Cemeteries have a rich and storied history. Many have an “Our History” page on their website where you can learn more about the cemetery’s past.

Cemeteries provide a dignified place for mourners to gather, burial space and grounds maintenance & beautification. They also provide a variety of support services to the public.

It’s a Place of Remembrance

A cemetery is a place of rememberance and healing for family members and friends who have lost a loved one. It is also a source of comfort for those who are still alive and it is important that they visit the gravesite of their loved ones to commemorate them and heal from their loss.

There are a variety of types of cemeteries:

Ethnic cemetery – A private or public cemetery owned and operated to support a particular religion.

Military cemetery – A burial ground for the military.

Natural cemetery – A newer style of cemetery set aside for burials or interment of cremated remains in a wooded area without traditional markers.

A cemetery is a place where the names of dead people are recorded, and the burial site may be a conventional grave, a tomb, a columbarium or a mausoleum. Burial registers are kept in most countries and they often include (at least) the name of the deceased, the date and location of burial.

It’s a Place of Healing

For people that have suffered the loss of a loved one, Cemetery is a place where they can experience a sense of comfort and peace. They can visit the grave site to cry as much as they want, or even sit in silence for a while and think about their loved one.

Incorporating annual remembrance events can draw large groups of people together (as long as social distancing allows). From a business perspective, it is a great way to increase footfall and emphasise the role your cemetery plays as a community space.

Incorporating traditions that honour the dead, like placing flowers and other offerings, is a way to show respect. For example, war graves are often marked with timber remembrance crosses, and Jewish war graves are sometimes marked with the Star of David. Placing burning grave candles, called znicz in Polish, is also a popular tradition on All Souls’ Day and for Jewish holidays. Other traditions are specific to the deceased and their families.

It’s a Place of Community

Although media tends to portray cemeteries as spooky places of death and darkness, they actually provide a sense of community for those who have loved ones buried in the area. They are a place to go for peaceful walks, get in touch with your own mortality and spend time reflecting on the life of someone who has passed.

The design and layout of a cemetery is influenced by geography, culture, religion, burial traditions and practices, and aesthetic and sanitary considerations. The inscriptions on headstones and monuments, the specific architecture of memorial buildings and graveyards, and the general landscape layout of a cemetery reveal information and emotion shared by family and friends over the years.

The use of digital mapping allows for a more precise management of plot allocations, allowing cemetery staff to serve their communities with greater efficiency and effectiveness. It also allows for the cemetery to be more relevant in a public sense, something that many have found lacking in modern society.

It’s a Place of Legacy

For genealogy researchers, a cemetery is a place to uncover clues about an ancestor’s life and death. The cemetery can provide information on burial sites, burial rituals, art, architecture and attitudes from the time of an ancestor’s lifetime.

Historically, people of importance were buried within the walls of a church or in ossuaries next to a place of worship and their gravestones included a full stone inscription that detailed their name, occupation and other personal information. The less important were buried on the outside edges of a churchyard where their names were often illegibly carved in the ground.

Many families visit cemeteries as a way of remembering and honoring their loved ones. A cemetery can become a place of pilgrimage for some, where they leave offerings such as coins, paper cranes, water and sake. Some even bring flowers or other mementos to place on the headstone.

Memorial park is a new type of cemetery introduced about 75 years ago. Unlike traditional cemeteries which have upright monuments, memorial parks use dignified bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots.

When it’s time for play, kids can burn off energy in one of the two tree-house themed playgrounds or on the basketball court. When it’s time for exercise, the 1.1 mile fitness loop is shaded by the park’s impressive tree canopy.

The Park’s History

The Park has served as a stage for national expressions of remembrance, observance, celebration and the exercise of First Amendment rights. From colossal monuments to commemorative gardens, from presidential inaugurals to civil rights demonstrations, the Park hosts history in the making.

Before Memorial Park existed, the land that makes up the Park was home to a forest of native plants and wildlife. In 1924, Houston’s famed Hogg family donated a portion of the land to the City to become Memorial Park, named in honor of the soldiers who had once inhabited Camp Logan.

Today, joggers will likely find little evidence that the Park was once an Army camp. That chapter of local and national history is beginning to come into clearer focus, thanks to the efforts of local advocates.

