funeral bureau

Funeral bureaus are a key part of the public’s access to funeral services. They provide assistance with arranging a funeral and helping families deal with death in a compassionate manner.

The funeral bureau also regulates and inspects funeral establishments and crematory authorities. It investigates consumer complaints and takes disciplinary action when required standards are violated.

Arrangement Conferences

An arrangement conference is a time set aside for you and your funeral director to meet and discuss the many details of a funeral service. This meeting typically takes about 2-3 hours.

During the conference, your funeral director will guide you through the available options and answer any questions you may have. You’ll also be given a General Price List and an Itemized Statement of Services and Merchandise to help you make your final decisions.

The basic services fee covers the funeral director and staff’s availability to respond to a death, arrangements conference, securing permits, filing the death certificate, sheltering remains, preparing notices, and other related activities. You must disclose this charge to consumers unless they can decline it.

Funeral homes are allowed to set prices for goods and services but must provide you with a General Price List before you sign a contract. The price list must include current pricing for all merchandise and services regularly offered by the funeral home.

Pre-Need Funeral Planning

Pre-Need Funeral Planning relieves your family of the responsibility of making decisions for you and gives them time to focus on your final wishes. It also helps relieve the financial burden for your survivors during an emotional time.

A funeral bureau can offer you two main types of pre-need services: prepaid funeral plans and final expense insurance.

With a prepaid funeral plan, you enter into a contract with a specific funeral home to cover all of your pre-determined funeral expenses. You can pay in one lump sum or with monthly premiums.

Alternatively, you can purchase a pre-need life insurance policy that will be paid to the funeral home upon your death. This type of plan has become very popular as the population ages.

In addition, a prepaid funeral plan can be paid for by a revocable trust where you set money aside to pay for your funeral expenses in the future. However, you must be aware that these plans have a certain degree of flexibility and are not guaranteed.

Pre-Need Funeral Arrangements

Pre-Need funeral arrangements offer consumers the opportunity to lock in prices for funeral goods and services. They are usually funded through a funeral trust, annuity or insurance policy.

The benefits of pre-need contracts are that they can be used to pay for funeral items and services in advance, thus removing the financial burden from family members during a difficult time. However, these contracts can be complicated.

Many state laws regulate pre-need contracts. The regulations vary, and some states also have separate statutes covering funeral and burial contracts.

In general, you must comply with the Rule when you sell pre-need contracts for funeral goods and services to individuals. You must also comply with the Rule when you change a person’s pre-need contract after that person’s death.

Final Arrangements

Funeral bureaus offer a variety of final arrangements. They can provide traditional burial or cremation services, or you may choose to have your body cremated with a new process called alkaline hydrolysis.

In addition, many providers offer pre-need funeral plans. These can help relieve your survivors of the burden of making these difficult decisions at a time when they are most stressed and confused.

These plans can also include other options, such as donating your organs or tissue to medical science. If you choose to pre-need your funeral, be sure to consult with an attorney to make sure that you have a written plan and your wishes are carried out.

Whether you decide to pre-need or not, it is a good idea to discuss your preferences with your family members. It is also a good idea to have a funeral planning agent appointed to oversee your decisions and carry out your wishes.


When a loved one dies, the disposition of their body is a complicated process. It involves many people.

A mortuary is an institution that provides funeral services and burial options. It also offers a place where a body can be kept until it’s ready to be buried or cremated.

Funeral services

When you lose a loved one, it can be difficult to know what to do. You may have to make a lot of decisions quickly and often on the spot.

You’ll want to do your research and make sure you choose a funeral home that you can trust with the arrangements. You can find the right funeral home for you by comparing prices, checking reviews and asking questions.

Once you’ve chosen the right funeral home, it’s time to meet with the director. This is called an arrangement conference and can be held at the funeral home, your house or over the phone.

During this meeting, you’ll select the services and merchandise you’d like for your loved one’s funeral. You’ll also receive a General Price List, which will contain prices for all the goods and services you choose.


Embalming is the process of preserving a body to allow it to be prepared for funeral services. It is usually performed by a licensed embalmer, who must meet certain requirements and receive ongoing training.

The goal of embalming is to create a positive memory picture for those who will view the deceased after death. A positive final image allows grieving families to say goodbye in peace and comfort.

During the embalming process, the skeletal structure of the body is gently restored to a more natural and realistic appearance. This may include restoring a sunken face or hollow cheeks, closing wounds and bruises, and reshaping the mouth to achieve a more natural expression.

The embalming process can last from a few hours to a few days, depending on the chemicals used and the rate at which decomposition takes place. The body can then be placed in a casket or cremated.


Caskets are a special part of the funeral process. They can help you memorialize your loved one in a meaningful way and allow family members to say their final goodbyes to the deceased.

There are many options when it comes to choosing a casket, including color, lining and other features. It is best to have an idea of what you want before visiting a casket showroom or funeral home.

When purchasing a casket, it is important to keep your budget in mind. There are several options that can add to the price of your casket, such as adding custom lid inserts or embroidered head panels.

Some models also offer memory drawers or hidden compartments, which can hold personal items like a photo or memento. They can be discreet and are great for allowing multiple people to share their favorite memories of your loved one.


Cremation is a process of reducing a body to bone fragments using heat and flame. It is the traditional method of disposal and a growing alternative option for those who are concerned about burial.

The process begins by identifying the deceased and getting proper authorization. Next, the body is placed in a combustible container for transport to the crematory.

When the body is in the cremation chamber, it is heated to a temperature of over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. The body is reduced to bone fragments and a variety of other inorganic material by the heat of the fire.

