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A cemetery is a special place to remember and pay respects. It can be a wonderful spot to take family photos or simply relax. You can also find interesting information on the history of the area.

Whether you are conducting genealogy or just enjoying the scenery, cemeteries can provide a wealth of clues about your ancestors. Here are some tips to help you get started.

It’s a place to remember

While it is possible to think of a loved one in the privacy of our own homes, a cemetery provides a dedicated space for memory and reflection. It also provides a way for people to express their grief and connect with their loved ones through symbolic rituals and the physical environment.

Unlike a graveyard, a cemetery is typically not affiliated with a church and allows both followers and non-followers to be buried there. It can contain either a traditional grave or a mausoleum. It may also include a natural burial ground or a green space called a memorial park.

Cemeteries are important historical resources and a cultural resource as well. They reflect the beliefs, values, and customs of a community. Visiting a cemetery is a healing experience and helps us to understand the complexity of death and loss. It is important to have places like these in order to remember our dead. In addition, cemeteries serve as a place for prayer.

It’s a place to pray

The word “cemetery” comes from the Greek koimeterion, which means “sleeping place.” This is because Christians believe that the dead will rise again on the last day and share their eternal glory or damnation. Pagans, on the other hand, believed that their souls were reincarnated in different bodies.

A cemetery is a piece of land that is specifically set aside for burials. It may contain any type of tomb, above ground grave, mausoleum, or columbarium. In addition, a cemetery is usually regulated by local laws and regulations. It must keep a record of the burials and interment of ashes within its boundaries.

It is important to remember that it’s not advisable to pray in a cemetery. If you do, it could be considered haram. It’s also important to avoid praying towards a graveyard or individual grave. This is against the teachings of Judaism, and violates one of its key principles. However, it is not uncommon for people to visit the graves of their loved ones.

It’s a place to socialize

A cemetery is a place where many people go to socialize and relax. Whether it’s for prayer, meditation or simply to be with loved ones, a cemetery can be a very relaxing place. In fact, spending time in a cemetery may even help people to heal. Despite the cliches and horror movies that surround them, cemeteries are very calm and peaceful places. Visiting a cemetery can be a very soothing experience and is one of the best ways to remember a loved one.

The terms graveyard and cemetery are often confused. Both are a burial ground, but graveyard is typically used to describe a resting place on church grounds, while cemetery refers to a more modern burial site that’s not associated with a particular religious organization.

Unlike the traditional austere graveyards on church grounds that were full of memento mori and warnings not to sin, modern cemeteries are designed like gardens for beauty and relaxation. They are often set outside of the city and have lush trees, ponds and walking trails. They also have a variety of visitor services, such as genealogy information and flower placement programs.

It’s a place to work

Working in a cemetery can be both interesting and challenging. There are many different types of cemeteries that vary by religion, culture, and traditions. There are also differences in burial methods and legal regulations. Some cemeteries are private, while others are public or joint-use.

Cemeteries have several ongoing costs, including the cost of labor for gravediggers and landscapers and the maintenance of headstones and monuments. These expenses are often a burden for families, and they can lead to overcrowding in cemeteries. Some have solved this problem by writing expiration dates into burial plot contracts or selling unused plots to real estate developers.

A Cemetery can be a great place to work, especially if you have good people skills and a strong empathy for your customers. Empathy is a valuable skill in any career, and it’s especially important for people who work with grieving visitors. Empathy is a key component of employee retention, and it can be beneficial to your business’s bottom line.

The Memorial Park features an open green hill designed for relaxation and play. It also includes a monument dedicated to veterans. The statue is a symbolic representation of the eagle, which symbolizes loyalty and service.

The Memorial Park is located outside of the city and surrounded by a natural environment with a history of wartime mass graves. Innovative construction techniques allow for the natural qualities of the building materials to come through.

It is a place of remembrance

Memorial parks are designed to honor those who have passed away, and they offer visitors a place of natural beauty and peace for quiet reflection. Unlike traditional cemeteries, which have competing headstones, memorial parks feature dignified sculptured bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots. This helps to create an atmosphere of reverence and respect for the dead.

The Memorial park’s centerpiece is a pair of pools, each nearly an acre in size, that sit in the footprints of the North and South Towers. The waters of the pools cascade down into a central void that represents absence made visible. This symbol of the unbreakable spirit of New Yorkers is a reminder to never forget the victims of 9/11.

