Cemetery Design

Cemeteries provide a special place to remember a loved one. But they require thoughtful planning and design to be both beautiful and accessible.

Unique upright monuments with sculpted shapes or stunning etchings can add beauty to a cemetery. Cremation and estate gardens need well designed hardscapes, pleasant textures, natural patterns and water features to enhance their aesthetic.

Master Plan

The cemetery is an iconic part of the urban fabric that carries with it many social, historic, and environmental responsibilities. It is a prime example of limited urban real estate that must be effectively managed to serve its citizens’ needs while paying respect to the past.

Scenic vistas within the cemetery are punctuated by various landscape structures, gravestones and significant monuments. These elements create visual terminuses – family mausoleum at one end, funeral chapel at the other, and cremation gardens with pavilions and water features in between.

Natural or constructed ponds reduce weed growth, improve soil quality and serve as a habitat for beneficial wildlife. The hardscapes of pathways, curbs and bituminous pavement are deteriorating due to age, exposure and vehicular traffic. A new parking system with dedicated spaces and signage would help remedy the negative effects of vehicles on the cemetery landscape.

Landscape and Architecture

With community or volunteer groups taking over a cemetery, The LA Group works to help develop a strategy for financial support as well as development of the physical site. Funding opportunities, grant writing, volunteer development and public education workshops are just some of the avenues that a municipality may want to explore.

Designing a landscape that reflects the personality of a cemetery is crucial to its success. A cemetery has a responsibility to the community and the future generations that will utilize it, but if it doesn’t create an identity of its own, it will become just another landscape.

Designing the cemetery landscape feasibly can save money in maintenance costs. For example, converting asphalt roads to permeable ones saves on expensive paving bills, and planting native grasses reduces the amount of chemicals required for mowing. In addition, good design adds value to the site. Burial plots in close proximity to beautiful or interesting features and spaces command premium prices.


Signage is a crucial aspect of cemetery design. It should identify the site, direct visitors and keep people out of private property areas. It is important to consider your visitor demographic when designing your signage.

Directional road signs, particularly those directing drivers to Jewish heritage sites in western Ukraine, require a specific design approach. There is a limited amount of information space on signs that are practical in size and legible in an outdoor setting, whether printed or etched. This means that the project leader and sign designer must prioritize what should be included. Additional information in digital formats without size constraints may be included on web pages linked to physical signs at burial sites via QR codes and mobile phone applications.

Identification signs for individual Jewish cemeteries and mass graves can be incorporated into the memorial marker or placed at a cemetery entrance or boundary fence, or they can be installed at the site itself. Ideally, they should match the style and characteristics of directional road signs used to direct people there.

Grading and Drainage

The burial ground must be accessible for all visitors. A cemetery should have walkways and wheelchair-accessible paths throughout the property. It should be well-lit for safety and security. It should be easy to navigate by car or on foot and there should be ample parking.

Burial sites should be arranged in areas of low-risk ground water pollution. Graves should generally conform to existing terrain and final grades should range from two percent (the minimum for positive drainage) to a maximum of 15 percent with one predominant slope. Burial sections should be clearly defined with section markers.

Re-using graves is an issue that many cemeteries face as the number of burials increase. This is because contacting family members that purchased a plot many years ago can be difficult and costly. Alternatives such as vertical burial or sharing coffins have been implemented in some countries to avoid this problem. Harboring the lands to prevent water runoff and retrofitting impervious surfaces with green infrastructure are also possible solutions.


A cemetery is a place for burial. It may also contain memorials for the deceased.

Traditionally, families and friends were responsible for the construction and maintenance of headstones and monuments. Over time, this can result in a chaotic collection of monuments and gravestones that are often unsafe or unsightly.

The website Deceased Online enables you to search for burial records from around the world. It works with local councils to digitise their records so more is added all the time.

The History of Cemeteries

Cemeteries are the final resting places for those who have passed away. They provide a place for family members to visit their loved ones and pay respects. In addition, they serve as historical, memorial, spiritual and aesthetic greenspaces within the urban environment. They can be public or private; religious or secular; for-profit or not-for-profit.

