A cemetery is a place where people are buried. It is commonly referred to as a gravesite. In ancient Rome, graveyards were known as catacombs. The word cemetery has many different meanings. The original meaning of the word is to be a burial ground, and a graveyard was a place specifically for burials.
In the 1800s, people were often declared dead when the coffin was dug up. Sometimes, they would regain consciousness. Others, however, were buried in deep comas. In these cases, grave attendants would often attach a bell on a long cord to the hand of the supposedly deceased. The bells would ring at night and during the day to alert the graveyard staff.
The graveyard also serves as a place of burial for the rich and famous. People of high social status or important professions are buried in individual crypts. These crypts will contain the deceased’s name, date of death, and other biographical information. In many European countries, crypts also feature a coat of arms. This helps visitors understand the meaning behind the name. There are numerous synonyms for graveyard, including cemetery, graveyard, necropolis, burying ground, churchyard, shrine, and burial site.
Many government organizations offer extra pay to people who volunteer for graveyard shifts. The additional pay is often modest, but it’s still a great incentive for many volunteers. It is worth noting that some graveyard shifts require a lot of standing and walking. This can result in a lot of sleep deprivation.
Historically, graveyards have been associated with churches. Many churches built graveyards on the grounds of their buildings. These burial grounds are smaller, due to limited land, and they tend to be more restrictive. Some churches only accept those who belonged to a particular faith. The word graveyard is derived from the proto-Germanic word “graban”, which means “to dig”. While graveyards are often associated with religious institutions, they are generally separated from the church.
The term graveyard is often confused with cemetery. Cemetery refers to a large burial ground, while graveyard refers to a smaller area. Its first citation in the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1767. A graveyard is typically much smaller than a cemetery. A graveyard can also be a part of a churchyard.
Although it is legal for a cemetery to re-use a grave, it is not always advisable. This practice often causes great upset to family members. Moreover, it may result in the authorities declaring the grave to be empty of human remains. This re-use of a grave is considered desecration by many people. The process usually involves removing headstones or monuments. Although the family is allowed to remove the monument, many people view this as desecration.
In Europe, cemeteries are generally owned and run by a church. The rules of these churches may be more restrictive than those for cemeteries run by the council. For example, a church-owned graveyard may only allow Christians to be buried there. However, a cemetery run by a secular organization is open to people of all faiths.
Many cemeteries have walls known as columbariums. These reflect the growing popularity of cremation. Cremated remains can be kept in an urn or scattered in an attractive spot. However, this method does not allow for a permanent memorial plaque and does not allow a larger circle of friends to pay their respects. For these reasons, many cemeteries have brick walls that have a rectangular array of niches – each of which can accommodate a cremation.