
Many people use the terms cemetery and graveyard interchangeably, but there is a difference. A graveyard is a burial ground that is affiliated with a church and usually only allows members of the same religion to be interred in it.

When population growth began to accelerate in the 19th century, church graveyards filled up and new independent sites for burying people came into existence. These were called cemeteries.


While the terms cemetery and graveyard are sometimes used interchangeably, they have different meanings in some places. A graveyard is a specific type of cemetery that is usually connected to a church.

Providing a burial place for a loved one is an ancient custom in most cultures. Families often create shrines at the graveside, decorating them with flowers and other items. Some people even leave wind chimes, toys, and statues of angels or cherubs. Although cemetery officials try to limit the number and types of objects placed on graves, some families still create large collections at their loved ones’ memorials.

Before a cemetery could be used for Christian burials it had to be sanctified. This process included public penance by the deceased, payment of reconciliation fees, and a ceremony that involved sprinkling holy water over the ground. This process took several months. Once the sanctification was complete, the churchyard became a graveyard. The term cemetery first appeared around the 7th century.


The word graveyard describes a yard or other inclosure where people are buried. It can also refer to a burial ground in general.

During the Middle Ages, rich and powerful Christians were buried inside their churches in crypts, while less wealthy congregants were buried outside the church in its graveyard. As the population grew, it became apparent that church graveyards would not be able to sustain all of the burials. Therefore, new sites for burial, independent of a particular church, began to appear and were called cemeteries.

As a result, it is important to distinguish between the terms graveyard and cemetery. Although the two have a similar meaning, they differ in a few key aspects, including space, location, religion, and headstone requirements. The difference between the two is so slight that many people use the words interchangeably, but for those who want to be more precise when discussing their work, there is a difference. Learn the difference between graveyard and cemetery, so you can make informed decisions about your own funeral plans.


A graveyard is land that is used to bury the dead. It is also known as a cemetery or a churchyard. Often, people use the terms cemetery and graveyard interchangeably. However, there are differences between the two, such as space requirements, location, religion, and headstone requirements.

A churchyard is a space that is attached to a church and can only be used for burials by members of that church or religion. A cemetery is a larger piece of ground that is not associated with any specific church and can be used for burials by anyone.

In the early 19th century, rapid population growth led to church graveyards filling up quickly. This caused people to seek out independent burial sites that could be used by everyone. This resulted in the creation of the modern cemetery. During this period, people buried the dead in individual crypts with a headstone that included their name and date of death.


When a Graveyard is played correctly, it can easily win a game for you. However, it’s also a very risky card to play, as a well-timed Poison can destroy it. Because of this, it’s best to play Graveyard with splash units, like Goblins or the Lumberjack, which can take out any defending Skeletons.

Another useful way to use a Graveyard is to pair it with a tank, like a Giant or a Valkyrie, and then cast it behind your opponent’s King’s Tower. This can make it difficult for them to activate their Tower, especially if they’re using Zap.

One common problem with re-using old graves is that it can be hard to locate living relatives who may object to the re-use. The best solution to this problem is for a cemetery to publicly announce that it intends to re-use older graves and then ask families to respond to the announcement. In some cases, families will accept the re-use of their loved ones’ graves.

Cemetery Design

Modern cemetery design must go beyond a place to lay a grave. It must connect with communities, celebrate family history and individuality.

It must work positively with the natural landscape and resurrect trees that were neglected for years. It should offer alternatives for burial to reduce the pressure on land resources.

Master Plan

Cemeteries provide individuals with a final resting place for burial of their loved ones either in a traditional grave, mausoleum crypt or niches. A cemetery may be owned by a municipality, religious organization or private and is financially supported either through on-going maintenance charges or trust of perpetual care funds.

Cemetery layout and design are critical to optimizing space. WC Fry Design can assist in evaluating the existing cemetery to identify opportunities for interment product expansions as well as ways to improve circulation and wayfinding on site.

Stephen Chiavaroli is a Cemetery GIS & Development / Strategic Planning Consultant with extensive experience in Cemetery mapping, design and analysis. He is a thought leader and an evangelist for Cemetery Mapping, paving the way to unlock cemetery grounds potential and drive revenue. Using the latest technology and software, he has assisted clients in developing their strategic vision for their cemetery and its operations. He has presented on Cemetery Mapping & Analysis at many renowned professional conferences.

