack or natural disaster, identification can be more difficult. In these cases, forensic facial reconstruction is used to attempt to reconstruct what the person looked like. This is a very delicate process that requires great skill and training.

Many families cannot travel to the mortuary to see their loved one, which can add to the stress of identification. In these circumstances, funeral homes can offer easyID to help ease this process. Using photographs to verify identity can save families time and money and allows the funeral home to complete the process in a comfortable location for the family.


Mortuary staff use a variety of tools for preparation of the body including cutting instruments. Sharps (scalpels, scissors and lancets) pose a significant hazard and should be placed in a proper disposal container. Usually, medical waste contractors can assist with this.

Depending on the culture, the final disposition process can include a burial or cremation. Some cultures bury their deceased in tombs either individually or as part of large tracts of land that house graveyards. Other cultures may store their dead in above-ground tombs such as mausoleums. In the event of a natural disaster or war, bodies are sometimes stored in mass graves or plague pits.

A mortuary’s responsibilities also involve facilitating families who wish to spend time with their deceased relative in a chapel or relatives room before removing them from the facility. This is a sensitive and important task for staff to perform. A good mortuary management team will ensure that family members are given the space and privacy they need to say their last farewells.

A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It can also be called a cemetery or burial ground. Historically, church graveyards were used to bury the dead. When they began to fill up, independent sites called cemeteries were created.

A cemetery is generally not associated with a specific religion, so both followers and non-followers can be interred there.

Ground cover plants

Ground cover plants can provide a welcome burst of color and are easy to care for. Many are drought-tolerant, like the hardy ice plant (Sempervivum), and others feature delicate flowers, like the minty Mentha requienii. The shade-loving Viola sororia has unique freckled purple flowers in spring and is a fast grower.

In the graveyard, these plants can also serve as a living memorial to loved ones, and they can be used to honor ancestors. Planting them is a wonderful way to remember those who have passed on, and it can be a consoling and meditative experience for the living.

Choose low-growing varieties that fill in quickly and choke out weeds without being invasive. Shown here, a mix of purple-leaved ajuga, fine-textured thyme, and mounding Japanese forest grass hugs a bluestone walk. These plants are low-maintenance and offer a pleasing, colorful backdrop to the gravestones. In addition, these plants help attract insects that pollinate nearby crops.

Plants good for planting on a grave

There are many types of flowers that can be planted on a grave. Some have decorative blooms, while others are unpretentious and do not require special care. For example, geraniums can be used as an attractive ground cover and will look good in most climates. However, they should be kept trimmed to prevent overgrowth that can obscure the headstone.

Another good choice is chrysanthemums. These are easy to maintain and will look great all season long. They also reseed themselves for continuous flowering. Other plants that are suitable for grave sites include calendula, echinacea and rudbeckia. However, it is best to avoid planting large-spreading plants, as they may interfere with mowing.

It is important to find out from the cemetery caretaker what the soil type is and how much sunlight it gets, as this will influence the selection of plants. Some plants will thrive in shady areas and do not need watering. Helleborus, also known as Christmas roses, are another option because they can withstand frost and lack of sunlight.

Flowers good for planting on a grave

Planting flowers on a grave is a beautiful way to honor a loved one. Many people choose to plant flowers that remind them of their loved one, such as chrysanthemums, geraniums, and pink daisies. These plants are also easy to care for and bloom all summer. They are also good for ground cover because they grow well in the shade.

You should always check with the person who maintains a grave site to ensure that it is okay to add flowers. This will prevent invasiveness and ensure that the flowers are safe from being mowed. If you are allowed to plant on the grave, consider adding spring bulbs like snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils. These bulbs will reseed and come back year after year.

You can also plant rose bushes on the grave. However, this may require frequent pruning. If you want to avoid this, opt for miniature rose bushes or rose trees. These are easier for maintenance crews to work around.

Long-lasting plants for graves

Many people like to plant flowers on their loved ones’ graves. Depending on the type of flower, they can last from a few days to a week. However, you must check the rules and regulations of the cemetery or church as some may require regular supplemental watering or a particular care routine.

The re-use of grave sites purchased in advance can be more complicated as the holders of burial rights may have died and contacting them decades later is difficult (although public notice is often sufficient to inform families of any re-use). This can cause distress and a refusal by some families to allow their loved ones’ graves to be re-used.