In the nineteenth century, rapid population growth caused church graveyards to become dangerously overcrowded. Furthermore, decomposing bodies were creating a sanitary hazard by contaminating water supplies with decaying miasma. As a result, the Rural Cemetery Movement was established to create new burial grounds.

These landscaped cemeteries incorporated innovations in burial ground design inspired by romantic perceptions of nature, art and national identity. The resulting spaces were more pleasant, serene and aesthetically pleasing than the dreary, gloomy burial grounds that had come before them. Many of the graves in these cemeteries also have intriguing backstories. As a result, they are time capsules of America’s history and are worth exploring.

How to Find a Cemetery

Cemeteries fall into many categories. Understanding these will help you locate your ancestor’s gravesite. Local genealogical societies often compile cemetery indexes. Some are online. You can also try searching the websites of local churches or the county courthouse where your ancestor lived.

The most well-known free cemetery search engine is Find A Grave. It has 115 million memorials created by volunteers. Billion Graves is another free website that has a wide collection of tombstone photos.

If you can’t find a cemetery online, try calling or emailing the management of the cemetery where your ancestor is buried. Explain what you are trying to do and they should be able to help you track down your ancestor’s gravesite. Be sure to ask them if the family has ever donated to the cemetery and for a map of the grounds. You can also ask the sexton about the cemetery’s history and if any records have been lost over the years.

What to Bring

In addition to flowers, which are always welcome at a cemetery, there are other items that can be left to commemorate loved ones. These include toys and other items that a person enjoyed in life, especially small ones that children like such as tiny cars or animals, or figurines if the person was someone who collected them.

Food is also a common thing that people bring to a loved one’s gravesite, particularly around holidays, but you should check with the cemetery first to make sure they don’t mind this. Leaving food there can attract ants and other pests, and it can also create litter and waste.

You should avoid bringing things that are made of glass, such as lanterns and other objects that can topple over and injure mourners who are visiting the site. You should also avoid leaving anything that may be a fire hazard, such as candles or other burning items. It’s also best not to leave drinks, as they can spill and cause accidents.

What to Do

Cemeteries are sacred spaces, and it is important to respect the dead who rest there. Many people who visit a cemetery are grieving, and they want to be left alone. If you see a funeral going on, be considerate and wait until it is over before visiting the gravesite.

Avoid walking over a grave, sitting on it, or touching any decorations that are placed there. It is disrespectful to the deceased and their family members.

It is also a good idea to clean up after yourself when you are done with your visit. Remove any trash, wrappers, cans or loose decorations from the area. This is especially important if you are visiting an old cemetery, where animals may live. You can also help keep the grounds looking nice by gently removing weeds, pulling up leaves or other plant matter, and mowing any grass that is growing over the marker. This helps maintain the appearance of the site and makes it easier for groundskeepers to mow around markers.

memorial park

Memorial Park offers visitors an atmosphere of natural beauty, peace for quiet meditation and a sense of dignity and honor to the memory of loved ones. This is accomplished through the synthesis of cultural and ecological landscape elements.

Using innovative construction techniques the building materials are treated to reveal their natural qualities. The design also repurposes historic elements found within the site’s cultural landscape.

The History of Memorial Park

The Memorial Park is the main municipal park of the City and is heavily used for passive recreation. It contains the City’s only community garden and is home to Boeckman Creek.

The land that comprises Memorial Park became a park on July 25, 1920. At that time the deed recorded a transfer from Mr. Nicholas Jacobus Field to his widow Sophia of Sub X of Lot O containing 360 acres and 1 rood and 14 perches.

The first monument added to the Park in the new century was the Submariners Memorial. This monument paid tribute to those men and women who served in submarines during World War Two. This monument also is unique in that it recognizes those who lost their lives while on Eternal Patrol and is one of only two in the United States to do so. The Memorial Park has many more monuments and markers that honor our veterans, past and present.

