Memorial Parks in Texas

The park features dignified sculptured bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots. This is a very different concept from traditional cemeteries.

The park’s story began with a spirited fund-raising drive for a memorial to veterans of World War I. But the project hit an impasse. A woman named Miss Ima stepped in with a better idea.

Submariners Monument

A somber ground stone in the memorial park pays tribute to the men and women who served in submarines. It includes a submarine patrol pin, which signifies that the wearer is “qualified aboard his boat.” On either side of the submarine are dolphins, which represent the badge of honor that submariners receive upon earning their qualification.

Submarines were integral to WWI and WWII war efforts, yet they were often overlooked in memorials. In 2001, this detailed black marble monument was created to honor submariners. The United States Submarine Veterans, Inc., Dorado Base holds a Tolling of the Boats ceremony that recalls each USN submarine lost and its date of loss.

New Yorkers account for 10 percent of the submariners who were killed during WW2. This monument features, in a crypt below, the names of those lost in operational accidents. The smooth black granite commemorative monument is also a powerful symbol of the emptiness families feel when a loved one is lost in service to our country.

Korean War Monument

The Korean War Veterans Memorial honors the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who served in the conflict that became known as America’s Forgotten War. From 1950 to 1953, American soldiers stood with United Nations forces in Korea to take a stand against what was perceived as a threat to democracy worldwide.

The memorial features a sculptural grouping of stainless steel statues that depict soldiers from each branch of the military. A curved granite wall reflects the figures and features a mural that depicts scenes of service in Korea.

A curving wall on the north side of the memorial lists all 22 countries of the United Nations that sent combat troops to aid in the defense of South Korea, and a circular wall bears inscriptions listing numbers of Americans killed, missing in action or held as prisoners of war. Across from these walls is a Pool of Remembrance surrounded by juniper bushes and three Rose of Sharon hibiscus plants, the national flower of South Korea.

Gold Star Monument

SAN ANTONIO – As the nation honors its veterans, a special memorial stands in York County. The Gold Star Monument is dedicated to the mothers, fathers, children, siblings, and spouses who have lost loved ones who served in the military.

The first monument was created by Medal of Honor Recipient Marine Woody Williams and was originally dedicated in his home state of West Virginia. He has now established the foundation to create these monuments in communities across America.

The monument is a black granite and tells a story through four granite panels that depict the themes of homeland, family, patriotism, and sacrifice. During the dedication ceremony, a trumpeter played Taps and bagpipes played Amazing Grace. Those in attendance included many Gold Star families, Congresswoman Carol Miller, and local leaders. WPVI’s TaRhonda Thomas was among the first to cut the ribbon for this new memorial.

Vietnam War Monument

Among the most-visited sites in the National Park System, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall honors more than 58,000 men and women who died or are listed as missing from the war. When visitors view a name on the black granite walls, they see their own reflection, connecting the living to those who died.

Maya Lin’s minimal design for the memorial was a stark departure from traditional memorials that featured figurative heroic sculpture. The design was the winner of a competition sponsored by the VVMF. Negative reactions to her minimal plan created controversy, but a compromise was reached when the third-place winner in the original competition, Frederick Hart, was commissioned to produce a statue of three servicemen and a flagstaff.

The memorial also includes the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, which features a bronze sculpture of three women caring for a wounded soldier and recognizes the 265,000 women who served in the war. A transportationable replica of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial has traveled to communities across the country, giving millions of people the opportunity to experience the healing power of the memorial.

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