
Cemeteries have been a part of culture and society since the beginning of human history. Today, they serve many purposes and provide a peaceful place to rest.

While visiting a cemetery, be mindful of the etiquettes and rules that are in place. By following these, you’ll make the visit much more meaningful and enjoyable.

Modern day cemeteries

Modern day cemeteries are not only places for burial, but also green spaces that can be a part of a city’s “Green Infrastructure”. They’re also a source of wildlife habitat and offer special spots for quiet reflection.

As urbanization began to spread in the 18th and 19th centuries, so did the need for new burial grounds outside of crowded cities. The old churchyards became inadequate and dangerous, and were often seen as a place where people were exposed to disease.

To solve these problems, new cemetery landscapes were designed like gardens that would provide the deceased with peace and beauty. The result was a new movement for rural cemeteries.

Historic cemeteries

Historic cemeteries are often a unique part of a town’s landscape. They were developed as a response to overcrowded churchyards and a desire for a more peaceful and dignified final resting place.

Cemetery developers commissioned leading architects and designers to design cemetery landscapes. They incorporated public parks as well as memorials, chapels, gates and walls.

As a result, these sites can reveal a lot about the history of the area, as well as different stone types and features. Weathered limestones can reveal embedded fossils, while sandstone and metamorphic rocks show the geological structure of a site.

Local ordinances that recognize and protect historic cemeteries can provide some protection for these resources. However, it’s important to contact your local planning office or local historic preservation commission to make sure that any work you do doesn’t negatively impact the site.

Burial options

Deciding on the type of burial you wish for your loved one is a very personal decision that will affect you and your family for generations to come. You need to consider the cost of a plot and other burial options that may be available in your area before making a final decision.

Traditional burial involves embalming and dressing, a funeral service or memorial, and transport to the cemetery where the casket is entombed in an outer concrete vault at a rented or purchased cemetery lot or crypt space. Mausoleums and other above-ground burial spaces are also available at some cemeteries.

Green burials are becoming increasingly popular as they allow for a more environmentally friendly disposition and can save families money in the long run by eliminating the need for a costly steel casket and outer burial container. They can also help lower a person’s “final” carbon footprint, but must be carefully considered by a funeral director in order to comply with local regulations and laws.


A cemetery is an area of land set aside for the burial of people who have died. It contains specific plot locations with clearly defined boundaries, and can also include a number of special burial areas such as columbaria or niches.

Burial grounds vary widely in size, location and design. They often reflect a culture’s religious traditions and practices, and are subject to specific laws regarding the preservation of history and the care of deceased individuals.

Unlike ordinary property, cemeteries are regulated on a state level and cannot be established without permission from the authorities. Usually, these regulations do not affect private interests in the ground, but can be imposed by state health officials or a municipality.

memorial park

Memorial Park, Houston’s green heart, is one of the 10 largest city parks in America. It is also the largest in the South.

But what many people don’t know is that it started out as a military training camp. It was then known as Camp Logan.

Peace Statue

The Peace Statue is a lovely monument located in memorial park, a place where you can pay your respects to the victims of war. It was sculpted by Franklin Simmons, a renowned American artist who died in 1913.

The statue resembles a child with one arm around their parent, and the other holding a trumpet of peace. A crescent moon completes the sculpture.

You can also see the Children’s Peace Monument, which was erected in memory of Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who died from leukemia due to radiation exposure from the atomic bomb. She believed that by folding 1,000 cranes, she would be cured based on traditional Japanese beliefs.

Another awe-inspiring site in the park is the Peace Clock Tower. This 20m-tower houses a clock that rings daily to encourage people to work towards world peace.

Submariners Monument

The Submariners Monument is one of many monuments in memorial park. It honors the men and women who served in the submarine service and lost their lives in World War II.

It was originally commissioned in 1996 and is located in the Liberty Station NTC Park. It is made up of a series of 52 markers.

Each marker is engraved with the names of all the submariners who died during WWII.

But over the years, the markers have been damaged by weather, vandalism and even their own construction.

This has led to an ongoing effort to repair and replace the markers. Douglas Smay, a former submariner and the sole remaining member of the 52 Boats Memorial Veterans group, is searching for help in this endeavor.