The Bald Eagle Statue

The eagle is the symbol of our national power, and it’s also an icon for freedom. This bronze statue stands in honor of our nation’s heroes at the Veterans Memorial Park in Stoughton, Wisconsin.

The statue features an obelisk-like base adorned with local stones. It has a bas-relief of an eagle with outspread wings, and it’s flanked by medallions representing the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.

A plaque on the obelisk reads “E Pluribus Unum,” meaning “Out of Many, One.” The monument was dedicated in 2005. It honors county veterans who served in all branches of the military during peacetime and wartime. There are also engraved names of those who died in service.

The Walls of Remembrance

Unlike traditional cemeteries, which require upright grave markers that take up space, Memorial Park offers flat markers that do not obstruct views. It is also easier to manage the space because it can accommodate multiple families in the same area.

The Gold Star Monument, which honors family members who were lost in the Vietnam War, is the newest addition to the Park. It follows the style guidelines set by the Woody Williams Foundation and was built in partnership with Delaware Gold Star families.

Joggers and walkers now pass through Memorial Park without any signs that it was once a teeming Army camp. But the legacy of this priceless piece of land lives on. It’s a place that opens doors to compassion and understanding. It challenges ignorance and complacency and invites vigilance against hatred and oppression.

The Gold Star Monument

The stunning black granite monument honors the families of service members who have died in the line of duty. It features two sides; one side reads “Gold Star Families” and the other tells a story through four granite panels: Homeland, Family, Patriot, and Sacrifice. Each panel shows a different scene and in the center of each is a silhouette of a fallen Hero.

The Gold Star Monument is a project of the Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation, an organization that seeks to build these monuments in all 50 states. After completing the first one in Woody’s home state of West Virginia, it became the Foundation’s mission to install them in communities across the nation.

The City of South Jordan worked closely with the local Major Brent Taylor Foundation (led by Gold Star Widow Jennie Taylor) to raise funds and get the monument installed in Veterans Memorial Park.

The AIDS Memorial

Located in the former St. Vincent’s Hospital campus, the Memorial sits at a crucial point of the city’s and the nation’s early AIDS history. The Memorial honors the people who died from AIDS in New York City and those who cared for them. It also honors the activists who organized to provide care, fight discrimination, lobby for research funding, and change drug approval processes—all of which contributed to saving millions of lives.

The national AIDS Memorial marks World AIDS Day each year with observances at the 10-acre Memorial Grove and displays of panels from the AIDS Quilt throughout the United States and internationally. Each panel bears the name of someone who died from AIDS-related causes. It is the largest living memorial project in the world.

funeral bureau

The loss of a loved one is a traumatic experience. Often, families find themselves overwhelmed with making arrangements and paying funeral costs.

The Bureau licenses and regulates funeral establishments; funeral directors; embalmers; apprentice embalmers; cemetery brokers and salespersons; and cremated remains disposers. The Bureau also investigates consumer/provider complaints. The Bureau advocates consumer protection through proactive education and consistent interpretation and enforcement of death care laws.

Licensed Funeral Directors

Licensed funeral directors work to ensure that customers’ wishes are carried out at the time of a death. They help family members select caskets, stage whatever wakes or funerals they want and then transport the body to the cemetery or crematory. Funeral directors must be on call at all times and are often busy during the first 24 to 72 hours after a death.

To become a licensed funeral director, you must complete a mortuary program that is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE). This typically takes two to four years and leads to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. You must also complete an apprenticeship at a mortuary, which can last up to three years and gives you hands-on experience.

Some states offer reciprocity, which means that funeral directors who meet the requirements of one state can be licensed to practice in another without having to fulfill an internship or passing a national exam. The College will help you find out more about your state’s licensing requirements.

Licensed Embalmers

To work as a licensed embalmer, you must complete an accredited mortuary science program, pass an exam and fulfill apprenticeship requirements. Each state sets its own requirements, but most programs last two years and include a mix of complex coursework and hands-on laboratory practice.

Generally, you must be at least 21 to begin a career as an embalmer. Depending on your preferences, you may choose to specialize in one or more areas of the funeral industry. Many funeral homes offer embalming services, but you can also find work at medical research facilities that preserve donated bodies for education and research.