For shady plots, consider planting ground cover plants such as ferns. Ferns such as Polypodium, Dryopteris affinis ‘Crispa Gracilis’ or hart’s tongue fern can help provide a tranquil atmosphere. For a colorful summer display, try the low-maintenance annual portulaca. It grows well in sunny or shady areas and produces brightly-colored flowers until frost.

Cemeteries need to be more than a place to lay a grave. They must be a vibrant celebration of life, family, history and individuality integrated within a shared community. This requires a unique kind of know-how.

The best way to prepare for future cemetery development is with a master plan. A well conceived master plan will optimize land utilization, increase marketability and improve aesthetics.

Master Plan

The master plan is the primary document for cemetery design and is a key tool to guide a client throughout the planning process. It establishes the management’s vision for the cemetery and determines what products, services and features will be offered. It also includes a financial model and projections.

The plan provides an opportunity to develop a unique, cohesive site with a sense of place that will engage the visitor. The development of a “landscape with graves” offers the possibility of providing a more natural landscape than the typical, empty, homogenous expanses that line every highway in America.

It is recommended that the master plan incorporates a flexible approach that considers future changes in consumer buying trends and interment preferences. This will allow a cemetery to respond quickly and effectively to changing market conditions without losing its investment in a thoughtfully designed burial section. This flexibility should include the option to convert an existing unused section of land for traditional casketed burials into cremation burial sites.


The cemetery landscape must be both beautiful and functional. A professional designer can help you achieve the right balance with thoughtful planning and design.

Cemetery landscaping should be flowing, allowing for cleaner mowing lines, lower maintenance, enhanced aesthetics and even better wildlife habitat. Trees with berries, nuts or seeds are best positioned away from burial plots, and the cemetery layout should include water features and other natural or man-made ponds to provide calming beauty to visitors.

Many older cemeteries are working to balance the needs of preserving grave space for future generations with the desire to keep the historic landscape as it is and make it more environmentally sustainable. For example, Green-Wood has partnered with Rossi to develop a program for turf removal by using an environmentally friendly sod product. The resulting grassland is resilient and requires less watering and fertilizer than traditional turf. It also produces less carbon dioxide and provides shade and soil retention.


A cemetery is a unique place that requires special consideration. It must be a serene place for remembrance but it also needs to accommodate different cultural perspectives, allow for individualization and meet the demands of the growing cremation movement. It is a place that needs to be a beautiful place to visit and a vibrant community space.

Dragoni’s design was based on the idea of “community through art”. His goal was to show that a cemetery could be more than just a burial ground. The sculptural forms of the memorial are intended to evoke feelings of contemplation and reflection.

Mourners often leave flowers on columbarium walls, a relatively space efficient use of land in a cemetery compared to a grave. Unlike conventional graves where a headstone marks the location of the grave, columbarium walls typically have only small plaques that are affixed to the niche wall. Some plaques are able to accommodate a small posy or flower that is placed within the niche.


A cemetery is a place to remember the dead, but it must also be a welcoming space for visitors. Proper signage is essential to help people find their way around the grounds and locate specific gravesites. Signage may include directional signs, memorial plaques, cemetery rules, and maps.

The space available on physical signs is limited by the size of typeface fonts that are legible in an outdoor setting and by the overall size and shape of the sign. This constraint means that information about a burial site must be prioritized and included on the most important or significant physical signs. Additional information in digital formats without size constraints may be included on the internet and on mobile phone touring applications that link to physical signs.

The LA Group specializes in comprehensive design work that reflects the complexity of historic cemeteries and mass grave sites. This includes materially with the landscape and memorial designs, but also conceptually in terms of surveys, communication and guiding strategies for visitation.

A cemetery is a place where people visit to remember their loved ones who have passed away. They can also learn about the history of the community from their gravestones.

While many people see cemeteries as a sad place, they can be a wonderful space for reflection and peace. It is important to respect the privacy of those who are buried there and not disturb them.


Originally, providing a resting place for one’s loved ones was a family duty. This reflected the widespread belief that ties of kinship last beyond death. The family might bury its members in a grave, tomb, above-ground vault, mausoleum, or columbarium.

A cemetery is a large burial ground independent of any church, and it usually contains various styles of tombs, mausoleums, and columbaria, reflecting the different cultures and beliefs around death. It also has administrative offices and grounds and facilities for the funeral service, interment, and maintenance of the cemetery’s infrastructure. The word cemetery is derived from the Greek words for “sleeping place” and is a secular alternative to church-affiliated graveyards. The word is also related to the Latin word coemeterium, for “burial ground.” The term was first used in the 19th century for large public cemeteries that were not attached to a church. It is often used interchangeably with the term graveyard, but some people prefer to reserve the latter for private burials.