One Army Soldier Statue

Among the many statues that can be seen along the North Bend-Morse Bluff Veteran’s Memorial Park is one that depicts a kneeling soldier. This bronze sculpture is the work of local sculptor Jim Hoppe.

The statue stands in a cluster of three that depict members of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force. It is surrounded by granite benches, flags and landscaping.

It was built to recognize the contributions of local servicemen and women who served in the military. It is also a place for families of fallen servicemen to pay their respects.

Blue Star Statue

The Blue Star Statue honors those who have served, are serving or will serve in the armed forces. It is one of two in the park that honors current service personnel in addition to those who have passed.

The newest monument in the park, the Gold Star Memorial, is a black granite structure designed by the Woody Williams Foundation to honor families who have lost a loved one to war. It features a void design that symbolizes the loss of someone who will never be remembered.

The Nebraska legislature designated Interstate 80 west of Gretna as a Blue Star Memorial Highway about 50 years ago. That means travelers can stop to rest and reflect on all those who have given their lives in service to their country, says Mary Carlson of the Federated Garden Club of Nebraska.

Vietnam War Monument

The Vietnam War Monument in memorial park is an impressive piece of architecture that honors the men and women who fought and died in the country’s most divisive war. It is also a powerful symbol of unity.

This black granite wall is etched with the names of 58,318 military personnel killed in the war or who are still missing. Visitors can see their reflection in the wall and it is a powerful way to remember those who gave their lives.

There is also a bronze sculpture called the Three Servicemen, which is located a short distance from the wall. The statue depicts two soldiers, one South Vietnamese and one American, standing together. They are surrounded by a flagpole representing the branches of the military.

funeral bureau

The death of a loved one is undoubtedly the most traumatic event we experience in life. By doing your research, making informed choices and planning ahead, you can reduce the burden on your family and control funeral costs.

The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau licenses, inspects and regulates funeral establishments throughout the state. The Bureau also investigates complaints from consumers and takes disciplinary action when it determines necessary.

Board of Registration of Funeral Directors and Embalmers

The Board of Registration of Funeral Directors and Embalmers is a governmental agency that regulates the funeral profession. It licenses embalmers, undertakers and funeral directors and imposes minimum standards for professional conduct and competency.

The board also inspects funeral homes and chapels. The bureau takes disciplinary action against licensees who do not meet the board’s standards for practice.

To apply for a funeral director or embalmer license in Florida, an applicant must complete an internship at a licensed funeral establishment. During this residency, the applicant must complete and handle 40 cases that demonstrate his or her ability to perform funeral directing functions.

Applicants must pass both the written and clinical examinations. After completion of the residency, the applicant will be issued a license.

The board is a governmental agency that regulates funeral directing and embalming in the state of North Carolina. It issues licenses to embalmers and funeral directors, and takes disciplinary action against those who fail to comply with its regulations.

Board of Funeral Services

The board licenses morticians, funeral directors, apprentices, surviving spouses of licensed funeral home owners, and funeral establishments. It enforces standards for the funeral profession, investigates complaints, and takes disciplinary action when necessary.

For your own protection, always meet with a licensed mortician or funeral director to make funeral arrangements for a loved one. The death of a loved one is a difficult time, but making the right arrangements can help ease the burden on survivors.

Continuing education is an important way to stay up-to-date on changes in the industry and to learn about the latest advances in technology. It also helps you to be confident in your ability to provide professional and compassionate care for families during a time of need.

After completing an ABFSE accredited mortuary science or funeral service program, you may apply for a license from the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards. You will take the National Board Examination (NBE) – Arts and/or Sciences – depending on your license type.

State Board of Funeral Directors

The State Board of Funeral Directors is responsible for licensing, inspecting and regulating all people who conduct the business of funeral directing or embalming in this state. The board is charged with ensuring that licensed professionals and businesses provide high quality services to the public at reasonable prices and are in compliance with all laws governing the practice of funeral directing.

In 1949, the General Assembly enacted legislation to create the State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors. The board consisted of seven members, five of which had to be licensed embalmers and one public member who was appointed by the Governor.

In 1983, the legislature restructured the Board’s membership to make it a “funeral service” licensing board. The Board maintained a seven-member composition, but the Board also dropped the title of “embalmer” from its membership.