Each state requires funeral directors, embalmers and crematory authorities to be licensed. The state’s licensing board is staffed by an executive director, administrative assistants and field representatives who conduct inspections of funeral homes, embalming services and crematories. The board also administers professional exams and takes disciplinary action when necessary. The board is a member of the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards, which facilitates inter-jurisdictional sharing of information.

Licensed Cemeteries

Licensed cemeteries may offer many different services, including a gravesite, caskets and markers. Some also provide pre-need planning and handle the funeral service. They may also offer cremation and urns.

Federal law requires funeral establishments to quote prices over the phone and to give you a General Price List and Casket Price List when you ask for them. If the funeral establishment sells outer burial containers, they must also provide those prices on a separate list.

All regulated cemeteries must publish their rules and regulations, which must be available in their offices. The rules must be changed only after a public hearing or written notice.

A cemetery must have business insurance to cover accidents and injuries that occur on their property. They must also have workers’ compensation insurance for employees. In addition, they must have a website to communicate with customers and prospects. A well-designed logo and a professional-looking website can help increase customer trust.

Licensed Crematories

Some states require crematories to be licensed. To obtain a license, your state’s funeral and cemetery board will ask for financial statements and a detailed operations plan including price lists for all goods and services. You must also show your general price list to any consumer who requests it. If you are offering pre-need arrangements, your GPL for those arrangements can differ from the at-need GPL, but both must disclose all necessary information and offer the same goods and services.

Crematories must be swept thoroughly after every cremation to ensure the remains of different people are not commingled. In addition, they must keep accurate records of each person whose remains are received. Each cremation operator must be a Certified Crematory Operator (CCO) and earn continuing education credits (CE) each licensure period. NFDA offers online CCO courses that are approved for CE by most state licensing boards and the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice.


A mortuary is a place where bodies are stored until they can be buried or cremated. Mortuaries are often located in hospitals or medical centers, but can also be found at funeral homes and private locations.

A standalone morgue or mortuary will typically only focus on preparing the body for burial or cremation. A funeral home that has a mortuary will usually provide additional services such as an arrangement conference and a funeral service.

Preparation of the Body

A mortuary is a facility where bodies are kept until they’re ready for burial or cremation. It is often part of a funeral home, though some independent morgues also exist.

A body is prepared for burial in a mortuary by cleaning, dressing and possibly embalming. Embalming uses a formaldehyde-based solution to prevent the growth of bacteria and slow down decomposition. It can also enhance the appearance of a corpse for viewing purposes. Funeral homes typically provide full embalming services, although temporary or cosmetic embalming may be requested by some families.

If a body is to be cremated, it’s placed in a container designed for this purpose and then moved to the cremation chamber (a.k.a. the retort). Meticulous tagging procedures are followed throughout all steps of preparation and cremation to ensure that your loved one is properly identified and that the correct ashes are returned to you. In some cases, a pacemaker or ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) is removed before placing the body in the retort.


The embalming process is a series of steps that involve the use of chemicals that temporarily preserve and restore a natural appearance for viewing. Modern embalming fluid consists of a mixture of preservatives, disinfectants, humectants and wetting agents. It may contain formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol or other compounds.

Embalming is not necessary for burial, and it does not protect the deceased from infectious diseases. It is, however, commonly performed to allow family members to attend a visitation and a funeral service.

The embalmer washes the body and massages it to get rid of rigor mortis (a natural stiffening of the joints that occurs a few hours after death). He or she closes the eyes and mouth, and might shave any facial hair that was not worn when the person was alive. The embalmer then pumps a preservative solution through the arteries, which disinfects the body and briefly slows decomposition. This is known as arterial embalming. Embalmers also use tissue building chemicals to restore the elasticity of the skin and muscles.

Arrangements for Burial or Cremation

In addition to embalming, a mortuary will typically arrange the details of burial or cremation. Those arrangements include transportation of the body, a viewing and/or a funeral service, and the resting place. The funeral home may require a basic arrangements fee that covers the cost of arranging all the details.