Landscape and Architecture

Hines: Having an aesthetically pleasing cemetery is vital for long term marketability. Too often cemetery development obliterates an existing setting with monotonous expanses of graves that do not engage the mind. I am seeing a trend toward more unique cemetery designs that offer burial options in landscapes with differentiation and character.

Mourners frequently leave flowers (and other objects) on columbarium walls, and newer designs incorporate a metal clip or loop beside each plaque for holding a single flower or small posy. These clips help to eliminate the maintenance problem associated with squeezing a wire through a small opening in a wall.

WC Fry Design works with many different religious communities to master plan cemetery extensions and new sections. We enjoy working in these unique settings and believe that the best results are achieved when everyone is involved throughout the process. Our approach is to work with the management and board in a way that fits with their schedules, budget and availability for meetings.


Modern cemetery design looks beyond the simple placement of a gravestone. It offers options for families and individuals to celebrate life, heritage and their unique personality in a way that is integrated with a shared community. It requires a special kind of know-how.

The LA Group understands the complexities of this sensitive work. The firm has been recognized for its holistic approach to cemetery design, drawing on years of study and daily practice.

It helps clients find their way around a cemetery through directional signage and map designs that are both clear and legible from a distance. The LA Group also considers how a cemetery’s visitor demographic may affect the site plan. For example, converting asphalt roads to permeable materials can help reduce maintenance expenses. Choosing native grasses and organic fertilizers also cuts down on costly chemical runoff that damages headstones and monuments. And adding ponds encourages wildlife and provides opportunities for visitors to connect with nature.

Grading and Drainage

Mourners often want to leave flowers or small posies at the headstones of their loved ones. Newer designs of columbarium walls take this into account by incorporating a metal clip or loop beside each plaque to hold a flower stem or posy.

In general, the grading and drainage of a cemetery should match the natural terrain of its site. A well-designed grading plan is essential for the long term health of your cemetery grounds.

We at WC Fry Design work with many religious communities on their cemetery master plans, extensions and new sections. We understand the unique, religious setting of a cemetery and work to incorporate the site and burial traditions into the overall design. The goal is to create a cemetery that is as beautiful to visit as it is peaceful and serene. We strive to meet this with every project. This is especially true in creating memorial gardens and specialized burial areas for cremation.

A cemetery is a place to remember your loved ones. It can be a difficult place to visit, but it can also provide valuable information about your ancestors. Get two weeks of free access to 20 billion genealogy records and a discovery tool that finds new information about your family.

They bring families together

Cemeteries are more than just final resting places for the deceased. They bring families together and help them mourn and heal. They also provide an opportunity to learn more about family history.

The word cemetery is used to describe an area set apart for burials, and it differs from a graveyard in that it is not affiliated with any particular church and is usually larger in size. A cemetery can contain both believers and non-believers, and it may house both traditional burial sites and cremation niches.

It is difficult to re-use graves in natural cemeteries, as it would require contacting living family members and getting their permission. This is challenging, as many family members are no longer living in the same area and are often difficult to reach. As a result, cemetery management must find ways to prioritize native plants in order to conserve and protect the habitats of these areas. These efforts can be accomplished by implementing strategies such as reclaiming land, new technology, and more.

They are a place of reflection

When people visit cemeteries, they are often prompted to reflect on the lives of their loved ones who have passed away. The serene nature of the grounds and the stories etched on the tombstones offer visitors a space for remembrance, and the unique symbols found on each tombstone can add a deeper significance to this reflection.

Tombstone engravings can also offer insights into the social hierarchies and class distinctions of a particular era. The elaborate mausoleums and towering obelisks that are found in some cemeteries may indicate the wealth of a family, while simpler tombstones suggest a lower socioeconomic status.

Natural burials allow for early re-use of grave sites, and are generally more environmentally friendly than traditional funeral services. These burials also help to preserve wild landscapes.