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is a principal department within the state executive branch that oversees professional licensing, employment, construction, and commerce. Its bureaus, agencies and commissions provide a streamlined, simple, fair, efficient and effective system for regulating the public safety and welfare of Michigan’s citizens, at the same time protecting business growth and job creation.

The funeral bureau licenses and regulates the practice of mortuary science and oversees pre-paid funeral contracts. It also investigates complaints of improper body disposal and prepaid funeral violations.

Compassion Funeral Home and Cremation Service, in Detroit, was fined by the Board of Examiners in Mortuary Science (BEMS) for multiple violations of state law. The Board also revoked the license of manager John N. Olszewski, Jr.

The bureau also inspected the crematorium in May and discovered that Gregory N. Langeland, the respondent’s owner, supervised and managed it without a crematory license. He must now stop operating until he obtains one.


A mortuary is a place where dead bodies are stored before burial or cremation. They also do autopsies and help with the funeral planning process.

Unlike funeral homes, a mortuary typically does not have facilities for public viewings or memorial services. Generally, only family members are allowed to view the body.


A morgue is a facility that stores bodies of the deceased. These facilities are often located in hospitals or medical centers.

In addition to storing bodies, these facilities also serve as a temporary place for autopsies. A body may remain in a morgue for several days, until it is identified and removed for disposal.

Mortuaries are also used for embalming. These operations require the use of formaldehyde.

The use of formaldehyde in the embalming process is a significant source of chemical waste in these institutions. This chemical waste is commonly flushed down the drain.

The term “morgue” originally denoted the inner wicket of a prison, where prisoners were kept to allow the jailers and turnkeys to examine them to ensure they were properly labelled. This usage of the word is not incorrect, but it was subsequently interpreted to mean a room for public examination and identification of dead people.


Embalming is the process of preserving human remains in order to allow them to be viewed by friends and family members, or to store them for medical use in an anatomical laboratory. It has a long history and a cross-cultural appeal.

The process typically takes place after the deceased has been removed from their body by a funeral director or other official. The embalmer cleans the body and the orifices (e.g., mouth) are rinsed with an antimicrobial solution.

Next, the limbs are massaged to alleviate signs of rigor mortis. The eyes are set in a closed position using a specialized eye cap and the face is shaved if it did not previously have facial hair.

Depending on the needs of the funeral home and the family, embalming may be performed to delay natural decay and allow for extended viewing by mourners. It is also used for preparing the body to be buried or cremated.

Funeral Preparation

Funeral preparation is one of the most important things that a funeral home does. It ensures that a person’s body is preserved until the family can come and see it.

Once the body is prepared, it’s then ready for burial or casket viewing. This includes the removal of any medical equipment that was placed on the body.

Then, the funeral director dresses the body in whatever funeral clothing you want them to be buried in or wear for their viewing.

After that, they’ll place the body into the casket or cremation container you picked out for them.

In addition, they’ll fix the body’s hair and apply cosmetics to the skin. This helps it look more natural and makes the body look like a real human being.

It’s important to remember that funeral preparation can be an emotional time for a family, and this is why it’s important to have everything set in stone as soon as possible. It will make things easier on everyone involved and allow the family to grieve in peace.

Funeral Services

A funeral home can help you plan and arrange a service to honor your loved one. They can also take care of the transportation and cremation of your loved one, or help you make arrangements for a burial in the cemetery.

They may also offer a wide range of memorialization products like caskets, urns, photos, jewelry, artwork and other mementos. They can even write an obituary or help you publish it in the newspaper.

Licensed funeral directors understand that mourning your loved one is a long, difficult process. They are trained to support their clients and ease their emotional burdens during this stressful time.

They are often available for educational events to share valuable planning information. Topics can include advance health care directives, writing a will, senior safety tips, veterans’ burial benefits, understanding Medicaid and more. You may be able to set up a free visit with a preplanning specialist at these events. Check with your funeral home for a list of these events and keep an eye out for flyers in public areas or invitations in the mail.


A graveyard is an area of land where people are buried after they die. They’re usually associated with a church.

However, many cemeteries are unaffiliated with a particular religion and can be open to people of all faiths. They’re often larger because they’re not limited to a small area adjacent to a church.