The Memorial Walls

Unlike most memorial monuments that rise above the landscape, this wall lies close to the ground. It consists of two identical walls, each 246 feet long with 72 panels for listing names (numbered 1E through 70E and 1W through 70W).

The Wall is not a traditional burial site, but rather it provides a setting where life celebrations occur within a peaceful park-like environment. The Wall is complemented by a statue of three servicemen, which was added in 1984, and the Vietnam Women’s Memorial which was unveiled in 1993.

A special feature of the Memorial Wall allows visitors to do name rubbings, a tradition that honors a loved one by placing paper over recessed lettering and scraping with the tip of a pencil or other object. Many families visit The Wall to find their loved ones’ names and then make a rubbing as a keepsake. If you can’t locate a specific name, ask a National Park Ranger for assistance.

The Gold Star Monument

The Gold Star Monument is dedicated to those who have lost a family member in the military. The monument is a symbol of patriotism and reminds us that there are those who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

A committee of local citizens and two 501 c3 non-profits, the Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation and the Major Brent Taylor Foundation raised $100,000 for this project. Local elected officials and businesses also contributed to the effort.

Jennie Taylor, whose husband was killed in Afghanistan in 2018, served as the main driving force for this monument to be built. She hopes the monument will provide families with some measure of closure and a reminder that their community hasn’t forgotten them. A “Gold Star Family” is defined as a mother, father, stepmother or stepfather, wife, child, adopted or foster child, brother or sister, half brother or sisters, aunt, uncle or cousin who has lost a loved one in service to the nation.

The Peace Statue

Located in the Peace Circle on the Capitol grounds, the 44 foot tall white marble monument was built from 1877 to 1878 in honor of naval deaths at sea during the American Civil War. The statue has become a central gathering place for people who wish to send their message of peace through art and symbolism.

In Berlin, where more than half the city’s citizens have a migration background and the Statue of Peace was installed, activists fight to counter a nationalist discourse that claims that only European victims deserve memorials and to challenge the idea that sexual violence has a country of origin. For this purpose, the empty chair that invites anyone to sit next to the girl allows new links and associations.

WGCW uses the space around the statue for demonstrations, conferences, vigils, music and dance performances, podcasts and vlogs (video blogs) and projects with local schools. It also serves as a COVID-safe space for meetings when it is not possible to gather inside.

funeral bureau

While no one likes to think about the death of a loved one, preparing for it can help family members save money and avoid unnecessary charges. It is important to shop around and ask questions.

It is also a good idea to get any funeral establishments total dollar amount in writing BEFORE you sign the contract.

Licensed Funeral Directors

When a loved one dies, the funeral director helps families plan a service to honor their life and to support them in this difficult time. Often, he or she is required to be on-call at night and weekends. This position is very emotionally demanding and can cause burnout.

Some states require funeral directors to have a bachelor’s degree in mortuary science or equivalent experience. In addition to completing education, many funeral directors are required to pass both national and state board exams and complete an internship or apprenticeship.

Licensed funeral providers must disclose a charge for basic services when marketing their goods and services. The charges can include the services of a director and embalmer as well as caskets, urns and burial vaults. The fees may also cover administrative expenses like staff salaries, office rent and utilities. Consumers should compare prices to find the best deal and avoid funeral homes that have excessive mark-ups on goods.

Licensed Embalmers

Assisting funeral directors in the preparation of bodies for burial or cremation, embalmers prepare the deceased’s body by disinfecting, preparing and embalming them. The process can involve removing blood, replacing it with embalming fluid and reconstructing damaged areas of the body, while also applying makeup to provide the deceased with a natural appearance.

Licensed embalmers need to fulfill state requirements, which can include an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree program at a mortuary science school. Some programs are fully online, while others require that students attend laboratory practice classes where they learn how to perform embalming procedures.

In addition to formal education, most states also require that aspiring embalmers complete an apprenticeship program. The exact duration of this training varies by state, but it typically involves working with a licensed embalmer under his direct supervision. In some cases, this may involve embalming a specified number of bodies to gain the experience required to become licensed.