They are a place of healing

Cemeteries provide a safe space to mourn and honor the departed. Whether through flowers, cleaning a monument, or simply sitting in silence, this healing process can help individuals acknowledge their grief and work toward emotional healing. The cemetery also offers a sense of community, bringing together people who have similar experiences and fostering empathy and understanding.

Visiting a cemetery can also remind us of our own mortality, which can lead to a greater appreciation of life and a desire to make the most of it. This can be especially beneficial for those with chronic conditions like heart disease or cancer, who may be more likely to experience loss of life. This can encourage them to focus on the things they value most and take steps to protect their health. This can be particularly helpful for those with a family history of illness.

They are a place of beauty

Providing a place for the dead was an early obligation of most cultures. The graveyard was a place where family members could be united with their ancestors and where they could remember their lives together. In some places, families even hired feng shui experts to select the best location for a burial site. This ensured that the ancestors would be happy with their resting place.

In the 19th century, people visited cemeteries just like they did parks. Many of them had ornate entrance gates and shady trees. They also served as a place to reflect and contemplate.

Despite their tragic origins, cemeteries are also beautiful. Skogskyrkogarden in Sweden, for example, is a gorgeous cemetery with small, diminutive graves. Its beauty is accentuated by white marble and cream limestone. The cemetery features small Gothic chapels, weeping angels, and beatific cherubs. It is a beautiful place to visit and is one of the most visited cemeteries in the world.

memorial park

When a disaster or tragedy strikes, it leaves behind scars that need to be remembered. Public memorials are a way to do so.

The Memorial Park is situated outside the city in a natural environment soaked with history (the site was a wartime mass grave). Innovative construction brings out the natural qualities of building materials.


Before 1917, Memorial Park was a natural forest of native plants and animals. Then, that year it was officially leased for use as a World War I training base, named Camp Logan. County workers and volunteers speedily readied the area for campsites, including basic roads, water and sanitary infrastructure.

The Park’s native zoo became a regional attraction with cages that blended into the landscape. Local families donated animals and funds to sustain the zoo.

During the Great Depression, a number of men and women came to work at the Park as part of the Work Projects Administration established by President Franklin Roosevelt. Many of today’s roadways, buildings and picnic areas are the result of their efforts.


The Memorial Park is a non-denominational sanctuary that offers family members of victims of the 9/11 collapse a private place to remember their loved ones. A pair of remembrance walls define and partially enclose the space, while a translucent fabric canopy provides shelter, masks outside noise and lets in light.

The design is intended to bring to a new level of meaning and respect for the lives of those killed in the disaster. It functions as a memorial and also as a cultural and educational center for the memory of those who died.

The memorial park is an example of a hybrid form that combines architecture with the landscape as figure-ground. This type of memorial has many advantages over traditional cemetery designs, as it allows for more flexibility in memorialization. In addition, the design can also provide visitors with a sense of nature and peace for meditation. This is important because the death of a loved one can be difficult to cope with, especially when it occurs in a public space.


Memorial parks provide a serene setting for quiet reflection and offer dignified sculptured bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots. In contrast to the competing headstones of traditional cemeteries, memorial park markers are a subtle and tasteful way to memorialize a loved one.

This secluded open space offers a host of family hiking and camping opportunities surrounded by old-growth redwood forest. There are also miles of scenic trails and a secluded beach that are home to the marbled murrelet, a seabird listed as endangered.

The Park has been a destination for outdoor recreation for over a century. From the popular jogging trail that bears the name of Seymour Lieberman, which is nationally known, to the ballfields, courts and playgrounds, there are many ways to enjoy the natural splendor of the Park. Park staff, many of whom are veterans themselves, approach their work as a labor of love for their fallen brethren. They are a visible and caring presence to all who visit the Park.


Memorial Park offers a wide range of family friendly special events throughout the year for all ages. The park also provides an atmosphere of natural beauty, peace for quiet meditation, and a sense of dignity and honor to those who have lost loved ones.

In the 1930’s, the park was developed through a Work Projects Administration work camp. This federal workforce used older hand lumbering and construction techniques aimed at carefully developing the park with respect to its forest setting. Much of the existing infrastructure including restrooms, roadways and picnic sites were built during this period.