A graveyard is a place where people are buried after they die. Traditionally, it would be affiliated with a church and typically only Christians are allowed to be buried in it.

A cemetery, on the other hand, is a larger burial ground that does not belong to a church and is usually more well maintained. It also tends to be more organized and neatly divided into plots, allowing for family members to have large, modern family plots.

The etymology of the word “graveyard” is interesting: It comes from a proto-Germanic word, graban, meaning “to dig.” In this case, it is referring to a shallow hole or trench dug in the ground.

A cemetery authority or corporation owns the land with a right to use it for the purposes of burial. However, that right is subject to the reasonable exercise of police power.


The word graveyard dates back to Roman times, but today it’s used to refer to a large burial ground. It is sometimes used interchangeably with cemetery, but the two words have different meanings.

Graveyards are primarily associated with churches, and many church-owned graveyards have stipulations that only Christians can be buried there. In some cases, they also require that headstones be made from granite or other natural stone.

Burials outside of church grounds became common during the fifteenth century in response to overcrowding and outbreaks of infectious disease. They also allowed for greater re-use of graves. However, re-use is complicated by the fact that family members who owned the burial plot may not be located. It is also possible that public notice of the re-use would not reach those family members, making it difficult to enforce the original burial rights. This is one of the reasons why cemetery authorities normally employ a full-time staff of caretakers who dig and maintain graves.


A graveyard is a burial site located on church property. It is often associated with smaller rural churches, and it typically has older tombstones in a somewhat disorderly manner.

In Europe, from the 7th century onwards, burying the dead was firmly in the hands of the Church. The church had control over the entire burial process, including the lands surrounding the church that were used as part of the churchyard for burials.

As the population grew in Europe, the capacity of churchyards started to fill up and new burial sites were needed. These independent burial grounds are called cemeteries.


Generally, a cemetery is defined as an area where people are buried. However, the exact nature of the burial ground depends on a number of factors.

For example, a cemetery may be an independent building with spaces for burial, or it could be part of a church or similar property. A prison often has its own graveyard for inmates who die there without the financial means to have a traditional burial.

A cemetery is usually characterized by a rich and varied flora (Ruiter et al., 1992; Fudali, 2001). The flora is influenced by the size of the cemetery, its location in LPs or outside LPs and its usage. The flora is also affected by human activity (burials, systematic husbandry practices and introduction of ornamental species) as well as by the presence or absence of anthropophytes.

A cemetery needs to be designed in a way that is both beautiful and functional. It should also take into account the needs of the community it serves.

A good design can help a cemetery be more accessible and easier to navigate for visitors. It can also help to create a sense of peace and order on the property.


Plantings are a vital part of cemetery design. They help to create a sense of symmetry and calm throughout the site, and are often an expression of loved ones’ wishes for their final resting place.

Typical plantings include large deciduous shade trees, ornamental shrubs, border shrubs and ground covers. These plants provide a variety of ecosystem services such as canopy cover, air quality control and stormwater management.

Trees also play an important role in maintaining the aesthetic values of a cemetery, especially when planted on burial lots and along pathways. These plantings are also an excellent way to commemorate a loved one’s life, and can be a source of joy for the cemetery community.


A cemetery landscape reflects the history and tradition of the deceased, while also being a place for visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature. This requires careful planning and design.

The lighting of a gravesite can be very personal. For example, Jewish families often light candles on yahrzeits (anniversaries of death).

These rituals help family members remember their loved ones. It also brings a sense of warmth and peace to the burial site.

However, it is important to keep safety in mind when decorating a gravesite. Unattended flames can be dangerous for both visitors and staff as well as the cemetery’s surrounding property.

One of the most interesting ideas for future cemeteries involves lighting that’s powered by people’s decomposing bodies. Researchers at Columbia University’s DeathLab are currently developing a project that would use the energy released by decomposing human remains to illuminate pathways and memorials.

Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is one of the best ways to attract attention and increase your property value. This is because it helps to create a strong first impression with potential buyers, and also boosts your own satisfaction as a home owner.

A well-designed mausoleum is no different, and the right landscaping can really boost the look of your memorial. A professional monument company will have the know-how and expertise to give your mausoleum a truly spectacular appearance.