Licensed Cemetery Operators

Licensed cemetery operators are responsible for the day-to-day operations of a cemetary. This includes selling burial plots, arranging funerals, and maintaining records. Cemetery owners are also required to have a thorough understanding of state and federal regulations surrounding burial practices.

In Craigmiles, the court invalidated a state law that allowed only licensed funeral directors to sell caskets on the grounds that it violated the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The court found that the law did not meet the rational basis test because it did not advance a legitimate state purpose such as consumer protection.

Licensed cemetery operators must provide a copy of their price list to purchasers who order markers or foundations. The price must not exceed the operator’s direct cost of providing the goods or service. The operator must give notice of any change in the price within 30 days of the effective date of the change. The operator must also file an annual report with the registrar.

Licensed Crematory Operators

A crematory operator runs the equipment that reduces a person’s body to bone fragments. They may use traditional flame-based cremation, calcination, or alkaline hydrolysis. They also perform general maintenance and cleaning of the facility and its equipment.

They are responsible for tracking the body through the entire cremation process, and ensuring that the right cremains are returned to the family. They must be able to follow strict procedures for handling and documenting a body from the moment it arrives at the crematorium until it leaves the cremation chamber.

Many funeral homes offer apprenticeships or internships that allow aspiring crematory operators to gain hands-on experience in the mortuary industry. Some colleges even include crematory operator certification as part of their degrees. While most people know what cremation is, very few understand what a crematory operator does on a daily basis. This is a crucial role in the funeral industry.


A mortuary is a room of refrigerated cabinets where bodies are stored until interment or cremation. The rooms may be part of hospitals or stand-alone facilities. Mortuary cosmetologists are trained to make a body look natural for viewing and funeral services.

If burial is chosen, the body is embalmed and prepared for a casket or crypt. If cremation is chosen, the body enters a cremation chamber that is heated with natural gas.

What is a mortuary?

Mortuaries are refrigerated rooms where bodies are kept until burials or cremations occur. Some mortuaries are affiliated with funeral homes, while others are independent. In general, mortuaries focus on the embalming and preparation of the body for a memorial service or funeral.

Many people are surprised to learn that morticians do much more than embalm the body. They also offer grief counseling, help coordinate paperwork, death registration, and memorial services. If you’re planning an end-of-life event, it’s important to explore your options to find the best fit for your family’s needs.

Mortuaries may offer a variety of memorialization services, including casket or cremation burials and entombment in a mausoleum. They may also provide a funeral procession. A mortuary may or may not be able to offer cremation services on site, but they can connect you with a crematorium that does. As with hospitals and doctors’ offices, mortuaries generate biohazardous waste that must be properly disposed of. Sharps (scissors, lancets, etc) and other medical equipment are considered a hazard and should be placed in a dedicated sharps container.

What is a morgue?

A morgue is a place where dead bodies are kept, usually in refrigerated rooms, until they can be identified or claimed by family members. It is also a room where autopsies are performed. A mortuary is often located in a hospital, although it may be attached to a funeral home or medical examiner’s office.

Pathologists staff hospital morgues and perform postmortems, which are detailed examinations of the body to determine the cause of death. They also identify any injuries the deceased suffered before their death.

In the United States, most morgues are owned by funeral homes or private businesses. Those that do not own their own mortuaries are sometimes contracted with funeral homes to provide services like embalming and casket lining. Working in a mortuary requires a certain level of technical skills and emotional strength. However, it can be an extremely rewarding career for those who are able to deal with the sights and smells of the dead.

What is the difference between a morgue and a mortuary?

Mortuaries are more focused on the mortuary sciences of caring for the body, preparing it for burial or cremation and transporting it. They may offer a more limited range of services, such as a quick viewing for immediate family members or onsite cremation without full memorialization. Some mortuaries also employ a mortician, although in most cases they will require the involvement of a funeral director for the preparation and burial process.

Both facilities use refrigeration units to preserve the body, but morgues tend to have larger refrigerators because they may be required to store bodies that have not yet been identified or claimed. They may also be used for autopsies and forensic examinations.