The park also houses the city’s only skateboard facility, as well as a community garden. It is also home to several athletic fields, including a football field that hosts the San Anselmo and Ross Valley youth soccer and lacrosse leagues.

It is a place of education

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum are places where learners can gain a deeper understanding of this event, its significance and the profound impact it has had on our country. Educators can schedule a tour of the outdoor symbolic memorial and museum, and can also access curriculum based lesson plans to support their students in exploring this important American history.

The memorial park features garden-style plots, rather than competing headstones that mark traditional grave sites. This design provides visitors with an atmosphere of natural beauty, peace for quiet meditation and a sense of dignity and honor to those who have passed away.

The memorial park is home to a number of educational programs, including the Memorial Park Middle School and the eCYBERMISSION student competition. These programs teach students to help their community through responsible leadership. In addition, the Memorial Park hosts a variety of educational events throughout the year.

It is a place of recreation

Memorial Park offers residents a place for recreational, educational and environmental opportunities. It has miles of multi-use trails, including the Seymour Lieberman Exertrail and the Picnic Loop. It also features softball fields, a rugby field and sand volleyball courts. It is the home field for the Texas Southern Tigers softball team.

The memorial-park design combines aesthetic and functional elements to honor those who served in the military. The design often includes sculptures, plaques, gardens and fountains to create a serene atmosphere for reflection. The park also has educational elements, allowing visitors to learn more about the history of the location and those who served there.

In addition to its natural beauty, Memorial Park hosts a variety of public events throughout the year, including concerts, Independence Day celebrations and an outdoor movies festival. The Park also offers a number of recreational activities, including tennis, swimming and walking trails. For information on obtaining permits or registration for programs, visit the Recreation Department on Myrtle Blvd.

It is a place of healing

Memorial parks offer a place for people to reflect on the past and honor those who have passed away. They also provide a space for individuals to process their emotions and promote healing and personal growth. They can be a valuable tool for community healing and can be used to establish a shared cultural identity.

In contrast to the hierarchical and collective nature of formalized rituals, memorial practices are often egalitarian. For example, the inscription of names on memorials democratizes the place of burial by providing a specific link to concrete individual victims. This allows visitors to engage with memorials on a more personal level, unlike those who visit sites like the MMJE and Primo de Rivera where only significant individuals can stand in for a nation or cause.

The June 5th Memorial Park recognizes the victims, their families, and the brave men and women who risked their lives to rescue, recover, and rebuild. The memorial also pays tribute to the unbreakable spirit of New Yorkers and celebrates the heroes who made it possible.

The funeral industry is complex and can be confusing. The Cemetery & Funeral Bureau is here to help.

Funeral homes must provide a general price list to consumers upon request. They must also file the death certificate and submit statistical data to the registrar.

Financial assistance is available for funerals costing up to $1,700 for low-income NYC residents. The crematory fee is not excluded from this amount.


The Bureau licenses and regulates funeral directors, embalmers and funeral establishments. It enforces minimum standards, investigates consumer/provider complaints and inspects funeral homes and crematory facilities.

To become licensed as a funeral director, you must graduate from an accredited mortuary science program, pass the National Board Examinations (NBE-Arts and NBE-Sciences) and take and pass the state law exam. You must also have two years of experience as an apprentice embalmer under a licensed embalmer in this state or another state or country.

To become licensed as an embalmer, you must complete a mortuary science program accredited by ABFSE or the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (ICFSEB). You must also pass the state law exam and have two years of experience working under a licensed embalmer in this State or another State or country.


The funeral service profession is regulated by several agencies that protect consumers. For example, funeral homes are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission as well as state boards of mortuary science and cemetery boards.

Some colleges offer degree programs that lead to an associate or bachelor’s degree in mortuary science. Many of these programs are accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), a national academic accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Most states require future funeral directors to pass a licensing exam. Some schools offer apprenticeships while students are enrolled, which can help them prepare for the licensing exam. The NFDA offers home study classes, webinars, teleconferences and podcasts to provide training courses for its members. All NFDA educational courses are approved for continuing education (CE) credits by the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice and most state licensing boards.


In addition to completing an accredited funeral service or mortuary science education program, prospective funeral directors and embalmers must pass a state board exam. They must also serve an apprenticeship, which can last one to three years. The NFDA offers home study classes, teleconferences, webinars and online learning courses for funeral directors and embalmers to keep them abreast of changes in the industry.