If a casket burial is chosen, the body will be placed in a grave or entombed in an above-ground crypt in a mausoleum. If a grave or crypt isn’t available, the remains are often buried in a cremation vault or urn.

In the past, before modern methods for verifying death could be used, people were feared to be buried alive. Waiting mortuaries were built for the sole purpose of preventing this from occurring, and they usually included large halls that were reminiscent of churches or civic buildings. Depending on your preference, you can choose to have an open or closed casket for the cremation or burial.

Funeral Services

A mortuary typically has a morgue, but the true focus of a mortuary is to prepare the body for burial or cremation and care for the deceased temporarily. The process of embalming improves the appearance of the deceased and may be required for a funeral service or other ceremony.

A funeral home can be attached to a mortuary or operate independently. Funeral homes have a larger area where ceremonies can be held and may offer additional services, such as visitation, religious rites or memorials.

The person making arrangements for the funeral is known as the customer. The customer may be a family member or a friend legally designated to make decisions under public health law, commonly called 4201. An agent designated by the customer has the same rights and responsibilities as the next of kin in determining disposition. The customer is responsible for the payment of the bill. A written general price list of merchandise and services regularly offered by the funeral home is provided to the customer at the arrangement conference.


In the past, church graveyards were where most burials took place. As the population increased, church graveyards got full and independent sites called cemeteries sprung up.

These typically have no religious stipulations and so people of all faiths can be buried there. They also have fewer restrictions for headstones.


The word graveyard means a large area set aside for the burial of people. It is often used interchangeably with the term churchyard, although a cemetery is usually unaffiliated with a particular faith.

Until about the 7th century, churches had control over where people were buried. The wealthy were often buried inside the church in crypts, and less-wealthy congregants were buried in the churchyard.

As the population grew, these church-affiliated burial grounds started to fill up and were not sustainable. As a result, completely new burial sites began to appear that were not affiliated with any church. These became known as cemeteries, and they differed from churchyards in that they were secular and allowed members of all religions to be buried there. This is also when the term gravedigger was coined for someone who works in a cemetery. It’s interesting to see how language evolves over time.


Graveyard is the location where a dead person’s body is interred. A tombstone is then placed over the grave to mark their resting place. This location can also be referred to as a cemetery or a churchyard.

A graveyard can be a very serene place, especially if it is historic or if it is the burial ground of a famous figure or politician. Some people enjoy visiting graveyards to pay their respects and reflect on their lives. Others may find it spooky or disturbing.

Many cultures believe that taking pictures of graves is bad luck, but this superstition isn’t always grounded in reality. Despite this belief, people continue to use photos of graves and tombstones to commemorate their loved ones.


Although it’s common to use the words graveyard and cemetery interchangeably today, there is some linguistic precision that can be gained by using the terms with greater specificity. Graveyards are still used for burial grounds on church property, whereas cemeteries have no religious affiliation and are usually more modern and spacious than their church-affiliated counterparts.

In the past, people who were wealthy or had a high status in society were buried close to their place of worship in a graveyard or churchyard. They were often buried in individual crypts with a plaque showing their name, date of death and other biographical data or a depiction of their coat of arms.

Nowadays, most people are buried in public or private cemeteries instead of in churchyards. These burial grounds typically have a more uniform appearance and are more regulated in their rules and regulations. Many war graves, for instance, are marked with a small timber remembrance cross and have a poppy wreath placed on them at more formal occasions.


A graveyard is a yard or area of land where bodies are buried. It is usually located next to a church. The term graveyard is often used interchangeably with cemetery, although a difference in etymology exists. If you’re trying to be linguistically accurate, it’s better to use graveyard when referring to burial locations on church grounds and cemetery for more modern, independent burial sites that do not have any religious affiliations.

During the Middle Ages, people of wealth or high social status were often interred inside their place of worship in a crypt or buried in a grave outside. The graves of the poor or less wealthy congregants were located in the churchyard.

The phrase graveyard shift refers to the hours of late night or early morning when all is quiet and seems eerie, as if the dead are walking around. It is a time of great vulnerability. Many graveyard shifts can be very dangerous.

Cemetery Design

A cemetery is a place of mourning and remembering. It is a meeting point between the living and dead and it should be beautiful, calming and inviting.