A cemetery carries multiple social and individual functions. It is a place where the relationship between the dead and bereaved can be maintained. It is a site where the bereaved find consolation in visiting and commemorating the deceased, in planting around the grave, and in decorating the plot. It is also a location where family and community loyalties are linked and reaffirmed.

The location, arrangement, and design of a cemetery reflect basic cultural beliefs about death and life, the social class of its inhabitants, and the prevailing notions of sanitation. Its inscriptions and the size, shape and color of grave markers emphasize beliefs about resurrection, eternal life and the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead.

The difference between a graveyard and a cemetery is its association or lack of association with a church. Graveyards are associated with a church and are often located within the church’s grounds or campus while cemeteries are not associated with a particular church and may be quite expansive in size.


Grave markers, headstones and monuments can be found in many styles to match a family’s preferences. They can be flat or raised and may be set flush on the ground, or they can be displayed in a slant marker style. A slant marker is wider at the bottom and tapers to a more narrow top causing the back of the memorial to be higher than the front.

A very popular design is a book or scroll shape, often appearing as flat markers but also in upright headstones. This is an elegant and distinctive way to mark a grave.

Other unique shapes include a cross, or a carved animal that symbolizes strength, courage, the military, or that person’s love of nature. A dolphin for example could represent intelligence, freedom or teamwork and a lion might signify power or strength. Alternatively, a garden statue is a beautiful way to commemorate your loved one and can be placed outside of a cemetery.


Various factors influence the location of cemeteries. For example, sanitary precautions in the past led to church graveyards being located outside the walls of city centers; this prevented the spread of infectious diseases. Similarly, zoning regulations may limit the number of graves that can be permitted in an area.

Some modern cemeteries are located away from city centers to protect them from potential pollution and congestion. These are usually called rural or garden cemeteries, and may include park-like landscaping and memorial gardens.

In addition to the traditional cemetery style, many families choose to use columbariums (niches) for the interment of cremated remains. These are often combined with a mausoleum and may be found on the grounds of the cemetery or within the grounds of another funeral home.

Whether the cemetery is public or private, the management of the facility will dictate the financial viability through on-going maintenance charges and perpetual care funds. In addition, the management will have sole and exclusive control over all grading, planting, surveying and improvement of individual lots in the cemetery.

Located on Marcellus Road, memorial park is one of the Village’s most beautiful places for residents to enjoy. The park has a rich history dating back to the early 1900s.

The Park was once home to a native zoo. Its animals were rustic and blended in with our local environment.


Almost 100 years ago, the United States entered World War I (1914-1918), a brutal conflict that claimed 116,000 lives. The Allies gained a decisive advantage in the European battlefields, and at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, an armistice was signed.

Rather than the competing headstones of traditional cemeteries, memorial parks use tasteful bronze monuments lying flat on landscaped plots. Central water features, statuary and other site amenities accentuate the overall beauty of the park-like burial grounds.

The park was originally created to honor local service members who died in the Great War (WWI). It is a secluded open space nestled among old-growth redwoods that offers a multitude of camping, picnicking and hiking opportunities. Visitors will find a wide variety of plant and animal species, including banana slugs, woodpeckers, owls, Steller’s jays, deer and squirrels. The park is also home to a seasonal creek and Pescadero State Beach.

Memorial Walls

Memorial Park is home to one of Long Island’s most fitting 9-11 memorials and also includes a Veterans Memorial honoring all village residents who served their nation. Memorials are found throughout the Park including a Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the USS Columbia warship memorial.

The central piece of the park is the Wall South, a permanent memorial to the names of the American service members who died in the Vietnam War. Modeled after the Wall in Washington, D.C., the Memorial is unique because of its concrete walls and openings which allow light to shine through them and illuminate the names on the monument.

The main focus of SPLOST 2020 Project #16 is to replace failed stormwater structures currently hindering Memorial Park’s ability to function. The existing pond and forebay require dredging, re-engineering and significant repairs to prevent further failure. Visit the project story map to learn more details and provide feedback on the proposed designs.

Doughboy Statue

The bronze statue depicts a World War I foot soldier wearing an overseas cap, or doughboy. It was sculpted by Alonzo Victor Lewis, who also created several other WWI memorials around the region.