Both morgues and funeral homes follow strict rules to ensure that cadavers are treated with dignity and respect, but funeral homes often have more staff and specialized equipment for preparing bodies for burial or cremation. They also provide grief counseling and other support to families.

What is the difference between a funeral home and a mortuary?

Mortuaries and funeral homes share similar services, such as embalming the body and preparing it for burial or cremation. Funeral homes also set up public viewings, work with clergy and cemeteries, and coordinate other funeral activities.

Some funeral home employees have training in grief counseling, but that is less common in mortuaries. The funeral director and staff at a funeral home are trained in both the business aspects of this industry and how to support families.

Both a funeral home and mortuary offer memorialization services, but funeral homes have larger areas where services can be held and may allow public viewings of the body. In addition, funeral homes usually have a full-service funeral and can provide a casket for burial or an urn for cremation.

Some funeral homes charge an extra fee for items that they buy on your behalf, such as obituary notices, flowers, and officiating clergy. The Funeral Rule requires that these additional fees be disclosed to you in advance.

A mortuary is a place where people go to see and honor their loved ones who have died. They also provide a range of other services.

Most mortuaries offer funeral services, though they are often less extensive than those offered by a funeral home. The most common service is embalming, which involves the use of preserving chemicals.


Autopsies are medical examinations performed on a dead body to determine the cause and manner of death. They can also detect disease or injury that may have occurred to the deceased. In addition to a physical examination, an autopsy can involve laboratory testing of tissue, blood, and other bodily fluids. Autopsies are usually performed by pathologists, although other medical specialists qualified to perform them include forensic pathologists and physicians.

Generally, the family must consent to an autopsy. However, some states honor religious objections and will permit an autopsy anyway to investigate crimes or head off a threat to public health such as tainted food or an outbreak of a fast-spreading disease.

During an autopsy, a doctor will open the deceased’s skin and remove and dissect the internal organs (including the brain). Incisions are usually closed immediately afterward. Occasionally, the surgeon will keep tissue samples for future medical research or to train doctors. These specimens can be returned to the body or disposed of by the hospital as directed by the next of kin.


Burial is a common practice in many cultures. It is also a way to honor the dead. Some people choose to bury their loved ones in a graveyard, while others prefer to have them buried in a tomb. Regardless of what method you choose, the body will still need to go through the mortuary process.

Bodies begin to decompose quickly when they are exposed to air. This can create a health risk and make the embalming process more difficult. In order to prevent this from happening, most mortuaries have rooms of refrigerated cabinets that are specially designed to hold bodies.

Depending on your culture, your body may be dressed before being placed in a casket. For example, many African families provide full robes for their deceased family members. Some families dress their loved one after the embalming process and before the funeral procession. This is usually done by male family members. However, women can also dress their loved one if they wish.


Embalming is a service that uses preserving chemicals to keep the body’s appearance as it was when the person was alive. It’s often used for funerals with open caskets or when loved ones travel from a distance to pay their respects.

Embalmers begin by ensuring they have permission and the proper credentials from the family to work with the body. They also verify the body’s identity by checking for wrist or leg bracelets and tags, and a pulse in the carotid or radial artery. They wash the body, redress the private areas and massage stiff muscles and joints to relieve rigor mortis.

The embalmer will then set the features, including closing the eyes. They might use a mouth form to maintain the jaw’s natural alignment and bite, which leaves less room for human error. They also sewed the lips and tongue, but never sewed the eyelids closed (they can be glued instead). They also wired the ears and inserted a hat to keep them in place.


Cremation is the technical process of reducing human remains to bone fragments and other residue. Depending on religious and cultural beliefs, these may then be sprinkled, kept at home or buried in a grave or columbarium.

The strong oxidation of combustible materials in the cremation process generates VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which contribute to environmental pollution. These emissions can be reduced significantly by installing a flue gas post-treatment system.

The mortuary is the place where a dead body is stored until it can be moved to the funeral home or to an autopsy facility. It is also where embalming is done. It has been known for corpses to groan and sit up while in the morgue, so mortuary workers need to be comfortable working with them. They are usually refrigerated to delay decomposition. If a body is going to be cremated, it must first be fully embalmed unless the deceased’s family opts for an un-embalmed cremation.

