The style of grave markers varies widely, and this variation reflects the cultural practices surrounding death and changes in death practices throughout time. In some urban cemeteries, more than one person is buried in a grave, limiting the available space for a new burial. The cemetery may be enlarged by adding soil to the top of the cemetery. However, this can be costly and not all cemeteries can provide the space necessary for a new burial.
However, the police power is not an unlimited one and may not be exercised arbitrarily or in an unreasonably narrow way. For example, the power to discontinue the use of a cemetery is limited to determining whether it is necessary for the public good. In this regard, the legislature’s determination will be binding on courts. The state of Washington has a very specific law governing cemetery ownership. The cemetery is required to have a license to maintain the land for the cemetery’s use.
During the cold winter months, artificial flowers and wreaths may be placed at the grave. However, they should not be used in the fall or winter months. During these seasons, the cemetery may allow winter wreaths or winter blankets with contrasting berries. Wreaths with red ruscus or a natural or silvered pinecone are permitted. For a winter burial, flags may be placed on the grave during certain holidays. But, if you wish to place a flag, you must purchase a removal tag from the cemetery office.
The practice of recycling graves is growing in popularity. In the United States, a cemetery is responsible for putting nearly 4 million gallons of embalming fluid and 64,000 tons of steel into the ground each year. However, consumers are changing their behavior. According to Green Burial Council, over half of U.S. deaths are cremated today compared to 4% in the 1960s. It is not a surprise that this trend is gaining momentum.
While a cemetery’s price range is generally more expensive than other burial options, there are also benefits to purchasing multiple burial plots in a single location. For instance, a double plot may cost you less money because the two caskets are stacked on top of each other. However, you may need to pay extra for reopening and closing the plot. Also, a double plot can incur additional fees if you decide to relocate your burial at a later time.
The cost of cemetery services and a funeral can add up quickly for families with limited financial resources. A single plot in a cemetery may cost less than one in another, but the deceased would likely protest the price. Additionally, a cemetery may have a mausoleum where the remains of one person can be held in an above-ground structure. In a columbaria, the remains of several people can be interred together in a single grave.
What is a cemetery? A cemetery is an area where people are buried. It is not affiliated with a church, but may be situated on the same property. In olden times, people were buried close to their church, including nobles. Once the graveyards became too full, cemeteries were built to house these remains in more spacious locations. The word ‘cemetery’ is derived from the Greek word ‘graban’, which means “to sleep”.
Aside from remembrance of the deceased, cemetery owners have the legal right to re-use a grave, as long as it fits within the general plan of the Cemetery. Public notice about the proposed re-use of a grave can often fail to reach a family who lives far away. This may cause the re-use to happen without their consent. If this is the case, the family may not have the option to stop it.
The cemetery may not provide the facility for interments unless the family agrees to pay a fee. A formal deed is required to obtain exclusive rights to a cemetery lot. The prescriptive holder must use the property continuously and uninterruptedly for at least one year to obtain a certificate of ownership. The certificate will also name the owner or owners of the property. If more than one person owns the cemetery lot, joint ownership with survivorship rights is required.