A career in funeral service requires compassion, empathy and interpersonal skills to work with grieving families. It also requires technical skills to conduct arrangement conferences, visitations and services, and management skills to operate a funeral establishment. Students who choose a career in this field typically have interests in the Helping, Persuading and Organizing Holland Code interest areas. Scholarships are available for funeral service students.


Funeral professionals must adhere to fundamental ethical principles that are based on trust and honesty. This is especially important since the clients they serve are often in a vulnerable state following the loss of a loved one and may be particularly susceptible to being taken advantage of.

Members must be sensitive to family and survivor needs and do not dissuade them from pursuing the services they feel are most appropriate. In addition, they abide by their job descriptions and facility policies and seek first-line guidance from the licensed funeral director who supervises them on any ethical/legal concern or dilemma.

Members must keep their establishment clean and sanitary at all times to avoid health hazards, as well as comply with all federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to the funeral industry. They also must make their establishments open at all reasonable hours to public inspection.


A client’s grief can be compounded by a number of decisions that must be made under emotional duress. Among the most important is what kind of funeral to choose and how much it will cost.

Consumers have the right to get information about prices and services when they meet with you in person or over the telephone to discuss at-need arrangements. You must also provide price lists to representatives of a religious group, burial society or memorial society when they inquire about funeral arrangements on behalf of their members.

Funeral homes must also give consumers price and other information over the phone if they request it, even if it is after hours. They may not charge a fee to give this information. The Funeral Consumers Alliance advocates for this right.

A mortuary is a space where a body is kept after death. It is commonly found in hospitals, care centres and hospices.

The dead are stored here until they are released to funeral homes or for further examination, such as an autopsy. The facility is usually refrigerated to delay decomposition.

Body Preparation

A body is prepared in a mortuary setting in the lead up to funeral or cremation. This involves bathing, dressing and refrigeration or dry ice application, depending on what the family wishes to happen to the remains.

The first thing that is done is the body is washed in a special soap solution. This is important as it removes traces of blood and body fluids. It also makes the body look softer and more welcoming to family members during the viewing process.

During this time, the remains are moved to help relieve rigor mortis by bending and flexing them. This helps to restore the normal position of the arteries and veins, particularly in the neck which is where two of the largest circulatory vessels are located, the carotid artery and jugular vein.

A white board is completed at this point which records information such as whether valuables are to stay with the body or return to the family and if it was coffined or dressed. This is then’signed out’ in the mortuary register.


Forensic anthropology – the study of human bones and other hard tissues – is often utilized in a mortuary setting. Forensic dental and fingerprint personnel are also useful in assisting with the identification process.

During the recovery, removal and transport to a mortuary following a CBRN mass fatality incident, all efforts must be made to preserve the integrity of the body and associated evidence as much as possible, while maintaining the necessary chain of command and minimising contamination. All personnel involved should be well versed in the appropriate protocols and personal protective equipment.

Any body parts that are not attached to the dead person but are found at the scene should be bagged separately and clearly labelled with respects to their location and their relation to other body parts, for example ‘tooth from near body X’. Provisional matches should be brought to the attention of the reconciliation coordinator as soon as they are identified, so that an official identification can be made.


Launching a mortuary services business is a unique undertaking that demands innovation and empathy for the families you’ll serve. You’ll need to abide by the legal requirements of your jurisdiction and secure a license, as well as ensure that your facilities are safe, clean and sterile.

Embalming is a process that’s performed in order to disinfect and preserve the remains of a deceased person. It also helps to slow down the natural decomposition process, which is essential for maintaining a healthy environment for funeral directors and others who handle the body after death.

Once the body is embalmed, it can be dressed in clothing provided by the family and then casketed. Some cultures believe that the proper dress of the body will help it travel to the afterlife in a more beautiful form. During this time, friends and family may pay their respects by viewing the body and saying their last farewells. This period is known as the wake or calling hours.


Cremation is an alternative to traditional in-ground burial. It typically does not require embalming, and you can still hold a funeral service. Many people choose to bury their loved ones after a cremation ceremony, but some people prefer to scatter the ashes.

When the body is ready for cremation, a metal identification tag stays with it throughout the process. The next of kin or executor must verify that the remains are the deceased and sign an authorization form for cremation.