Lewis first modeled the doughboy in plaster for a 1921 reunion of local soldiers, then cast it in bronze to honor those from Caddo County who died in the Great War. A similar sculpture stands in Lincoln Park, and a third can be found in Palmer Park.

The doughboy is positioned at the memorial park’s “mustering ground” where local troops gathered before going off to fight in WWI. Ten of these local men never returned home, earning them the distinction of making the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The memorial commemorates all the local service members who made this ultimate sacrifice, and a nearby plaque lists their names. The memorial is a fine example of the type of artwork that prompted battles over its meaning and symbolism during the time it was being constructed.

Peace Statue

The Peace Statue, also known as the Children’s Peace Monument or the Atomic Bomb Children’s Memorial, was built in 1958 and honors the thousands of children who died as a result of the Hiroshima nuclear bombing. The statue depicts a young girl named Sadako Sasaki holding a wire crane above her head. It is based on the Japanese legend that states that anyone who folds one thousand paper cranes will be granted a wish. Sadako began folding origami cranes shortly before she died of radiation poisoning and hoped her final wish would be for world peace.

The statue is a symbol of hope, and her closed eyes represent prayers and respect for the victims of the bombing. The bent right leg symbolizes meditation and the left is a reminder that war must never be repeated. The sculpture stands atop a hill at the memorial park, which also houses other military monuments, including a colonnade for World War II and ones commemorating the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

The Bureau licenses funeral practitioners, funeral establishments and crematoriums. It also registers intern embalmers and investigates consumer/provider complaints. The Board also upholds high ethical standards for the industry.

You must give consumers a General Price List (GPL) when they inquire about funeral arrangements, whether by telephone or in person. You may offer package funerals, but you must also provide an itemized statement.

Licensing requirements

The funeral industry requires a license to operate. Licensed funeral directors and embalmers must complete educational requirements, pass national and state board exams, and serve an apprenticeship or internship. In addition, they must be of good moral character and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Some states prohibit applicants with felony convictions from receiving a license. However, these matters are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Licensing requirements vary by state, but generally include: a high school diploma and a minimum of one or two years general collegiate coursework, mortuary college, and national and state board examinations. Licensing is also required for funeral establishments, crematoriums, and individuals engaged in the care and disposition of dead bodies.

Funeral providers must give a General Price List (GPL) to people who inquire in person about outer burial container offerings and prices. The GPL must contain at least the retail price of each type of outer burial container offered and enough information to identify each item. You do not have to send the GPL to people who make inquiries by telephone or mail, but you must provide them with the information upon request.

General price list

Price shopping funeral items and services can uncover savings and help you avoid overpaying. However, the emotional impact of losing a loved one can cloud judgment, so it is important to make thoughtful decisions and take your time. It is also important to understand your rights when you make arrangements with a funeral home or cemetery.

A discussion that includes prices or the selection of funeral goods and services triggers the requirement to offer a General Price List (GPL). This is true even if it takes place outside the funeral home. It is also a violation of the Rule to charge for a GPL or place conditions on its availability.

If you offer packages for direct cremations, your GPL must describe the services and container included in each price. You must also separately describe the price for forwarding and receiving remains and a basic services fee. You may include a description of the containers you offer in your GPL or incorporate this information into a book that contains photographs of each container.

Arrangements conference

The arrangements conference is a time set aside for the funeral director to meet with family members to discuss the details of a meaningful tribute and final disposition. This meeting can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, and it’s important that families are well-prepared. This will help them avoid any surprises or confusion during an already stressful and emotional time.

During the arrangement conference, a family should provide the funeral home with all necessary information about their loved one. This includes their social security number, birth and death dates, military status, place of death and more. This information is used to file the death certificate, request veterans burial benefits and life insurance claims.

During the arrangements conference, the funeral home should also present you with their General Price List and written descriptions of goods and services that they offer. They are required by law to give you this information before you sign any contracts.


While most funeral homes, cemeteries and crematories strive to provide excellent service and satisfaction, errors and misunderstandings do occur. If you are dissatisfied with a particular provider, it is important to communicate your concerns directly with him or her. Meeting face-to-face is the best way to do this, but you can also communicate via phone or letter.

Most states have a board, agency or bureau that oversees funeral and cemetery services within their borders. Once you locate this oversight group, contact them via telephone or letter and inquire about the complaint-submission process.

