What is Mortuary Science?

There is a lot of terminology in the funeral industry. Some of it makes sense, and some of it doesn’t. Three terms that get confused a lot are morgue, mortuary, and crematorium.

Some people use these words interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. This article will explain the difference between them.

What is a mortuary?

Mortuaries are places where a body is stored until it’s either identified, taken for an autopsy or prepared for burial or cremation. They can be found inside of funeral homes, hospitals or in private facilities and are typically refrigerated to prevent decomposition.

Mortuary services include preparing a body for burial or cremation, embalming and on-site cremation. They can also provide grief counseling and coordinate paperwork like death certificates, obituaries and memorials.

Because of their more specialized nature, mortuaries are often smaller and less opulent than full-service funeral homes. They also tend to be more focused on the mortuary sciences and don’t offer viewing or memorial services. Crematoriums, however, do qualify as a funeral home and can offer viewings and memorials alongside their onsite cremation.

Morgues are facilities where bodies are stored for examination.

A mortuary is a facility where bodies are stored while they are awaiting identification, burial or cremation. They also serve as a place for autopsies.

A morgue is often a large warehouse, though it can be any size building with sufficient space for the storage of corpses. A morgue typically requires a refrigerated environment to prevent the body from decomposition, which can occur in as little as a few days.

Many funeral professionals start their careers in a mortuary as an entry-level position before pursuing further education. The skills acquired in a mortuary science program can be incredibly rewarding and offer a well-rounded education in microbiology, human biology and embalming. With the right equipment, a mortuary can provide a range of services to families in need.

Mortuaries are not funeral homes.

While many people use the terms morgue and mortuary interchangeably, they are not the same. Morgues can only hold bodies for a short period until they are claimed or redirected, while mortuaries are more multipurpose and offer embalming and cremation services as well.

Another thing that sets mortuaries apart from funeral homes is that they are not designed with the comfort of family members in mind. Instead, they are typically more medical or industrial looking facilities.

Funeral homes, on the other hand, are designed to provide support during these difficult times and assist with planning memorial services. They can also help with purchasing memorial products like urns and unique caskets. This makes them a better choice for those who need comprehensive funeral services. They can also provide a place for friends and family to pay their respects.

Mortuaries are more focused on mortuary sciences.

Many students considering mortuary science feel drawn to this career because they are passionate about being of service to families during their most vulnerable times. But this is just one facet of a profession that offers much more.

In fact, many funeral home directors and embalmers consider their work a calling rather than a job. They are some of the most compassionate service workers, strongest managers, and attentive planners around. They are also dedicated scientists, who study human biology and restoration arts as part of a comprehensive curriculum.

Mortuaries are more straightforward.

Mortuary science is an incredibly misunderstood field. However, those that choose to pursue a career in this field are choosing to help people through an emotional time in their lives. They are a vital part of the community, serving as confidants and shoulders to lean on for families during their loss.

Oftentimes, funeral directors and embalmers work at the same funeral homes they serve. This helps ensure consistency in the services provided. Those who attend funerals can rest easy knowing that their loved ones are well cared for.

If you’re interested in learning more about funeral services, Goodwin University offers a program that is flexible enough to fit your busy life. Check out their website to learn more about how you can get started in this fascinating and impactful career.

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