Bidding a final goodbye is an emotional experience and good cemetery design must respond sensitively. It must optimize land utilization, enhance aesthetics and improve overall operations.
Lyon says he sees more cemeteries adopting environmentally friendly practices. He points out that permeable roads cut down on costs for paving and organic fertilizers help reduce chemical runoff that damages headstones and trees.
An effective cemetery design requires clear and legible signage. This can be in the form of an entrance sign, directional signage, cemetery rules signs, or memorial plaques. The signs must also be durable enough to withstand weather conditions and other occurrences.
Identifying the entrance area with an artfully-selected sign marks the start of visitors’ journey through the cemetery. It sets the tone for a respectful and peaceful experience. It may also feature a specific cultural tradition, like the avenue of flags at a national cemetery, where donated American burial flags are displayed on certain days.
The design of the cemetery must consider the changing cultural values and philosophies surrounding death. Aesthetic changes can be seen throughout the cemetery landscape, from the monumental tombstones of ancient times to modernist paving and uniform headstones that reflect a growing belief in equality in death. A more recent emphasis on sustainability and eco-consciousness has influenced the design of green burial spaces that return bodies to the earth quickly for natural re-use.
A cemetery needs to be properly graded in order to prevent flooding and other problems. This is important for the safety of the deceased and visitors. It is also necessary for the proper operation of the cemetery.
In addition to the traditional graves, many cemeteries are now offering columbarium walls for cremation and ashes burial. Many of these new designs allow mourners to leave flowers on top of or at the base of the wall. These flowers are usually held by clips that are glued onto the plaques for this purpose.
Despite their grim history, well-designed cemeteries can be beautiful and peaceful places where mourners can visit and reflect on their lives. They can serve as a living legacy and help heal communities. They can also provide a place for people to come together. In this way, they can be a valuable resource for urban areas and be a valuable source of green space. In addition, they can serve as a place for families to reclaim their heritage and traditions.
Cemeteries are very unique places that require a great deal of planning and design. Every cemetery has its own set of physical, cultural, and historical characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing a cemetery landscape.
A proper drainage system is vital to a cemetery’s success. This includes minimizing water runoff and avoiding soil erosion. Additionally, it is important to consider how the cemetery will affect surrounding lands. This can include harboring lands to avoid surface flooding, retrofitting impervious surfaces with rainwater-retaining green infrastructures, and protecting existing wetlands.
Having a well-designed circulation plan is another vital aspect of cemetery design. It will help ensure that visitors can navigate the property easily and safely. It also helps to keep in mind the cemetery’s visitor demographic, as this will help determine how to best utilize the space. For example, if the cemetery caters to an older audience, it may be necessary to incorporate accessibility features like wheelchair-accessible paths and signage.
Master Plan
Cemeteries require a master plan to guide design, development, and expansion. The process includes a needs assessment, landscape analysis, infrastructure planning, cemetery layout and mapping, and the provision of facilities. A master plan allows for a phased approach to project completion and helps control costs.
A cemetery needs assessment can identify the type and number of burials, onsite cremation options, and memorialization options. It can also recommend improvements to improve land use efficiency, circulation, and wayfinding. The needs assessment should also consider new burial alternatives that reduce environmental impact, such as the lowering of caskets or planting trees.
A good cemetery design is critical for maintaining the longevity of your facilities and honoring the deceased and their families. With the right support from a qualified team and modern cemetery management tools like CIMS, you can create a cemetery that is well-organized and beautiful for generations to come. If you need help completing a cemetery needs assessment, Ramaker is ready to provide the expert guidance you need.