In California, the Funeral Consumer Advocate’s office licenses 13 distinct permitting classifications in the death care industry, including funeral establishments, embalmers, apprentice embalmers, cemetery brokers and salespeople, and nearly two hundred private cemeteries. It also investigates complaints and takes disciplinary action when necessary. It also establishes qualifications for funeral directors and embalmers, and ensures that mortuary science programs offer supervised internships for students.


A mortuary is a room, or area in a hospital or coroner’s office where bodies are kept for identification and autopsies. It can also be found in some funeral homes that offer full service burial and onsite cremation services.

In emergency situations where deaths occur beyond a locale’s regular morgue capacity, government agencies often requisition facilities and equipment like ice rinks to act as temporary morgues.


The most important part of the mortuary process is an autopsy, usually performed by a pathologist in a specially equipped room. A pathologist may also conduct an autopsy in the field at a crime scene, exhumation site or in makeshift arrangements organized in the wake of disasters.

An autopsy begins with a physical examination of the body that includes notes on height and weight, scars and surgical incisions. The pathologist also examines the contents of the stomach to determine when the person last ate.

After the organs are removed, the pathologist dissects them (cuts into them) to see if there are any abnormalities inside. Small samples of tissue are also taken for microscopic examination. The organs are then either returned to the body or preserved for teaching and research.

The benefits of an autopsy include confirmation of diagnoses for living relatives, information about hereditary conditions and assessment of the success or failure of medical treatments. A forensic autopsy can also help solve crimes and provide valuable data on disease processes for physicians, researchers and hospitals.

Preparation for Burial or Cremation

The decision of whether to bury or cremate a body greatly impacts the mortuary process. When a person chooses cremation, their loved ones can select a casket or container to hold the remains. This decision may also have legal and estate planning implications that need to be taken into consideration.

If the family chooses a burial, the funeral director may embalm the body to restore the appearance for a viewing or public service. He will remove any jewelry or other personal items and wash the body again. He will then dress the body, if desired. He will also make a small incision on the right side of the neck, which is where two of the largest circulatory vessels, the carotid artery and the jugular vein, are located.

A metal identification tag is placed on the body, which will remain with it throughout the cremation process. A few days later the cadaver is taken from the mortuary to the crematorium.

Arrangements for a Funeral or Memorial Service

When you meet with a funeral director to discuss arrangements, you can do so at the mortuary, your home or, in some cases, even by telephone. If you and the funeral director decide to make arrangements in person, you will be given a General Price List. You will also receive an Itemized Statement, which includes contractual language that legally obligates you to pay for the services you select.

Many families incorporate religious components into their ceremonies, choosing hymns, readings, a priest or pastor to lead the service and more. Some add a memorial video, personal memorabilia and other touches that help family and friends remember the deceased.

You may want to hold a reception at the funeral home or another location, and you will need to coordinate with food vendors, florists and other services providers. You’ll likely want to plan for a burial or cremation, as well. You can also choose whether to have a public or private service, and you can decide if you’d like to have a viewing.

Preparing a Body

Whether the deceased will be buried or cremated, the staff at the mortuary takes care of the body by washing it and preparing it for the final resting place. This may include putting on clothes, closing the eyes and mouth, and removing any jewelry that will not be worn at the service.

For burial, the mortuary staff prepares the body by putting on clothes and arranging them in a casket. They also take out any medical devices that will not be re-used and dispose of them. If the deceased was an organ donor, doctors will remove the donated organs before the body is buried.

A standalone morgue or mortuary typically only focuses on identifying and preparing the body. However, if the mortuary is attached to a funeral home, it can offer full-service options such as embalming, a meaningful funeral service and on-site burial. The funeral home will also provide caskets and memorial products. This helps families with the process and creates a meaningful final place for loved ones to come together to mourn.


If you’re looking for the burial place of someone who has passed away, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. You’ll want to ensure that the burial ground is near family members, jives with religious beliefs and is easily accessible.

Historically, graveyards were associated with churches and located on church grounds. As the number of congregants began to increase, these graveyards began to run out of space.

What is a graveyard?

Until recently, graveyards were typically run by churches. Therefore, only church members were able to be buried there. However, this resulted in overcrowded graveyards and dead bodies infiltrating the water supply causing diseases like cholera. Eventually, people began to move away from the traditional church graveyards and start creating newer, landscaped cemeteries.