The NYC AIDS Memorial recognizes the ongoing sacrifice of New York City residents living with and dying from AIDS. It also honors the courage, selflessness, and perseverance of the men and women who worked tirelessly to save lives, combat discrimination, lobby for medical research, and alter the course of this epidemic. Located in Memorial Park, this dedicated space is an important part of the Village’s response to 9/11.

The Funeral Consumers Alliance is a nonprofit organization that promotes advance planning for funeral needs and the consumer’s right to choose a meaningful, dignified and affordable funeral.

Licensing requirements vary by state for funeral directors and embalmers. This site provides licensing information by state. It also adjudicates complaints against practitioners and establishments, and registers intern embalmers.


The Board of Funeral Directors licenses funeral practitioners, funeral establishments and crematoriums, registers intern embalmers, investigates complaints against practitioners and establishments, and hears appeals concerning decisions of the Director. The Board is composed of the State Health Officer and three licensed funeral practitioners who are appointed by the Governor to staggered four-year terms.

The building and all equipment of any funeral service business must be kept in sanitary condition and open at all times for inspection by the Department or the Board. Upon application to the Board, a person or corporation engaged in the business of funeral services must submit a complete and accurate certificate of ownership; the name, address, title and qualifications of each owner, including the amount of owner compensation taken in the form of W-2 wages and dividends, rent or net profit distributions; and the name and address of all stockholders and other persons or corporations having a 10 per centum or greater proprietary, beneficial, equitable or credit interest in the firm.

The Board requires all funeral directors and funeral establishments to maintain a current and valid state and/or federally issued license or registration. The license must be posted in a conspicuous place within the funeral home or the crematorium. The Board also requires all owners and managers to be registered and licensed to practice in this state.


The Board licenses and investigates complaints against 13 licensing categories, including funeral establishments, funeral directors, embalmers, and apprentice embalmers. In addition, the Board regulates approximately 200 licensed private cemeteries. The Board also regulates the profession’s professional and business practices, such as advertising, pricing, and promotions.

All registrants are required to keep complete embalming reports for all cases handled. They must promptly inform the Board of any change in name, ownership or location of a Licensed Funeral Establishment for which they are registered. Similarly, a Type 3, Type 6 or Apprentice Embalmer who changes employment must notify the Board of the new Licensed Funeral Establishment in which they are employed.

Registrants are not permitted to solicit for or receive anything of value in exchange for recommending, referring or employing any business or service related to the disposition of human remains. In addition, they must not disclose confidential or private information or comment on the condition of any dead body entrusted to them.

The names and registration types of registrants must be prominently displayed on all stationery, contracts and other funeral related documents. Registrants must also have their names displayed on all funeral vehicles used in the course of their work. Additionally, a Type 3 or Type 6 registering as an Apprentice Embalmer may not conduct pre-need arrangements unless they have written authorization from their employing Type 3. In such cases, the employing Type 3 must provide the Board with a copy of this written authorization.


If you are planning a career in funeral service, you can prepare by taking courses that will help you gain an understanding of the grieving process and the importance of end-of-life care. You may also wish to consider completing an internship or apprenticeship, if permitted in your state. This can help you gauge whether this is the right career choice for you.

Post-secondary programs in mortuary science are available through colleges and universities, which are accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. The program you choose will likely include a mix of humanities and science courses. For example, psychology classes will focus on the grieving process while biology or chemistry courses might examine the postmortem decomposition and embalming processes.

SUNY Canton offers an associate degree in funeral services administration with the option of attending on-campus or online. Both options require students to take 69 credits of prescribed courses with the exception of two clinical/lab courses. These include Restorative Art and Funeral Directing Practicum Lab, which are required to be taken on campus in New York City. Students should expect to spend several days on campus completing the clinical/lab course requirements each semester. Students must complete these courses in order to graduate from the program.

There are a lot of misconceptions about mortuaries, including the assumption that they’re just bare-bones places where hospitals store dead bodies. In reality, Myers Mortuary and many other funeral homes that use the term morgue do much more than simply store a body.

A mortuary is a multi-purpose facility that typically offers storage, embalming and direct burial or cremation. A funeral home, on the other hand, provides full services, such as a meaningful funeral service and a place to celebrate the life of the deceased.