Mourners leave flowers at graves and on columbarium walls. Many newer designs for these walls incorporate a clip or loop beside each plaque to hold a small posy.

Landscape Design

The cemetery landscape must be beautiful but also able to support the needs of visitors. For example, ponds are an attractive and soothing feature that attract wildlife, and they can be designed to serve double-duty by managing storm water drainage.

Cemetery design involves many aspects of landscape architecture, including hardscapes, planting and site planning. It also considers the religious and cultural traditions of the community.

Modern cemetery designs must be more than a place to lay a grave; they need to be a vibrant celebration of life, family, history and individuality – integrated within a shared community. This takes a special kind of know-how.

Grever & Ward will prepare highly functional, attractive and salable burial section plans that reflect contemporary needs for operational and maintenance economy. These plans include all lot lines, essential dimensions, a lot numbering system and monument locations for each occupied or unoccupied plot. The design also includes an underlying drainage system that supports the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the cemetery.


Cemetery design often includes a variety of plantings to create a landscape that is both calming and beautiful. These plantings are not just for decoration, but they also provide a variety of ecosystem services such as shade and air quality control.

Some of the most important plantings in a cemetery are those that are planted around a gravestone or memorial. These include low-growing shrubs that don’t hide inscriptions and help keep soil from splashing back during rainstorms or preventing lawnmower blades from damaging the monument.

Typically, these are perennial plants like flowers or herbs that bloom at different times throughout the growing season such as crocus, daffodils, tulips and later blooming plants like beebalm and catmint. They can be arranged in a flower bed or in a small planter to add color and beauty to the grave site.


Cemetery ponds are important for the aesthetic of the cemetery. They are a beautiful and serene place where people can visit the graves of loved ones to pay their respects and honor them for their contributions. Ponds are also a vital source of water to sustain the flora and fauna in the cemetery. Ponds are important in the design of a cemetery because they help to reduce pollution and prevent erosion.

Ponds can be designed in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be shaped with geometric lines for architectural or flower gardens or irregular lines for picturesque or modern-style garden designs. In general, ponds with more vegetation and more diversity are better for both beta and gamma biodiversity than ponds without.

Stephen Chiavaroli is a certified GIS Professional and Cemetery Development & Strategic Planning Consultant. He has years of experience providing in-depth Cemetery mapping and planning solutions. His innovative ideas and knowledge make him an invaluable asset to any cemetery.


Cemeteries are incredibly important to many communities. They provide more than just a place to be buried and can be a positive experience with the right outlook. With the right design, they can be a peaceful, bright, and ideal space that even children would enjoy.

Cemetery sections are designed by balancing burial needs with technical requirements and identifying existing geographic assets. These plans are often digital AutoCAD files for maximum accuracy and flexibility. Cemetery sections are then mapped with an identification system that ensures that every grave in the section is properly identified and interred.

In addition, cremation has prompted cemetery designers to consider new innovations like columbarium walls that are more space efficient than traditional burial plots. These spaces can be leased to individuals for a small fee which generates a municipal funding stream and allows families the choice of having their loved ones scattered elsewhere. This is a new way of thinking about death and our relationship with it.


Cemetery is a place of rest for the dead. When buying a plot, it’s important to read the contract and the cemetery’s by-laws carefully.

It’s also good to consider other things like affiliations, as well as the location. Some cemeteries overlook cities, while others are tucked away in far away privacy.


Cemeteries are usually gated areas of land that are dedicated to burial plots. They are designed for people to be laid to rest in specific locations that have been carefully arranged. They may be governed by a cemetery board or operate according to an internal set of rules.

The word cemetery is derived from the Greek work koimeterion, which means sleeping place. It is an appropriate name since you are literally putting your loved ones to sleep in one. The biggest clue that a cemetery is not just any old patch of land is the fact that it is a designated space.

Many people use the terms graveyard and cemetery interchangeably, but for those with a grammatical obsession it’s important to understand the difference. Graveyard refers to the area of a churchyard, while cemetery is a larger burial ground that is unattached to a specific church and can be more secular. It came about as church-affiliated graveyards got full and there was a need to expand.