The body is placed in a special furnace called a cremation chamber or retort and exposed to high temperatures. When the bone fragments are cooled, they are respectfully removed from the retort and inspected for any remnants of metal such as surgical pins and titanium joints. The remains are then pulverized into a fine, powder-like consistency known as cremated remains or ashes. The ashes are then transferred to a basic container or an urn, which the family can keep for long-term storage.

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A graveyard is a place where people are buried. Until about the 7th century, church authorities had a monopoly on burials and most funerals took place on the grounds of a church.

However, when the old churchyards were full, new sites were created called cemeteries. These were usually located outside the town/city limits.

A place where people are buried

A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It is a place that people visit to pay their respects and remember those who have died. People can also find comfort here. Those who can afford it may have a headstone put up on the grave. They can also have a gravestone engraved with their name and birth date.

Before the 19th century, many people were buried in churchyards near their churches. Then, rapid population growth caused the old graveyards to become full. So new burial sites were established, called cemeteries, which are usually separate from churches.

Although some people use the words cemetery and graveyard interchangeably, they mean different things. A graveyard is a section of a churchyard where only members of that church are buried. A cemetery, on the other hand, is a modern idea that is separate from the church. The word ‘cemetery’ was actually coined in 1831 when Mt Auburn Cemetery opened in Cambridge, MA.

A cemetery

A cemetery is a place where people are buried. It is also known as a burial ground, gravesite, or graveyard. The term is derived from the Greek word koimeterion, which means sleeping place. In some cultures, it is believed that the dead are buried in cemeteries to await resurrection and judgment. Pagans, on the other hand, often referred to a cemetery as a nekropolis.

Originally, people were buried in their churchyards, but as the population grew, these places became full. Then new burial grounds came into being, called cemeteries, which are not affiliated with churches and can be used by followers of all faiths.

However, in modern times, a cemetery is more often associated with superstition and legend. It is often used by sorcerers and witches for their sinister rituals. In addition, it is believed to be a place where zombies roam at night. These myths have a strong impact on the cemetery’s aura and attract a number of visitors.

A place of worship

While many people use the words graveyard and cemetery interchangeably, there is a difference between the two. A graveyard refers to a place where dead people are buried and is usually found on church grounds. Cemetery, on the other hand, is a separate area and is not associated with any particular religion.

People have been burying their dead for thousands of years, and the modern concept of cemeteries emerged after people began to bury their relatives in groups. Prior to this, they kept the bodies at home or close to their places of work. During the Middle Ages, the most wealthy or influential Christians were interred inside a church in crypts while others were buried outside in the churchyard.

Mourners could then pay their respects to their ancestors at the graveyard. The headstones carved by stonemasons usually contained a name, date of death and other biographical information. They were a sign of wealth and social status, as rich families would compete for the most artistic headstones to display their coat of arms.

A place of remembrance

Although the words graveyard and cemetery are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between them. The word “graveyard” originally referred to the burial ground that adjoined a church, while the term “cemetery” refers to any place where people are buried. This distinction may seem subtle, but it can have a significant impact on the type of headstone that is used.

Both graveyards and cemeteries serve as a place of remembrance for those who have passed away. They are typically located near churches, but can also be found on private land or even public property, such as parks and town centers. They are a special place for the respectful burial of human remains, whether in a tomb or an urn.

The origin of the word cemetery is from the Greek koimeterion, which means “dormitory or resting place.” During the early Christian era, burial was firmly controlled by the church, so only members of the church could be buried in its grounds. This resulted in the formation of graveyards, which later evolved into cemeteries.

Cemetery Design aims to bring a fresh look to this important space. The modern cemetery is less focused on carved and exuberant decorative elements and more on creating a serene landscape that is thought provoking.

It is also focused on working positively with the 4 natural systems of the site. This includes water features, ponds and retention structures.

Site Analysis

Cemeteries are complex spaces with a number of different stakeholders. It’s important to take the time to understand all aspects of a site before starting to develop a design solution. This includes the site analysis phase which requires research, fieldwork and a detailed understanding of the site conditions that influence design parameters.

This information is then transcribed into annotated diagrams and presented to the client. This allows for a clearer understanding of what needs to be achieved on the project. It’s also an opportunity to consider the potential of using new approaches or methodologies within a traditional cemetery space.