What Is a Morgue?

A morgue is a refrigerated room, usually in a hospital or medical center, where bodies are stored temporarily. They remain there until they can be identified or until a decision is made about their disposition. Movies and TV often show morgues with drawer-like compartments, but that is not always true in real life.

A mortuary is also a place where autopsies are done. In some cases, a coroner’s office may be a part of a morgue.

A mortuary is typically operated by an individual called a mortician, who oversees the preparation of a body for burial or cremation. This person may also serve as a funeral director. The job is a highly specialized one and requires a great deal of knowledge about the physiology and anatomy of the human body. In addition, a mortuary worker must be able to remain calm and professional when dealing with upsetting circumstances.

What Is a Mortuary?

Typically, a mortuary will focus on the science of caring for and preparing the body of a deceased person. They also help with funeral arrangements and can offer grief counseling for survivors.

The embalmer washes and dries the body, then applies plaster or wax to fill in any dents or discoloration. They will re-dress the body and use cosmetics to enhance any natural features that may have been damaged by trauma or disease.

They will then set the body in a casket or other receptacle and transport it to the cemetery where the service is going to be held. Many people confuse a mortuary with a crematorium, but these two facilities are quite different.

Cremation is a service offered by both mortuaries and funeral homes, but the difference is that a cremation facility, such as Green Cremation Texas, can also serve as a full-service funeral home. This means they can offer viewing and memorial services along with the onsite cremation.

What Is a Funeral Home?

A funeral home, also known as a mortuary or parlour, is a place that comforts the living while making arrangements for their loved one’s death. It is where the body is kept until it is buried, cremated or otherwise interred. The funeral director is the person who carries out these arrangements for the deceased and their family.

Funeral homes offer many services to help people come to terms with their loss and begin the healing process. They can provide transportation for close friends and family members who may need to attend the funeral or memorial service. They can help write and publish an obituary in the local newspaper. They can even arrange for a memorial service at the home of the deceased or in a church or other location.

Funeral homes can also assist with preplanning arrangements, which is a great way to make sure your final wishes are understood and met. They can be a valuable resource for information on obtaining advance health care directives, writing a will and understanding Medicaid. They also host educational events to help community members with their planning needs.

What Is a Mortuary Facility?

A mortuary facility is a place that handles the deceased in preparation for burial or cremation. It can be a standalone morgue or it can be part of a funeral home that offers complete services related to death, including embalming, a meaningful funeral service, and on-site burial or cremation.

A hospital mortuary is typically a department or section in the hospital that keeps the dead until they can be identified and sometimes undergoes an autopsy. A mortuary also stores bodies that have been already buried or cremated in accordance with the family’s wishes.

The best way to prevent biological waste in a mortuary is to follow regulations and develop a good waste management plan. That will help to identify issues, reduce fines, and show the public that your business is environmentally responsible. Ideally, you should have containers for different types of waste and a schedule for regularly disposing of them. It is also a good idea to have a medical waste contractor take sharps for disposal.

A graveyard is a place where people’s mortal remains are buried. It can be found near a church. The word cemetery derives from the Latin ‘cemeterium’ and dates back to the 14th Century.

While many people use the words graveyard and cemetery interchangeably, they have a distinct difference in space, location, religion and headstone requirements.


Many people use the terms graveyard and cemetery interchangeably, but there is a distinction. Graveyard refers to the area of land that adjoins a church where burials are conducted. The word is derived from the Greek koimeterion, which means ‘sleeping place’.

Historically, church graveyards were the only places that allowed burial of the dead. As the population grew, church graveyards began to reach capacity. This necessitated the creation of new places to bury the dead, separate from churches. These new sites were called cemeteries.

Historically, church graveyards were only reserved for those who were members of the church body. However, cemetery’s don’t have that restriction and allow people of all faiths to be buried there. Additionally, cemetery’s also offer more freedom with headstone color, inscriptions, and designs than church graveyards do.


In the past, many people were buried in graveyards. It was a common practice in most cultures and a belief that ties of family last beyond death.

As population grew, church graveyards began to fill up. As a result, independent sites called cemeteries started to develop. These are not affiliated with a specific church, so non-congregants were also able to be interred there.