In the Middle Ages, wealthy or influential Christians were often interred inside of their church after death, in a crypt below the floor. The rest of the church’s congregants were then buried outside, in what became known as the graveyard.

The word ‘graveyard’ is a compound of the proto-Germanic word “graban” meaning to dig and gardan referring to an enclosed area of land. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, though they have slightly different definitions on a technical level. The main difference is that a cemetery is commercially run while a graveyard is a part of a house of worship. They also have different rules and regulations.

Why are they called a graveyard?

Although the words graveyard and cemetery are often used interchangeably, they actually have very different meanings. Graveyards are generally associated with a church and only allow members of that church to be buried there. Cemeteries, on the other hand, are independent and can be used by people of any faith.

As the population grew, it became apparent that church-affiliated graveyards were becoming overcrowded. This led to problems such as disease and toxic gases from decaying bodies infiltrating the water supply. In order to address these issues, new burial grounds were needed. This is when cemeteries came into existence.

The word cemetery is derived from the Greek term koimeterion, which means “a sleeping place.” The Christian belief is that when we die our body goes into a temporary sleep until it is raised at the Resurrection. The pagans, however, believed that when our bodies are buried they go into a permanent resting place. This is why the cemetery is so often referred to as the final resting place.

What are the rules of a graveyard?

As a general rule, you should always ask the spirits before taking anything from a graveyard. This is especially important when it comes to taking flowers or anything else that you might want from a graveyard. Taking things from a graveyard can upset the spirits and cause them problems.

The rules of a graveyard are usually set by the caretakers of that cemetery. Most of the time these are simple rules such as respecting the dead and not disturbing them or their loved ones. It is also important to be careful when walking through a graveyard so that you don’t step on someone’s headstone or otherwise hurt yourself.

The difference between a graveyard and a cemetery is often confusing to people who don’t live near them. But understanding the distinction between these two places can help you to plan your own funeral arrangements and make sure that your next of kin understands what you want when you pass on.

What are the benefits of a graveyard?

The most obvious benefit is that a graveyard allows people to be interred in peace, in an area that has been specifically chosen and set aside for that purpose. Unlike a random patch of land next to a church, a cemetery has been designed for burials and has strict rules about what can be done there.

Another benefit is that it provides a natural habitat for flora and fauna. Native plant species thrive in the soil, and animals such as foxes and hedgehogs can be seen hunting or nesting there.

A cemetery can also be a source of income, as people are willing to pay for the opportunity to be buried there. This can help to keep older cemeteries open and reduce the need for them to be closed permanently. The revenue generated from the sale of plots can also be used to maintain cemetery grounds and facilities.

Cemetery Design involves the planning of a cemetery’s layout, architecture and landscape. It is a complex task that requires attention to detail.

The cemetery landscape must be flowing and aesthetically pleasing. It must be designed to minimize maintenance and cleanup. It must also be able to support wildlife and create a tranquil environment.

1. Landscape Design

In a cemetery design, landscape is an important aspect to consider. A cemetery needs to be well-designed in order to provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. It also needs to be environmentally friendly and sustainable.

This can be done by using different types of greenery, incorporating a variety of trees and shrubs, and providing directional signage throughout the grounds. Additionally, the cemetery should include ponds and water features that add beauty to the area and create a peaceful place for visitors.

It is essential to take the time to create a unique and beautiful cemetery. Too often, modern cemetery development obliterates the existing setting in order to create a cookie cutter place. I believe that the public would respond positively to a unique cemetery design that is responsive to its surroundings and culture.

2. Headstone Design

A headstone can be a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one. It can be engraved with their name, birth and death dates as well as other information such as an epitaph or carving. Some families like to incorporate a picture or photo of their loved ones into the design. It is important to consult with your monument company to ensure that the headstone will be in compliance with any regulations adopted by your cemetery.

Another option is to include a symbol such as flowers. Many different types of flowers have a specific meaning and can be used to convey your loved ones personality. For example, a sunflower could symbolize love for your children or grandchildren.

The shape of the headstone is also a factor that can be personalized. Square top headstones are very popular as they have a clean and simple finish. However, if you are looking for something with a slight bit of flair then an ogee top headstone may be the perfect choice.

3. Interior Design

Modern cemetery design aims to go beyond simply marking burial grounds. It is a vibrant celebration of life, family, history and individuality within a shared community. To achieve this, it takes a unique set of design skills.