For example, if a site has beautiful water features or wooded areas these should be highlighted in the design. We find that the most successful cemetery designs are those that work with the existing site rather than against it. This could be as simple as avoiding a noisy location on the site or ensuring that a living area captures afternoon sun and avoids shadows from a neighbouring high-rise building.

Master Plan

The master plan phase is the primary stage in cemetery design. Its role is to create a holistic plan for the cemetery that maximizes land utilization while improving aesthetics and creating long term sustainability.

Cemeteries are a unique landscape. They must be designed as a place where families can connect with each other and their loved ones, and also offer a way for everyone to honor their history and individuality. It takes a special kind of know-how to balance these needs in an aesthetically and culturally sensitive way.

In the past, cemetery designs were primarily based on laying out graves as efficiently as possible and then applying “landscaping” to make them look beautiful. However, a more holistic approach to cemetery design allows for a more varied and interesting landscape with places to visit, rest and contemplate. In addition, well-planned landscaping increases efficiency by reducing mowing requirements, lower maintenance and cleanup costs, reduced erosion and increased wildlife habitat.


Once a cemetery layout design has been established, the landscaping phase begins. This involves creating a planting plan that is carefully researched for climate, soil conditions and flow. It is also important to consider tree size, placement and species selection based on mowing and maintenance needs, drainage ways and a variety of aesthetic considerations.

Increasingly, modern cemeteries are considering how to be more sustainable. Incorporating a green burial section for example allows for the preservation of natural land, reduces the need for irrigation and requires less space for burial plots.

Cemetery designers have a unique challenge as they must balance the wishes of the community and the desire to be innovative in a traditionally sensitive space. This is why it is important to work with a firm that understands the delicate nature of this type of work. It takes a certain level of expertise to know how to communicate these new ideas in a way that does not offend or alienate people.


Once the master plan is complete, a cemetery’s programming and design can begin to take shape. This stage also includes the development of a detailed site map, which identifies areas that are amenable for development and defines their relationship to each other based on functional relationships.

Cemetery Signs that State Rules, Hours, and More

When designing a cemetery, it is important to consider your audience’s needs. For example, if your Cemetery is located in a remote location or caters to elderly visitors, you may need to include directional and wayfinding signs to make it easy for people to navigate the property. In addition, cemetery signs should be clear and easily read, both from a distance and up close.

Cemetery is a place where people are buried. It is generally independent from a church and can be used for followers of a religion as well as non-followers.

Usually, a cemetery is broken up into sections. The smallest unit of organization within a cemetery is the space or burial plot, which is identified by numbers or letters.

Burial Ground

A cemetery is a memorial ground, providing individuals with the opportunity to remember those they once knew. The inscriptions on monuments, the layout of the landscape and the specific design of the monuments all reveal information about the lives of the deceased and help to recall memories.

A cemetery is also a habitat and it is important to ensure that the memorial function and the ecological functions are compatible. For example, some natural cemeteries have less intensively managed grasslands with a greater capacity for wildlife and may be more attractive to visitors than conventional burial grounds. However, this could conflict with the memory/memorial function and the desire to avoid alienating people from visiting the cemetery. The ecological role of a cemetery can be further promoted by prioritizing the growth of native species over non-native woody plants and grasses. This will enhance biodiversity and allow the cemeteries to become urban natural areas. This will also increase recreational value for the community.


The intricate stone monuments in a cemetery are more than just final resting places – they add vibrancy to the grounds, sparking memories and emotions. These silent storytellers weave a delicate thread connecting the past with the present, fostering connections between the living and the dead.

Often, these structures are adorned with symbols that carry specific meanings reflecting the deceased’s beliefs and values. These subtle nuances help bridge the gap between loved ones in life and death, creating a deeper connection to the individual and helping them find healing.

Monument creation is an art form that requires a combination of artistry, craftsmanship, and an understanding of materials that hold up over time. Professionals in this field play an important role, guiding families to choose designs and inscriptions that will withstand the elements and respect cultural sensitivities. They also recommend how best to maintain the monument, considering things like weeding, clearing of overgrowth, and tree and shrub planting.


The first step in a cemetery’s maintenance plan is to clean monuments and burial grounds. Use a water hose or soft-bristled brush when cleaning, and avoid chemical cleaners that can cause physical deterioration.

The next step is to repair and restore cemetery structures and artifacts. This includes repairing cracks and leaning memorials, and stabilizing sagging or tilting grave markers. Specialized coatings and treatments can help protect stone and metal from environmental factors and vandalism.