The term cemetery is sometimes used interchangeably with graveyard, but it’s important to note that there are subtle differences between the two. For instance, graveyards tend to be smaller and surrounded by the church grounds. They may have older tombstones and be less manicured. On the other hand, cemeteries can be much larger and are not tied to a church. They can be owned by a city or an independent company. In general, they’re often newer and more modern. They can be divided into individual plots and have a variety of headstones.


There are many different types of graveyard. Some are more traditionally buried with either a single or double grave, others allow for multiple family plots, or even mausoleums. Some are private, while others are government-controlled, such as veterans’ cemeteries. Some are green burial grounds, and some are owned, operated, and controlled by the government at both the local and national levels such as VA cemeteries.

Generally, people that are buried in a graveyard will be placed in a grave, or sometimes crypt, with a headstone or monument marking their resting place. Those who are cremated may also be interred in the ground with a memorial plaque. There are also columbarium walls where urns containing the ashes can be stored, and many cemeteries have these too. The main difference between a graveyard and a cemetery is that a graveyard is usually associated with a church, while a cemetery is not. This is because churchyards were once the only location for burials.


While the words graveyard and cemetery are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a difference. Graveyards are usually associated with churches, and are located on church grounds. Cemeteries, on the other hand, are not associated with any religious institution and can be found anywhere. They are also typically larger in size, as they are not limited to the land surrounding a single church.

Historically, churches had a monopoly on burials, and as such, most of these were done in church graveyards. Because of space constraints, church graveyards often had stringent requirements regarding headstones. This was to ensure that the inscriptions lived up to church values and traditions.

While today most people choose cremation, there are still many options for burial. This includes cemetery plots, columbarium walls, and mausoleums. A licensed surveyor can help you determine which type of burial option is best for your needs. A GPR survey can help you locate the location of a graveyard so that you can pay your respects to loved ones.

Managing and updating existing cemetery infrastructure while developing new inventory are ongoing challenges. A sensitive approach to meeting the primary needs of those who visit a Cemetery is also essential.

Recently, Italian architect Andrea Dragoni extended a cemetery in Gubbio with rows of monumental travertine walls that echo the linear arrangement of the ancient town at its base. This work demonstrates how cemetery design can serve as a poetic reflection of our mortality.

Master Plan

A master plan allows the cemetery to map out short and long term needs, create a schedule for implementing various projects over time and provides an overall design for the cemetery. A well developed and executed master plan will optimize land utilization, improve aesthetics and increase marketability of the cemetery.

Taking advantage of existing natural features of a site is always important. Many cemeteries have a beautiful water feature or wooded hillside that can be highlighted and used to distinguish the cemetery from others. Adding a gateway entrance is another way to create a sense of transition and arrival at the cemetery. This can be done through architecture, plantings or design vernacular. Addressing the increasing inclination toward cremation by providing in ground columbaria and mausoleum spaces as well as a serene landscape setting is another opportunity. It is important to balance these new burial options with the traditional casketed burial areas. It is also essential to establish a plan for preserving older grave sites to preserve their historic value.


Cemeteries use a wide range of signage, from directional signs to maps to inform and direct visitors. These signs are important because they allow the visitor to know what they are in for and where to go within the cemetery.

Cemetery signs remind us of death’s inevitability and the necessity for virtue. These reminders are often carved on headstones, inscribed with representations of Death’s head or Father Time extinguishing the candle of life, and written with verbal warnings like “Fugit hora” and “Memento mori” (remember that you must die).

In addition to these signs, Lyon works with communities to find creative ways to make space for burials, monuments, trees, and roads in their existing cemeteries. These thoughtful arrangements lead to a more meaningful and sustainable cemetery landscape for the community, which is also a place for living families to visit and remember their deceased loved ones. Thick aluminum metal cemetery signs are durable and easily spotted from a distance. They can be laminated to protect them from scuffs and scratches.

Grading & Drainage

A proper drainage system in a Cemetery prevents water from pooling on the property and ensures that it is directed away from gravesites and buildings. It should be designed by a professional to minimize the risk of flooding, erosion and other costly maintenance issues.