When it comes to cemetery design, the most important thing is to remember that it’s a special place that needs to be sensitive to the environment and the community. Cohesive planning, optimizing land utilization, and long-term sustainability are all important aspects of the process. The best way to ensure the success of your project is to work with an expert Queen Creek landscape contractor. They can make all the difference in creating a truly memorable space for you and your loved ones to be remembered for years to come.


The final resting place of a person or their family is a special space that needs to be designed and built with care. It needs to be a place that is safe and accessible, but also has an aesthetic appeal that fits in with the surrounding landscape.

Maintenance is the ongoing care of a cemetery that can be done with a variety of methods. One type of maintenance is preventive maintenance, which is implemented on a schedule and usually includes inspection, cleaning, and washing.

Another type of maintenance is predictive maintenance, which uses technology to collect data and then perform routine tasks. Predictive maintenance can be more cost effective and is less labor intensive than other methods.

Cemeteries are a vital part of the landscape of many cities and towns. However, there are a number of issues with how planning authorities are dealing with their spaces. They can often be underfunded and poorly maintained. This has led to issues such as overcrowding and inaccessibility of graves.


Cemeteries are a beautiful and peaceful place to visit. They can be a great way to celebrate a loved one’s life and connect with them.

Many families like to decorate graves seasonally. Whether it’s red roses during Valentine’s Day or a fresh holly wreath around Christmas, decorating is a great way to show your love for your family.


When people die, they usually are buried in a cemetery. Historically, this was often done in church graveyards that adjoined a church, but that practice has changed with the rise of population.

When a person is buried, the body decays into soil over time. This makes it harder to identify where a particular person is buried, but if the cemetery is laid out in a grid configuration it can be easier to identify specific areas and depressions in the ground.

Many modern cemeteries have websites that can help you locate a specific grave. You can also contact the front office of a cemetery and ask for a map or directions to the location.


A gravestone, tombstone or headstone is a type of marker that sits erect over a burial site. It usually contains the deceased’s name, dates of birth and death, and an epitaph.

Gravestones are traditionally made from granite or bronze but can also be carved from other materials such as marble. The material used can affect the look and durability of the monument.

Slate is one of the most commonly used materials for gravestones and is a popular choice due to its hard-wearing nature. It is easy to engrave and comes in a variety of shades, including black, grey and green.

Aside from inscriptions, many gravestones are decorated with symbols and icons that mean something to the person who is buried. These include animals, flowers, plants and other symbols that honor a deceased person’s religion, culture or heritage.

Monuments and Memorials

Monuments are larger versions of headstones, typically made of stone and carved to remind visitors of the person who is buried there. The information carved on them can be anything from a name to birth date and death date, to an epitaph.

There are a wide variety of designs and styles to choose from, depending on the cemetery you are purchasing a monument for. The best way to see what’s available is to talk to a monument company and get a price quote.

Memorials serve many practical and emotional purposes. They help visitors remember loved ones who have passed away, connect them to their family members and friends, and keep memories alive in a physical form for future generations. They are also acts of remembrance that can help mourners cope with their loss during the grieving process.


Whether you have a family member buried at a cemetery or you just want to show your support, there are a variety of ways to donate. This will help the cemetery maintain their grounds, as well as the various monuments and memorials they have.

The donations that can be made to a cemetery are generally tax-deductible. However, these gifts must be for general care of the cemetery and not for upkeep of a specific plot or crypt.

Donations may be made to towns, ecclesiastical societies, or cemetery associations (CGS SS 19a-295). These organizations receive and hold in trust donations, the income of which is to be used wholly or in part for the care of cemeteries and burial lots owned by such organizations.


Mausoleums are structures that hold the remains of people above ground. They can be designed to suit any budget or preference, and they can also serve as a tribute to the person who died.

They are especially useful in areas with poor soil quality that makes it difficult to bury the body. They are also a more environmentally-friendly option, as they don’t require burial beneath the earth like traditional in-ground burials do.

Crypts within a mausoleum are sealed with both inner and outer coverings that use special glue or caulking to keep them from bursting. They may also have a nameplate that tells people who has been buried there.

memorial park

A memorial park is an area where people pay tribute to someone who has died. Often, it is a public space that has been established through the cooperation of multiple parties.