While no two cemeteries are exactly alike, there are certain rules that most are required to follow in order to remain beautiful and respectable. For example, many Catholic cemeteries prohibit the use of firearms in the cemetery and discourage smoking. It is also important to note that grave decorations are carefully regulated. This is done to ensure that they don’t interfere with the cemetery’s ability to maintain a clean, open, and safe environment for its visitors and employees.

Unless it’s part of the memorial design, a fence or hedge is not permitted to surround a plot. Additionally, statuary that is not incorporated into a headstone or monument must be approved by the cemetery’s superintendent and Standing Committee of Proprietors. Finally, flower vases and baskets are permitted on lots but must be placed at ground level and not higher than the headstone or monument. Flowers may be removed if they are unsightly, dead or dying, or otherwise detract from the beauty of the cemetery.


The management of a cemetery may be the responsibility of a municipality, religious order, fraternal organization, association or individual. This ownership structure determines the mix of burial options, memorial services and legacy products available at a particular cemetery.

Cemeteries typically maintain burial records that include (at a minimum) the name of each person buried and the location of the grave plot within the cemetery. These records are a valuable resource for genealogists and family historians.

Some historical, genealogical and patriotic societies have published compilations of gravestone inscriptions. While compiled records are helpful, they cannot replace the need to visit and search a cemetery in person.


For many cemeteries, maps are a big part of their day-to-day operations. They’re used to communicate the cemetery’s layout and show which spaces are sold or available. They also provide information to visitors, including where they can find graves and memorials.

Traditionally, maps have been kept on paper and updated manually as new burials occur or ledgers are changed. This is a huge undertaking, and it’s often difficult to keep maps and records in line with one another.

A cloud-based cemetery software can streamline processes and solve these issues by bringing all of your cemetery’s data into a single, powerful database. It’s even possible to digitise your old spreadsheets, logbooks and maps before importing them into the system so you can have a seamless transition. This also allows you to optimise your cemetery’s space, which will help increase plot sales and bring in more people. It will also help you meet state stipulations and improve communication with staff.

memorial park

With miles of multi-use trails, a ‘picnic’ loop frequented by road cyclists and softball fields home to the TinCaps team, Memorial Park is a beloved community space. But a recent geophysical survey has revealed that the park may also contain burial sites.

A spirited fund-raising drive began. But a disagreement over who would oversee the project derailed the effort.

Historical Background

The memorial park was founded in 1913 by women of the New Century Club. The women hoped that the park would provide a beautiful setting for band concerts, a place where children could play, and a location to honor those who had served in the armed forces.

In comparison to traditional cemeteries, which have rows of upright gravestones, memorial parks have flat markers that lie flush with the ground. This allows for a more spacious burial ground, which creates an inviting and uplifting environment. It also allows families to celebrate the life of their loved ones in a place that is less about mourning and more about commemoration.

The memorial park is home to one of Nyack’s most cherished monuments, the Walls of Remembrance. The six-panel Walls were restored by DRBA’s Maintenance crew and rededicated on Memorial Day in 2011.

Memorial Walls

A large curved glass wall is one of the first things that you will notice when visiting Memorial Park. Radiance Glass worked closely with the design team to ensure that this tribute would be beautiful, lasting and impactful for years to come.

The Wall contains the names of all Americans who were classified as dead, missing or prisoner in Vietnam. The names are listed in chronological order of their dates of death, with the most recent date at the top. Information about rank, unit or decorations is not included on the wall.

A statue of three servicemen, called Three Servicemen, is located a short distance from The Wall. It was commissioned in 1984 to honor the servicemen who were lost in the war, and was designed by Frederick Hart to represent his vision of American soldiers as a composite of European American, African American, and Caucasian men, reflecting the diversity of America’s servicemen. The sculpture and the wall appear to interact with one another, with the servicemen standing in solemn tribute to their fallen comrades.

Memorial Fountain

Memorial parks offer families a place of beauty, peace for quiet reflection and dignity to honor the memories of loved ones. They also provide a good investment with an annual appreciation value of 20%, which is why many families choose to purchase a memorial park as a pre-need or at-need arrangement.