Sustainable design features, such as transitioning roads from asphalt to permeable materials and planting more native grasses that require less mowing, save on maintenance expenses. And using organic fertilizers and mulches reduces the chemical runoff that damages headstones.

WC Fry Design offers a full range of cemetery design services to reimagine your cemetery, increase burial options and reduce costs. We believe in the value of community involvement and co-creative approaches to design. Getting community members involved early in the process fosters connection and a sense of ownership of your cemetery as a shared space. It also makes for a more persuasive presentation to city planning commissions and other key stakeholders. The result is a cemetery that is both functional and a beautiful place to remember loved ones for generations to come.


A cemetery is a unique place that deserves a thoughtful and responsive landscape design. Too often the development of new or existing cemetery sites obliterates an existing setting and creates a monotonous, generic cemetery that looks like every other one along every highway in America.

Good cemetery design provides a beautiful backdrop to life, family and history and invites connection with communities. It also adds value, and burial plots located near scenic areas or memorial park features command premiums.

Specimen trees, shrubs and ground covers provide character, beauty and interest in the cemetery, while providing shade and comfort to visitors. Periodic pruning and integrated pest management reduce hazards from dead branches, and proper aeration of the soil retards compaction and biological growth that kills turf and damages gravestones. Streams, ponds and water features provide tranquility and attract wildlife. The selection of flowering plants demonstrates care and respect, as well as honors the deceased through the symbolic language of flowers.

A cemetery is land used for burial purposes. It can include graveyards, churchyard burial grounds, lawn cemeteries and mausoleums.

Researching gravestones can be rewarding. Oftentimes, family history can be gleaned from the inscriptions on monuments and headstones.

Visiting a cemetery can be dangerous, so it’s wise to take another person with you and have notebooks and worksheets on hand for recording transcriptions. A cellular phone is also useful.

Burial Grounds

Burial grounds are usually operated by local authorities, and a registrar or caretaker handles the sale of plots. A number of funeral directors also offer to handle burial ground purchases as part of their package of services.

Most modern cemeteries are located in easy-to-access land and have some system for recording the locations of graves, ideally with GPS coordinates. This helps cemetery management and makes it easier for friends and family members to find a loved one’s resting place.

Green burial is becoming more popular and involves burying bodies in natural settings without using chemical preservatives like embalming or burial vaults to prevent decomposition. These burial grounds allow a wooden or simple stone marker to be used as a memorial. Eventually the body returns to dust and the markers fade into the surrounding environment over time. The resulting area is a beautiful and peaceful resting place. Many of these sites are woodlands or wildflower meadows in areas of natural beauty.


A churchyard is a patch of land adjoining or surrounding a church. It was originally used as a place for burials, which is why it is sometimes also called a graveyard.

People can still be buried in a churchyard if they are a member of the church, but the space is often very limited, so this might not always be possible. Non-churchgoers or people who follow a different religion might prefer to be buried on non-consecrated ground outside of a church, instead.

Churchyards are considered sacred spaces and there are a number of rules that must be followed to ensure that they remain places of peace and beauty, reflecting the Christian context. These rules are set out in a document called the Churchyard Regulations, which is drawn up by the Chancellor of the Diocese. All work in churchyards, including repairs to boundary walls, lychgates and benches, as well as memorials, is subject to the approval of the DAC (the Churchyard Advisory Committee).

Lawn Cemeteries

A lawn cemetery is one in which a uniform design is applied to all grave spaces/plots and raised kerbsets are not used. It is thought that the introduction of the lawn cemetery aesthetic heralded a rejection of the traditional cemetery landscape and the adoption of a new, pragmatist approach to the management of cemeteries (Rugg, 2006).

Tree lines in the cemetery can make it easier to distinguish similar-looking plots and enhance the attractiveness of the area. In some parts of the Zentralfriedhof, an extensive woodland planting scheme has been implemented. The Hungarian Ornithological Society has installed 25 bird boxes and a feeder in the cemetery, and monitors species present there, occasionally carrying out ringing.

The Zentralfriedhof has a wide range of recreational activities that use the green areas. In addition to running, Nordic walking, and cycling, the cemetery provides space for a tranquil form of exercise called ‘active meditation’ and offers visitors an opportunity to experience nature while reflecting on the lives of their loved ones.