In many cases, a cemetery must balance aesthetic appeal with its primary function as a place of solace and remembrance. A good strategy is to choose plants, decorative elements and ornamentation that are subdued, reflecting the space’s solemnity and dignity. It is also important to keep up with records and documentation, including a detailed field survey sheet for each grave site and accurate inscriptions on headstones. In addition, perpetual care trusts can ensure that a cemetery’s maintenance program continues to run regardless of current operating revenues and changing demographics or market trends.


Cemeteries usually maintain a burial register with details of each grave. The information in this register can be used to help friends and family members locate a grave within the cemetery.

Some cemeteries have maps that show the layout of all the graves on their grounds. These maps can save time by allowing you to quickly find the location of a grave that you are looking for.

If a map is not available, it may be helpful to make a rough sketch of the cemetery to help you keep track of where you have already looked for the grave you are looking for. This can help you avoid wandering around and wasting time when trying to find the grave of someone you know is buried there. Taking a photo of the headstone or marker is another option that can help you remember where to look. It is also a good idea to wear comfortable shoes, bring a water bottle, and apply sunscreen before visiting a cemetery.

The Memorial Park offers a serene experience within a natural environment soaked in history. Visitors move through the Park’s segmented walls of parallel histories happening all at once.

The first addition to the Park in the new century is the Navy Submariners Monument which honors those who are now on eternal patrol. The Park also features a popular nationally acclaimed jogging trail.

Pearl Harbor Memorial

Designed to honor the Americans killed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the memorial offers a number of unique features. It includes a visitor center and museum with exhibits and displays, as well as a shrine where visitors can lay leis or flowers.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a view of the USS Arizona’s wreckage, with gun turret 3 protruding from the water. It is also possible to see the rest of Battleship Row, including the USS Oklahoma and the USS Utah. The 184-foot structure is designed with a low center that rises at the ends, suggesting initial defeat followed by victory.

Gonzalez argues that the memorial has been framed as a site to communicate war history and emphasize nationalistic ideas. However, she notes that the fact that Hawaii is a popular tourist destination means that people from extremely diverse backgrounds visit the memorial and thus may assimilate different meanings to it. This is particularly true because the monument is located in a place that inspires a sense of enduring peace.

POW/MIA Recognition Day

National POW/MIA Recognition Day, celebrated the third Friday of September, honors Americans who were prisoners of war (POWs) and those who are missing in action. The day is an opportunity to raise the profile of these servicemembers and their families, show that America supports them and will not forget them, and to call on the government to do all it can to ensure that they are fully accounted for.

The official POW/MIA flag features a white disk bearing a black silhouette of a man on watch, a guard tower and a strand of barbed wire. It is meant to be flown just below the United States flag on all federal buildings and military installations, including veterans memorials.

Contact your Governor to request a proclamation supporting National POW/MIA Recognition Day, calling on all citizens to participate in honoring US personnel who remain unaccounted for from our nation’s past wars. Also urge your Governor to send a copy of the proclamation to the President, Secretaries of State and Defense, and the Members of Congress in your state delegation.

Veterans Day

Originally called Armistice Day, the holiday was created to honor those who served in America’s armed forces. After World War II and the Korean War, Congress, at the urging of veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 to strike out the word “Armistice” and insert the word “Veterans.” On June 1, 1954, November 11 became a day that honors American veterans of all wars.

Memorial parks feature dignified sculptured bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots. Instead of competing headstones, these markers memorialize one person’s final resting place with a sense of peace and dignity.

The Village’s Memorial Park, located on Marcellus Road, is the home of Long Island’s most beautiful September 11th memorial.

Memorial Day

During Memorial Day weekend, the nation honors the men and women who have died in military service. The holiday, which originally was known as Decoration Day, began with local observances in towns throughout the country after the Civil War.

In 1868, General John A. Logan, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), formally established Memorial Day as a day to remember and decorate the graves of American soldiers who had died in battle. While there is much debate as to when and where the first Memorial Day celebration took place, many towns claim the honor of being its birthplace.

By the end of the century, Decoration Day had spread to every Union state and, after World War I, it grew to honor all Americans who had died in military service. Today, Memorial Day is a national holiday observed on the last Monday in May. It features parades, speeches, ceremonies at military cemeteries and, in Washington, D.C., a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.