Designed by Addison Mizner in the 18th century Mediterranean Revival style and presented in 1929 to Palm Beach “as a gift from its residents,” this double bowl cast stone fountain reflects the Fountain of the Sea Horses, an 18th century work by Christopher Unterberger at the Villa Borghese in Rome, Italy. It features four mythical seahorses, also known as hippocamps from Greek and Roman mythology.

The fountain was silent for the first time in 2006 during the annual memorial service held to commemorate those killed in the Marshall University plane crash tragedy. The film, “We Are Marshall,” brought the tragedy to national attention. In 2008, the fountain was rededicated with Marshall President Stephen J. Kopp, family representatives and Gov. Joe Manchin III speaking at the ceremony.

Peace Statue

Located in the center of the park, the Peace Statue is 10 meters tall. Designed by Seibo Kitamura, this figure symbolizes the wish of Nagasaki citizens for world peace. Its right hand points to the sky to signify the threat of nuclear weapons, while its extended left hand reaches for eternal peace.

The statue is dedicated to Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who died from radiation sickness after the bombing. Her story inspired school children to create origami cranes and her statue has become an international symbol for peace.

Nearby the Peace Statue, a flame burns in the Memorial Cenotaph to commemorate all those killed in the bombing. The memorial symbolizes a promise that such a tragedy will never be repeated again. It is surrounded by monuments donated by countries around the world. A conservation treatment in 1989 markedly brightened the marble and brought out obscured details, extending the life of this important monument. It is now considered to be in good condition.

funeral bureau

Losing a loved one is an emotional experience, and planning their funeral can compound that stress. Choosing a funeral home that you trust is essential, but be aware of some scams.

Licensed funeral establishments must provide you with a General Price List and an itemized statement. They also must give you a casket price list and information about funeral services.

They arrange for funerals and burials

A funeral director is a professional who arranges for the funeral of a deceased person. This can include a casket burial or cremation service. He or she also takes care of washing and dressing the body. He or she may help arrange additional transportation if the funeral is taking place elsewhere. He or she also handles legal paperwork.

Some funeral providers offer outer burial container selections on a package basis. In this case, you can include the prices for these items on your General Price List or Outer Burial Container Price List, or prepare separate price lists. If you choose to do so, you must provide these price lists to anyone who inquires about them.

Some funeral directors have entered into agreements with government agencies to provide funeral arrangements for indigent persons or other persons entitled to a government benefit. You must follow the Rule when providing these arrangements, and must give a GPL and itemized prices to the qualifying persons who request them.

They help you plan a funeral

Choosing your funeral and burial services is one of the most difficult decisions you can make. The process is emotionally stressful for loved ones who are already grieving, and the choices are endless. From choosing whether you want a service or cremation to making large financial decisions, it can be overwhelming. To ease the burden, you can get final expense insurance, which pays for your funeral costs and allows loved ones to pay with their own funds.

The arrangement conference with a funeral director can take place at the funeral home, your home or over the telephone. When you meet with the funeral director, you should be provided with a General Price List and be shown caskets or alternative containers available. The funeral home is also required to give you an Itemized Statement that includes legal language indicating your agreement to pay for the merchandise and services selected. Be sure to read it carefully. Then, purchase your items.

They help you choose a cemetery

The death of a loved one is a stressful time for many people, and it can be difficult to make decisions. Funeral bureaus help people understand their options and choose a cemetery that is best for them. They can also help them avoid hidden costs.

The Funeral Rule requires funeral providers to offer a General Price List (GPL) to anyone who asks for it. This includes those who call or write for information about pre-need arrangements, as well as those who are arranging at-need services. The GPL must contain accurate prices for all goods and services the funeral home offers.

The Funeral and Cremation Consumer Advocate promotes advance planning for funeral needs, consumers’ right to choose a meaningful, dignified, and affordable funeral, and licensee compliance through proactive education and consistent interpretation of state law. It oversees licensing for funeral establishments and funeral directors; embalmers and apprentice embalmers; and cemetery brokers, salespersons, and managers. It also regulates and investigates complaints against these individuals.

They help you choose a cremation

The death of a loved one can be traumatic. The right funeral home can help you make arrangements that are meaningful and respectful for your family. They can also guide you through the different options for funeral services and cremations, and they may even provide financial support.

