Cemetery Design – A Delicate Process

Cemetery Design is a delicate process. Bidding a final goodbye is always sad, but it can be even more so if the experience is poorly designed.

A well developed master plan optimizes land utilization, and improves the overall aesthetic of a cemetery. It also increases marketability. A master plan identifies short and long term needs.

Site Analysis

Before design work can begin, the cemetery needs to understand their land. This includes identifying opportunities, constraints and goals. This is achieved through the site analysis phase.

Site analysis involves gathering and organizing gathered information into visual tools that illustrate the relationships between different elements of the site. This makes the data easy to understand, paving the way for an effective architectural outcome.

This can involve anything from photographic documentation to drafting topographical layouts, mapping and other computer-aided design (CAD) programs. Using these tools, it is possible to reveal aspects of a site that would be difficult to notice without thorough analysis. This includes things like sun paths, wind patterns and views. Understanding local cultural patterns and recreational activities is also beneficial, allowing architects to design spaces that are in touch with the community.

Burial Area Layout

A cemetery is typically organized into sections. A section consists of an area surrounded by roadways where individual burial plots are located. Each plot has a specific name, number or alphanumeric combination.

A well designed entrance is often the defining feature of a cemetery. Using architectural or landscape elements, it provides a visual terminus for the end of your journey and welcomes you into a sacred space.

Symbolism is an important part of headstone design. Crosses, stars of David, flowers, lilies and hearts are common symbols used to communicate faith or spiritual beliefs. The cemetery design team is able to develop a range of symbolic motifs that reflect your community. They also work with families to ensure their plots are within religious or cultural requirements.

Site Drainage

Having proper grading within a cemetery is vital. The grading must be such that water will flow off of the site and away from gravesites and buildings. This prevents flooding after a rainstorm and keeps the cemetery safe for visitors.

Throughout this process it is important to involve the community members as much as possible. This allows them to feel valued and appreciated. It also helps to solidify a long-term connection to the cemetery.

With a well-developed Cemetery Master Plan, you have the tools to keep your cemetery operating at its best. Contact us today to get started on yours. We look forward to partnering with you.

Landscape Design

A cemetery is an emotional place that should be a peaceful and serene experience. A well designed and executed landscape enhances the experience for visitors and creates a more beautiful cemetery setting.

Proper grading and drainage are key components of any cemetery design. They help to prevent water from pooling in Burial Areas, and ensure that rainwater is directed away from buildings and gravesites.

Meeting the increasing demand for cremation interments that take up less space, and are less disruptive to the site’s natural systems is an important consideration for the cemetery of the future. It is also important to consider incorporating innovative memorial options that offer more creative choices and alternatives to the traditional headstone or stele. These include sculptural and custom monuments, and contemporary options for headstone materials such as glass and stainless steel.

Architectural Design

Bidding a loved one farewell is an intensely personal experience. A cemetery design that is sensitive to this emotion can help people to find peace and comfort in saying their last farewells.

Decorative features, varying shades of green to give the space its identity, and species of trees to provide visual interest are all important to the cemetery design process. Directional signage, outdoor lighting, memorial furniture designs and special water features can also enhance the cemetery’s unique character.

The architectural design phase begins with the development of a master plan that optimizes land utilization and improves the overall aesthetics of the cemetery. This phase includes identifying short and long term needs, creating a strategy for implementation, and providing a roadmap for future projects.

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