When developing a master plan, identifying the various program elements and locating them on a site map is essential. This allows the cemetery to identify areas that are amenable for development and create a relationship between these spaces based on functional relationships. It also helps the architect determine if any areas that aren’t suitable for development should be avoided or reworked.

Once a cemetery has determined its programming it is time to start planning. This is where a good cemetery designer comes in, utilizing an understanding of market trends and the demographics of a given population to create an engaging layout that will be well received. This includes the use of aesthetically pleasing, clear and understandable signage to help visitors navigate.

4. Signage

A cemetery’s signage should be clear, easily understood from both a distance and up close. It should also be visually appealing from the road and should complement the landscape design.

Directional and identification signs help orient visitors and are usually located near the entrance to the cemetery or at key intersections within the cemetery site. The LA Group understands that many communities and volunteer groups have limited resources in restoring historic cemeteries. Our team can help them find ways to engage the community, explore grant funding and volunteer development opportunities, to enhance their efforts.

It is important to consider the demographics of your visitor base when designing a cemetery. If you are designing a cemetery to serve a younger crowd, for example, it may be necessary to include more green space and incorporate more recreational features. Additionally, proper grading is an important aspect of cemetery design. This ensures that water flows away from the gravesites and buildings, rather than pooling on the property.

Cemeteries are a link to the past and give us insights into the lives of the people in the community. Moreover, they offer a place where families can come together and remember their loved ones.

Cemeteries are often a green open area with architectural and sculptural features. They also perform an ecological function.

It’s a place of rest

When a person dies, it is traditional to spend time in the cemetery, remembering them and their life. It is also common to have meals here with family members who still live. However, this practice has become increasingly rare. In fact, many modern cemeteries forbid the public from eating on their grounds.

The difference between graveyard and cemetery is that a graveyard is affiliated with a church while a cemetery is not. A graveyard is usually smaller due to space constraints, and the church may have stipulations about which faiths can be interred in the graveyard.

In the 19th century, population growth was so rapid that church graveyards filled up, and independent sites called cemeteries were built to accommodate new burials. They are usually located away from town and city centers for more space. They are also typically less expensive than a church-affiliated graveyard. It is important to know the difference between these two types of burial grounds so you can make your final wishes clear and help your family understand.

It’s a place of reflection

Visiting a Cemetery is a unique experience, one that requires respect and sensitivity. Be mindful of other visitors’ feelings, and refrain from speaking loudly or disturbing the atmosphere with chit-chat. You can still share memories and celebrate your loved one’s life, but doing so in a respectful manner will enhance your experience.

Cemetery and graveyard are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. A graveyard was originally a plot of land that adjoined a church, while a cemetery is a burial ground that is separate from a church or other religious building.

The term cemetery is also more inclusive than graveyard, as it was used for people of all faiths and cultures. In the past, a graveyard was reserved for Christians, but today’s cemeteries are open to people of all faiths. Moreover, a cemetery’s headstones provide insights into the larger story of a community, including its migration patterns and changing family structures.

It’s a place of honor

A cemetery is a unique place. It’s a somber, quiet acres quarantined from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It’s also a place where you can honor a person’s life and legacy. From a memorial video to a burial capsule, there are many ways to remember someone forever.

The word cemetery is derived from the Greek work koimeterion, which means “sleeping place.” It refers to an area set apart for burials. Unlike a graveyard, which is affiliated with a church, a cemetery can be used for people of any religion or no faith at all. Some cemeteries are large parks with lots of trees and are usually gated. Some families leave remembrance crosses, called znicze, at war graves or other prominent graves. Others place burning grave candles at a grave, a tradition in Catholic nations. These candles are typically lit on All Souls Day or at other times in remembrance of a loved one.

It’s a place of peace

Many people find comfort in visiting their loved ones at the cemetery. Although it may be a sad reminder of death, it can help the grieving process and provide peace and closure. It is also a place to remember the good times with a loved one. Many people visit their loved ones on special occasions, such as birthdays or the anniversary of their death, and they often leave flowers on the gravesite.

The word “cemetery” is derived from the Greek work koimeterion, which means sleeping place. While the term can be used interchangeably with “graveyard,” it is more common for the two to be distinguished as separate entities.

A cemetery is a piece of land that serves as the final resting place for deceased members of a particular religion. It differs from a graveyard in that it is usually unaffiliated with a specific church, and it is used for both traditional burials as well as cremains.