A graveyard is a place where the dead are buried. It is a locale set aside, either by governmental authority or private enterprise.

The word cemetery originated from the Old French cimetiere, which means “graveyard”. It was also associated with the Greek koimeterion, meaning “a sleeping place.”


A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It’s a relatively modern term, though it has roots in the word cemetery.

It’s also linked to the ancient Greek word “koimeterion,” which means “dormitory.” Early Christians came to use the word to refer to a person’s final resting place.

When someone dies, their family often chooses a cemetery to bury them. The word cemetery comes from the Greek words “grave,” meaning a burial place, and “gardan,” which means an enclosed area.

Many cemeteries are a mix of secular and religious, so it’s common to find graves in both categories. However, there are some differences between the two types of cemetery, including their headstone requirements.


The origin of the word graveyard can be traced back to 7th century Europe when burials were firmly controlled by the church. Initially, people were buried close to the church, while those of higher status and wealth were buried in crypts beneath the church.

As the population grew, these cemetery-like grounds became overcrowded and unsanitary. This eventually led to the emergence of cemeteries that were not associated with churches.

Often called “rural cemeteries,” these new burial sites were created outside of city centers, where they could accommodate more people. These cemeteries were also seen as a way to solve lingering diseases, infectious diseases, and flood problems that were prevalent in churchyards.

The word cemetery comes from the Greek koimeterion, which means “sleeping place.” It was first applied to Roman catacombs, but over time it has come to refer to any site that is dedicated to burying dead people. It is also a common term for a cist, a prehistoric burial chamber that holds a body or ashes after cremation.


When it comes to cemeteries, there are many types to choose from. The most common are public and private. A public cemetery is typically owned by a municipality such as the city, county or state and is open to all who wish to pay their respects. A private cemetery is usually owned by a lodge, civic or fraternal group and is typically more restrictive in terms of who gets to use it, and for what.

The most difficult task is figuring out which is the best one for you and your family. You may need to do a little research before making that final decision.

The best way to do this is to talk to a qualified funeral director about the options available. Some will advise you on the right type of burial site for your specific needs and budget.


A graveyard is a place where people are buried after they die. It is often associated with a church, but it isn’t affiliated to any specific religion.

Cemeteries are similar to graveyards, but they are not associated with a particular church and can be much larger due to land limitations. This allows them to accommodate people of all faiths.

Cemetery authorities usually employ a full-time staff of caretakers to dig the graves and maintain the cemetery grounds and facilities. They also keep a record of all the burials in the cemetery and sell niches to families who wish to bury their loved ones.

Graves are marked by a headstone engraved with the name of the person and other biographical data. Richer families may have a higher-quality headstone, with more writing and symbols on it. War graves are commonly marked with remembrance crosses and poppy wreaths left by visitors.

Cemetery Design

Cemeteries are a place for people to remember and honor those who have died. They can be a quiet place for family and friends to sit and reflect or they can be a public space for visitors.

Cemetery design should encourage visitors to linger and enjoy the landscape and features within the property. This can be done through site analysis, master planning, and burial section design.

Site Analysis

When designing a cemetery, it is important to consider the surrounding environment and its unique character. This includes knowledge of topography, soils, drainage and views.

A careful analysis of the site will ensure that all aspects of cemetery design are properly thought out and can be easily understood by those who work in the cemetery. This can save time and money in the long run.

It is also important to keep in mind the culture of the area and its history. For example, if the area has many historic buildings that have been erected over time, it is wise to use similar architectural styles and materials for all of the elements in the cemetery.

Master Plan

A master plan is a critical step for any cemetery, whether a new or historic facility. It allows the owner to determine how best to meet their future needs with cost-effective strategies for land development.

Planning a cemetery is an intricate process, one that requires a good understanding of the site with respect to topography, drainage, vegetation, climate, utilities and other aspects. It also includes a thorough program statement based on sales trends, community demographics, cemetery needs, maintenance and desired outcomes.