Often seen at cemeteries, churchyards and in private memorial parks, columbariums are final resting places that are designed specifically for cremated remains. They’re built into walls or rooms and have niches that can hold one urn per space.

Whether the family chooses to bury or cremate, these structures allow them to pay their respects to a loved one in a beautiful and peaceful setting. The front plate or plaque of a niche can be personalized with inscriptions similar to those on grave markers, and some can also accommodate flower vases.

A growing number of families are choosing to have their loved ones ashes scattered in a garden of remembrance or placed into a columbarium. Compared to traditional burials and mausoleums, columbariums are a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. They also tend to take up less ground space which leaves more room for other cemetery plots, as well as being easier to maintain and visit.

Memorial Park aims to be a place of beauty and peace for all visitors. It uses dignified engraved markers lying flat on landscaped plots to memorialize a grave and maintains an open, beautifully natural setting for services that are less about mourning and more about life celebration.

The centerpiece is a large open green hill designed for relaxation and play. It is crowned by the memorial arch and entrance to the subterranean museum.

History of the Park

Memorial Park was built in 1983 on the Tactical Air Command parade grounds by order of Gen. Bill Creech to honor Service members who died during conflict around the world. The original concept was to create an area that was peaceful and calming, with an environment that reminded families of their loved ones.

The park includes miles of multi-use trails, a sand volleyball court and rugby and softball fields. It houses a variety of tree and plant species, including huckleberry, poison oak, ferns and redwood sorrel. Animals such as banana slugs, raccoons, woodpeckers and Steller’s jays are also found in the woods.

In addition, there is a pond, a garden and man-made water features throughout the facility. These elements create an expansive and appealing setting that sets family members at ease and invites them to begin new traditions of life celebration. Unlike conventional cemeteries, memorial parks use flat flush plaques or markers to mark the graves of Service members and rely on landscaped plots for the majority of the burial site design.

Submariners Monument

In this quiet spot overlooking the water, visitors can find a monument dedicated to the submariners who served in World War II. Fifty-two engraved stones around concrete walkways represent the submarines lost during the war and their crew members. Each stone identifies the submarine, when it was lost, who was in command, and the circumstances of its loss. In addition, the names of each submariner are listed. A large American Liberty elm tree stands behind each marker.

Although the memorial was built more than a decade ago, the markers needed repairs because of weather and vandalism. Douglas Smay, who proposed the 52 Boats Memorial, founded the non-profit organization to solicit funds from submariners and others for the repairs. He was able to have several of the markers replaced, but many still need replacements. Steven Bragia, superintendent of a construction company in the area, heard about the memorial and decided to help. He was able to have all the replacements completed quickly and for free.

Peace Statue

The white colonnade anchors the park, built on a former Dundee neighborhood golf course. It honors the 1,000 men and women from Douglas County who died in World War II. The site also holds monuments to those who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

A life-sized sculpture of a sailor kissing a nurse, which commemorates the iconic Times Square kiss from V-J Day in 1945, is a popular stop for visitors to the park. It was created by Seward Johnson and brought to the park last April. It will remain on display through November.

Visitors to the park are also encouraged to leave paper cranes near the statue. The origami tradition grew from a story of Sadako Sasaki, who was ill with radiation-induced leukemia at the time of the bombing and hoped to fold one thousand cranes. Thousands of visitors have left origami cranes around the memorial, and some even from far-away places like Australia and Sweden.

Vietnam War Monument

The Vietnam War Memorial, dedicated in 1982, is a powerful tribute to America’s courage and sacrifice in a divisive war. Its black granite walls are inscribed with the names of Americans killed or missing in action during the war. The names appear in chronological order. Guidebooks are available at the entrances to help visitors find specific names.

Near the wall is a statue of three servicemen, known as The Three Servicemen, who gaze at the names of their fallen comrades on The Wall. Another memorial, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, honors the contributions of military and civilian women who served in-country during the conflict. While barred from combat, many women volunteered in medical services and other support roles.

The park’s open, naturally beautiful setting reflects its purpose to provide an environment for services that are less about mourning and more about life celebration. It is also designed to encourage families to create new traditions of family gatherings.