The graveyard shift is one of the least popular shifts, but it’s not without benefits. Unlike other shifts, graveyard shifts are usually done during nighttime hours, when most people are asleep. The typical shift starts around 11 PM and ends around 7 AM. In some cases, graveyard shifts are so long that the majority of the work day is spent at night. If this is the case, you’ll want to make sure to plan accordingly.
The word graveyard has several meanings. Historically, it meant a large burial ground close to a church. In medieval times, people were buried near their church, sometimes in crypts below the church. Eventually, however, the graveyards became too full and new ones were built. Now, cemeteries are separate locations away from the town or city, and the word ‘cemetery’ comes from the Greek word for “dormitory.”
During the nineteenth century, the population of London doubled, from a million to 2.3 million, and the tiny parish churchyards were dangerously overcrowded. Furthermore, the presence of decaying matter in the water supply was causing epidemics. In 1831, the cholera epidemic in Britain killed 52,000 people and placed unprecedented pressure on the country’s burial capacity. Also, the theory of miasma, which is believed to be a cause of the cholera epidemic, became a public health concern.
The terms graveyard and cemetery are often used interchangeably. However, people often don’t realize the differences between the two terms. There are subtle differences between these two words and you can always be sure to clarify your usage by citing the correct term. The use of cemetery as an adjective can be a good idea when writing a funeral. It’s a better choice for a small rural cemetery than a large urban cemetery.
In early times, when the dead were buried in graveyards, they were often buried with religious symbols. These quickly deteriorated in the elements, so some families paid a blacksmith to craft a metal cross to place over the grave. However, this practice was stopped in the early nineteenth century. In this time, populations increased rapidly and outbreaks of infectious disease continued near graveyards. Consequently, space became scarce for new interments. Eventually, the practice was banned in many European countries.
In many cases, gravediggers work full-time for cemetery authorities. Although the term “gravedigger” is still used in casual speech, many cemeteries prefer the term “caretaker.” The duties of gravediggers include ensuring that the cemetery grounds and facilities are maintained. So, it’s important to be sure that you have an open and honest conversation with your next of kin to discuss your final wishes.
Many cemeteries are beginning to build columbarium walls. This reflects the increased popularity of cremation. Families can bury their loved one’s cremated remains in urns, or scatter them in a beautiful place. But these alternatives are far from ideal: cremated remains don’t come with a permanent memorial plaque, and they don’t provide a way to invite a wider circle of family and friends to visit. As a result, many cemeteries now provide brick walls with rows of niches. Each niche is about one to two metres above the ground.
There are many reasons why a graveyard should be well-maintained. Gravestones can easily become damaged and unsafe if people do not properly care for them. Often, families will visit the gravesite on a regular basis or leave decorative items. But sometimes, graveyards can be a source of tension and controversy for cemetery authorities. For example, the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague is home to more than 100,000 people.