For example, there is a memorial park near Houston, Texas that commemorates the victims of the World Trade Center disaster in 2001. The memorial features two pools that contain large waterfalls.

Traditional Cemeteries

A traditional cemetery is a type of graveyard where headstones or other monuments made from marble, granite or similar materials rise vertically above the ground (usually around 50 cm but some can be over 2 metres high). The boundaries of the burial grounds are often delimited by a slab or fence, and often contain more than one grave in the same section.

Many cemeteries have been part of their communities for more than 100 years and include a large variety of architecture, statuary and other art. Often the landscape is impressive, with extensive lawns and trees and gardens on the perimeter.

The newer memorial park is a type of cemetery introduced about 75 years ago, and typically features bronze memorials placed level with the ground to blend with the beauty of the landscape. They are primarily designed to give families peace for quiet meditation, and to provide visitors with a sense of dignity and honor for their loved ones.

Memorial Parks

Unlike traditional cemeteries, memorial parks are managed by private institutions. They feature dignified engraved markers lying flat on landscaped plots that can serve as a permanent monument to your loved one.

A well-planned and maintained park like setting can offer a relaxing environment where families and friends can gather for remembrances and life celebrations. These facilities may include man-made water features, trees that provide shade and gardens with flowering beds.

Another plus point is the fact that many memorial parks offer uniformed engraved markers with accompanying lots. This makes it easy for people to find their way around.

However, it is important to understand that a cemetery is merely a place where you can memorialize your loved one. It does not have a corresponding place of respite where you can relax and meditate for the purpose of healing your grief.


Mausoleums are final resting places that hold the remains of people who have passed away. They are an ancient form of burial and have been used throughout history.

They are also a place for mourners to reflect on the life and death of their loved ones. They can be found in many cultures and across the world.

A mausoleum is generally an above-ground structure that holds a casket in a sealed crypt. These crypts are usually located in cemeteries but can be found on private land as well.

Choosing the right mausoleum for your family is an important decision. It can also help you create a legacy for future generations.

They are often more expensive than traditional burial options, and they require upkeep. Natural degradation can cause damage to the urns and caskets inside, and they may release gases during decomposition. This can result in explosions if the seals are not properly maintained.


A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It’s often run by a church, and people are usually buried there who belong to that particular church or expressed an interest in being buried there after death.

Graveyards can be a great way to explore your family history, as well as learn about a community’s traditions and beliefs. They also give you a chance to honor your loved one’s life and share their funeral details with others.

However, a cemetery can be a blight on a neighborhood, too, especially when it’s overcrowded and neglected. It can even be a health hazard, which can depress a city’s population.

funeral bureau

Getting your loved one laid to rest can be one of the most stressful tasks in life. However, by making informed decisions and comparing prices and services, you can help ease the pain for your family.

A funeral bureau is an organization that regulates the practice of embalming, funeral directing and other funeral services. It also handles licenses and registration of funeral establishments, investigates consumer/provider complaints and oversees continuing education requirements for licensed funeral directors and embalmers.

Becoming a funeral arranger

The funeral industry is a challenging yet rewarding industry to work in. It requires people who are compassionate, empathetic and understanding.

A funeral arranger, sometimes referred to as a mortician or undertaker, is responsible for arranging and directing individual funeral services. They perform tasks such as coordinating transportation of the body, interviewing family or other authorized person to arrange details, selecting pallbearers and aiding with the selection of officials for religious rites.

In addition to performing these duties, a funeral arranger also provides information to families and friends about legal documents, such as death certificates or burial permits. They also liaise with other third parties to plan floral tributes, catering and transport arrangements for clients.

In order to become a licensed funeral arranger, you typically need an associate degree in mortuary science and one to three years of formal training under the direction of a licensed funeral director. You may also be required to take continuing education courses to maintain your license.

Education requirements

If you’re interested in a career where you can make a difference during some of the most difficult times in people’s lives, a mortuary science degree may be right for you. You’ll gain a variety of skills, including business management and administration.

In many states, you’ll need to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree in mortuary science and then obtain a license from your state. This usually takes between 1.5-2 years to complete, and you’ll also need to do a one- to three-year apprenticeship.