Licensed funeral establishments must provide consumers with a General Price List (GPL) and Casket Price List, which must contain accurate prices for the goods and services they offer. The GPL must include one price for each of the following four items: forwarding of remains, receiving remains, direct cremation, and immediate burial.

The Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors licenses funeral practitioners, funeral establishments, and crematoriums, registers intern embalmers, and investigates complaints against these entities. It is a member of the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards, which addresses licensure qualification, examination, and state-to-state reciprocity issues. The Board also publishes periodic newsletters. The Board is responsible for upholding high ethical and professional standards in the practice of funeral service and the disposition of bodies.

The mortuary is the place where a dead person is kept until it can be properly buried or cremated. It is also the place where an autopsy is performed.

For people who want to work with the deceased, a mortuary science degree is essential. A mortuary science program includes hands-on training and an apprenticeship to prepare you to become an embalmer.

Morgue vs. Mortuary

Mortuaries and morgues are two different types of facilities that work with human remains. The difference is in their core functions: Mortuaries specialize in preparing the bodies for funeral rites and cremation, while morgues concentrate on storage and examination of corpses for forensic or medical purposes.

A morgue is a facility where autopsies are performed, usually as part of a criminal investigation. The term is also used for a room where a body may be stored until it can be identified or an autopsy conducted.

In an emergency, any refrigerated space that can fit a dead body could serve as a temporary morgue. In fact, many governments’ disaster preparedness plans include instructions on how to use ice rinks and other public spaces as morgues if need be.

Morgues and mortuaries do not have to be separate, but they do need to adhere to strict regulations for safety and sanitary conditions. It’s important to know the distinction between these 2 facilities when discussing death and funeral arrangements, as it can prevent misunderstandings and confusion.


There are many careers available for people who have a passion for mortuary work. These include funeral directors, embalmers and allied professionals like family service counselors, monument engravers and pre-need sales specialists. These professionals combine compassion and business skills to serve clients at a critical time in their lives.

Another popular career in death care is a mortuary transport technician. These professionals drive to the site of a person’s death to retrieve the body. They then bring the corpse to a morgue, where medical examiners perform an autopsy. After the exam, they transport the body to the funeral home or cemetery.

Colleges specializing in mortuary science offer bachelor’s degree programs. These programs typically have state-of-the-art embalming labs, merchandise selection, arrangement conference rooms and more to provide hands-on training for students in the field. Some mortuary science graduates also complete apprenticeships in funeral homes under the supervision of licensed funeral directors to gain experience. This helps them become fully prepared for their future careers.


Mortuary technicians need to have a high school diploma or GED certificate, as well as the strength and dexterity to handle large and unidentifiable body parts. Those interested in this profession should attend a mortuary science program and complete an apprenticeship or internship at a funeral home to learn more about the job.

A mortuary science degree teaches students how to prepare bodies for burial or cremation, as well as the legal and business aspects of arranging funerals. Students also take courses in restorative art, anatomy, chemistry and embalming techniques.

Licensed workers in the cemetery, crematory, funeral and memorial industry often say they choose their careers because of a desire to help people cope with loss. They find comfort in consoling grieving families, and they believe it’s their duty to honor the deceased in the way their loved ones would want them remembered. The work can be emotionally challenging, and it demands a great deal of compassion.


Mortuary staffers and visitors should follow proper occupational health an safety procedures. This includes evaluating risks to health and safety, implementing measures to minimise them and providing appropriate training.

Often a funeral home will arrange for a body to be transferred from a hospital or morgue. It will also make arrangements for burial, cremation or a memorial service. It will work with families, religious ministers and cemeteries to set up viewings and receptions.

In a funeral home, workers should use caution around the body and wear recommended personal protective equipment. The deceased person was usually sick before they died and could have infectious diseases. Occasionally medical equipment or materials remain on the body, such as ports used to administer chemotherapy or trace amounts of radiation left over from radiotherapy. The dead person may also have sharps, such as scalpels, scissors or lancets, which could pierce the skin and pose a hazard. The mortuary must have a sharps container for this material and must be in close contact with medical waste contractors to arrange regular collection.