Creating an effective plan for a cemetery involves balancing development costs with revenue, determining how to expand inventory based on current needs and developing an efficient design that improves pedestrian flow and accessibility. It may include feasibility studies, financial analysis and assessment of opportunities for grant funding and volunteer involvement.

Burial Sections

The design of burial sections is an important phase of cemetery development. The design of these areas should reflect the nature and history of the land and the cultural practices around death and funeral rituals.

Burial Areas should generally conform to the existing terrain, and final grading must achieve one predominant uniform slope within each section. Rising and falling slopes should be eliminated, as they may negatively impact adjoining lands or destroy natural site features.

Burial plots are measured pieces of land developed for the burial of full caskets or cremated remains. The sizes of these plots vary based on the type of cemetery and the amount of space available.


Monuments are an important part of cemetery design. They tell a person’s story and provide visitors with a place to reflect on the person who died.

The Olmsted firm viewed cemeteries as spaces set apart for the prime purpose of memorializing the dead. They were to be designed with tasteful details that avoided monotony and excess ornamentation.

They should be arranged with a sense of unity of design, making the parts subordinate to an agreeable whole. They should not distract attention from the natural advantages of hill and dale, wide outlooks or shadowy recesses.

The master plan is the most important step in designing a cemetery. It aims to improve the overall aesthetics of the cemetery through cohesive planning, optimizing land utilization and long term sustainability.


When designing a cemetery, landscaping is a very important phase. It is the part of a project where landscape designers can make an impact on how people think about their final resting place.

The landscaping phase of the design process begins with due diligence and analysis. This includes programming and understanding the site with regards to topography, drainage, vegetation, climate, utilities, zoning, adjacent land uses and other aspects of the cemetery.

Once the analysis and programming are completed, it is time to start the actual design work. From here, a master plan is developed and the various program elements are located on the site map.

When it comes to planning for a burial, choosing the right cemetery is one of the most important decisions. It can determine the type of burial you choose, whether or not it has a mausoleum, where it overlooks a city or is nestled in privacy, and so much more.

If you want to locate a cemetery, you must first narrow down your search area. This can be done by talking with local residents and searching for old maps.

They are a place of serenity

The serenity and peace that a cemetery provides can make a huge difference for those grieving. It is a place where one can visit their loved ones, reminisce about them and even communicate with them in their final resting place.

Historically, cemeteries have been a natural space where people could escape the hurly-burly of cities and spend time in nature. The etymology of the word “cemetery” stems from the Greek koimeterion, which means “a sleeping place.” This etymological association is important because it led to the development of large, spacious, natural cemeteries that are still used today.

They are also a good source of information about a community’s history and culture, especially when you consider the many different types of grave markers and their inscriptions and designs. For example, a headstone in the form of a sunken bowl, which may have been used as a marker for a burial site, can be a useful tool when trying to trace the migration routes and cultural histories of a particular group or family.

They are a place of healing

Visiting the grave of your loved one in a cemetery can be a beautiful and sacred experience. It can help you feel connected to your loved one and relieve some of the stress and pain that comes with grief.

The etymology of the word cemetery is rooted in Greek koimeterion, which means “a sleeping place.” It was initially used as a term for church burial grounds because people did not have to be a member of a particular congregation to be buried there.

Cemeteries also have a number of social-level functions that are both personal and community-based. These include disposing of bodies, displaying and constructing identities, and expressing basic cultural beliefs about death and life. These functions are reflected in the inscriptions on grave markers, as well as in the way that they are maintained and organized. Cemeteries are also often places where communities gather for funeral rites and memorial services. This can be a healing and therapeutic experience for the entire family.

They are a place of memorialization

A cemetery is a place to remember your loved one and keep them close to you. You may choose to honor your loved one by leaving a stone or other memorial to mark their spot in the ground, and this can be very meaningful to you.