You’ll need to attend a mortuary science or funeral service program that’s accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. Most programs have a mixture of in-person and online classes. Most also require that you intern in person before you become licensed to work as a mortician.


To become a funeral arranger, you typically need a combination of education and licensure. This varies by state, but in general you must earn an associate degree from a community college or mortuary school accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education and pass a state or national exam.

In addition, you must complete an apprenticeship, which may last one year or more. This training is usually done under the supervision of a licensed funeral arranger, and it helps you gain practical experience.

Many states also require funeral arrangers to take continuing education classes to stay up to date on new trends and regulations. These classes often include ethics, helping people cope with grief and customer service.

Some funeral arrangers seek certification to enhance their career prospects. For example, the NFDA offers the Certified Funeral Arrangement Consultant (CFC) program, which teaches skills in presentation, ceremonial writing and unique ways to incorporate readings and music. The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a Grief Counselor certification, which is ideal for those who want to help others understand their loss and mourn in a healthy way.

Employment outlook

Overall employment of funeral service workers is projected to grow 8 percent over the next ten years, faster than the average for all occupations. About 7,900 openings are expected each year on average over the decade.

Demand for this career is expected to be strong as the aging population increases. Also, an increasing number of baby boomers choose to prearrange their end-of-life services.

As a funeral arranger, your job duties include coordinating the transportation of bodies to the mortuary and providing other assistance during a funeral or burial. You may interview family members to obtain information about their wishes for the funeral, select pallbearers, and help with religious rites.

The salary for this occupation ranges from about $45,000 to $83,000 annually. The amount of experience you have and the location you work in can influence your earnings.


Graveyards are burial grounds that are affiliated with a church. They tend to be smaller, and often fewer people can be buried in them.

The word “graveyard” is derived from the proto-Germanic word “graban” which means to dig. It is also related to the word “groove”.

Cemeteries are a place of final resting

A cemetery is a place set apart for burial or entombment of the dead. They are shaped to reflect geography, religious beliefs, social attitudes, and aesthetic and sanitary considerations.

The landscape of cemeteries can change over time. The older versions of cemeteries were characterized by a more lush landscape with lots of flowers, trees, and monuments.

Today, people tend to choose a cemetery that is close to home and in a location that they are comfortable visiting. They also want their final resting place to be a place that is well maintained, secure, and private.

In the past, public gatherings were common in cemeteries, and people would often have picnics there. These activities were banned in many places as epidemics and overcrowding caused problems.

They are a place of worship

A churchyard is a patch of land that adjoins or surrounds a particular place of worship. In Christian countries this can refer to both a church and a burial ground.

However, in many places the word graveyard is used to refer to a cemetery which does not adjoin a specific church. This is because the churchyard was a place where families could bury their loved ones, while cemeteries were more modern burial grounds that were separate from the church.

Throughout the history of mankind, providing a burial site for the dead has been a common practice. The ancient Hebrews, for example, hewed oblong recesses lengthwise into rock temples to allow their dead to be laid to rest.

They are a place of healing

Visiting a graveyard is a ritual that can help families heal after the loss of a loved one. It allows them to remember and reflect on their loved one while also allowing them to take some time for themselves.

A graveyard is usually a part of church property where people are buried. This is because it was a common practice in many different cultures for families to be buried together.

However, this is changing and a lot of people are choosing to be buried on their own. This means that the word cemetery is used more often to describe independent burial grounds.

The word cemetery comes from Greek koimeterion, which means “a sleeping place.” Early Christians used this term to describe their own burial grounds. In contrast, pagan culture referred to cemeteries as nekropolis, or “a city of the dead.”

They are a place of celebration

During the day-honored Appalachian tradition of Decoration Day, mountain people gather at their family cemeteries to clean and prepare the graves of their loved ones. The graves are then decorated with fresh flowers and personal mementos to keep them alive in the community.

In some countries, cemetery sites are festival places on special occasions set aside to honor the dead. They may be simple or elaborate and are sometimes regarded as holy fields or taboo areas.

Churches sponsored most of these graveyards, but as population growth began to outpace them in the 18th century, new places for burial were created independent of churchyards. These sites became known as cemeteries, from the Greek koimeterion (sleeping place).