There are many ways to memorialize a deceased loved one, from placing a monument to creating a garden in their honor. When you are choosing a memorial to honor your lost loved one, make sure it is something that will stand the test of time and serve as a place for family members to gather in memory of your loved one.

In many cultures, a graveyard is a place of memory and reflection. For example, in Poland, the country of origin of many buried soldiers, people often leave small timber remembrance crosses with a red poppy attached to them or a wooden Star of David. War graves are also sometimes marked by burning grave candles, especially during All Souls Day.

They are a place of research

A cemetery is a fascinating place to research and learn more about your ancestors. There are often burial registers that provide details about the people buried there. These are important resources for genealogists and historians who want to learn more about the families of their ancestors.

There are also many recording projects that take place in cemeteries and churchyards, enabling people to record information about burial spaces. These can be recorded on websites like the Burial Space Research Database and in books, journals and newspapers.

While there are some studies that consider cemeteries as part of a green infrastructure network, the majority of planning policies for them do not reflect this (McClymont, 2016). There is therefore a lack of understanding about how these spaces might be used in broader urban green infrastructure networks.

memorial park

Memorial Park is a place where Houstonians come together for a variety of events and activities. It is also a place where people come together to remember the past and to pay tribute to those who have given their lives in service to our country.

As part of a master plan update, Memorial Park will be able to better meet the community’s current and future recreational needs. This will enhance the park’s resilience and connection to a diverse native ecology while honoring its cultural and historic heritage.

History of the Park

Memorial Park was established in 1924 when Houstonians Will and Mike Hogg purchased a portion of Camp Logan, a World War I military training camp. It was developed over the next several years into a lush, riparian forest filled with trails and recreational amenities.

Today, Memorial Park is a popular destination with visitors and residents. It is home to several parks and gardens. It also features man-made water features and a variety of trees that provide shade.

Submariners Monument

The Submariners Monument in memorial park commemorates the service of men who served as submariners. It honors those who designed, built, operated, and maintained submarines from shipyards across the country.

It also recognizes the families of those who served, and the communities that support them. It is a tribute to the submariner, and all the men and women who design, build, operate and maintain submarines from Hawaii to Maine.

The Monument includes a granite slab that lists the names of 50 submariners who lost their lives during World War II on “eternal patrol” from the USS S-28. It is surrounded by a circle of tombstone-like granite markers.

Korea Monument

The Korea Monument in memorial park honors the men and women of America’s military who served during the Korean War, which lasted three years from 1950 to 1953. It also recognizes the 22 United Nations partners who contributed to the conflict.

The main feature of the memorial is a group of 19 stainless steel statues. These sculptures are about 20% larger than life, forming an idealized patrol of U.S. soldiers on patrol, emerging from a forest into open ground in a wedge formation.

On the other side of the triangle are inscriptions on the Pool of Remembrance listing the numbers of troops killed, wounded, missing in action and held as prisoners during the Korean War. Opposite these inscriptions is the iconic inscription, “Freedom is not free.”

Gold Star Monument

The Gold Star Monument in memorial park is a place of honor for those who have lost a loved one while serving in the armed forces. These monuments are built to remember those who have sacrificed their lives so that we can live in peace and freedom.

The memorial is made of black granite with a section cut out in the shape of a soldier saluting. The other side of the monument is engraved with four panels that tell a story.

Dedicated by Hershel “Woody” Williams, a World War II veteran and recipient of the Medal of Honor, these memorials are part of his program to honor Gold Star Families across the country. Currently, there are 17 of these monuments across the country and more are being built.

Peace Statue

The Peace Statue is a monument for peace to commemorate Sadako Sasaki and the thousands of child victims of the atomic bombing. It was built with funds donated from all over Japan, and is a permanent symbol of hope for world peace.

The statue features a soft face and closed eyes that offer prayers for the souls of the atomic bomb victims. The bent right leg symbolizes meditation, while the left leg represents the need to stand up against war.

In addition to the main statue, visitors will see strings of colourful paper cranes – known as orizuru in Japanese – that have been folded by schoolchildren from all over the world. This serves as a reminder that the children who make them and those who visit want to live in peace.