After the body has been reduced, the cremation chamber is cooled. Upon cooling, the bone fragments are processed with a device called a cremulator, which grinds them into fine, gritty ashes.

The ashes are returned to the family in a temporary urn or a permanent urn selected by the family. They can then be buried, interred in a cemetery, scattered or retained by the family.


During Halloween, it’s not uncommon to see people decorating their front yards with tombstones and ghosts. Some go with the term “graveyard,” while others use the word “cemetery.”

Both graveyard and cemetery refer to an area where a person is buried. But there are technical differences between the two terms.


A graveyard is an area of land that is next to a church, where people are buried. During the Middle Ages, wealthy or influential Christians were generally interred inside a church after they died; less wealthy congregants were buried outside in what came to be known as the graveyard.

In a cemetery, the land is usually divided into burial plots with individual headstones or other grave monuments rising vertically above the ground. Often these are made from marble, granite or similar materials.

The cemetery is typically maintained by the family of a person who has been buried there, but can be leased or owned by the community as a whole. The management of a cemetery involves the allocation of land for burial, the digging and filling of graves, and the maintenance of the grounds and landscaping.

The management of a cemetery may include the construction and maintenance of headstones or other grave monuments. This is usually the responsibility of surviving family members, although increasingly some cemeteries are standardising the shape or design of headstones and other grave monuments, often with the aim of making them more attractive to visitors.


Cemeteries have a long and complicated history reflecting geography, religious beliefs, social attitudes, and aesthetic and sanitary considerations. They may be simple or elaborate-built with a grandeur that overshines the community of the living.

In the 19th century, cemeteries became popular as alternative places to bury the dead, particularly in Europe where churchyards were considered unsavoury and unhealthy. They were redeveloped with landscaped gardens designed by leading architects and designers, often incorporating chapels, lodges, gates and walls.

Individual headstones were usually carved with the names, dates of birth and death and sometimes other biographical information. More ornate stones were commissioned by richer families who could afford to pay for them. They may have a statue (such as a weeping angel) carved into the top of the headstone.


A cemetery is not only a place to remember your loved one, it can also be a reflection of the culture and history in which they lived. In addition to the names and dates of their lives, gravestones often include symbols that mean something more than simply decoration; they can reflect a virtue, value, or way of life.

Symbols found on tombstones vary between cultures and over time, but some remain common. For example, angels are a common symbol in cemeteries, guardians of the dead and messengers of God.

They appear in many different poses, including with wings, which represent flight to heaven. They can be shown carrying the deceased as if escorting them to heaven or weeping, a sign of grief over an untimely death.

A flying hourglass is another popular symbol, representing how fast time passes. It was common on tombstones in the 17th and 18th centuries, a reminder to carpe diem or seize the day!


A graveyard is a place where people are buried. This is different from a cemetery, which is a large burial ground.

The word cemetery comes from the Greek koimeterion, which means “sleeping place.” It was originally applied to catacombs.

Cemeteries are places where the dead can be buried, usually within a churchyard. They are also called burial grounds, and can be found in rural areas as well as city centers.

In many countries, they are considered sacred and often a place for superstition and legend. They are also thought to be used by witches and sorcerers for their rituals.

In Europe, those who were rich or of high social status had a headstone placed over the place of burial that carved out their name, dates of birth and death and other biographical data. These were usually made by a stonemason who was paid for the work. Those who could not afford this were buried with a wooden cross or metal coffin instead.

Cemetery Design

A cemetery is a delicate and sensitive space. It must aptly respond to the emotional sentiments of the family, bid farewells to their beloved and be aesthetically appealing.

Designing a cemetery begins with a master plan that focuses on long-range planning and the overall aesthetics of the property. It also provides a roadmap for future additions and changes to the property.

Master Plan

A master plan is an essential tool for cemetery design, as it identifies the short and long term needs of the property. It also helps a cemetery develop a strategy for a variety of projects, and ensures the best possible utilization of their property.

Aside from its important role as a guide to future development, a cemetery master plan can help create a more aesthetically pleasing cemetery that can enhance the overall marketability of the property. This is especially true when the master plan provides a comprehensive list of features and buildings that are designed well, and which complement each other in a tasteful manner.

One of the most appealing features of this cemetery is its location on the hillside, which affords spectacular views of Dillon Reservoir and Buffalo Mountain. This aspect of the site is intentionally incorporated into the road alignment, so that visitors can enjoy these vistas before entering the cemetery. This option also allows for a more attractive entry and exit sequence to the cemetery.

Landscape and Architecture

Landscape design is an important part of cemetery architecture, as it is a space that is full of meaning and is able to speak volumes about the lives of those who are buried in it. It is not an easy task to bring nature into the focus of such a space, but through careful planning and execution, it can be done successfully.

The landscape and architecture of a cemetery are often very similar to the design of neighborhoods and gardens. Garden cemeteries often take advantage of natural features such as streams, mature trees, boulder outcrops, scenic vistas and high points by placing various burial types near them.

Dell Water, for example, is set off from the rest of the cemetery and features relatively few mausolea embedded into a steep hill that ends in a pond. It is unkempt in appearance but has been a welcoming place for birdwatchers and strollers to visit. The area is also a natural processing place for stormwater, as it sits between communities and roadways.

Green Infrastructure

The green infrastructure of a cemetery can have a range of functions. It can help manage water, improve air quality and reduce pollution in the environment.

In Scandinavian countries, the municipality-managed cemeteries are a significant part of protected green spaces (Kjoller, 2012; Nordh et al., 2017). Well-maintained cemeteries have a positive effect on the perception of urban green space (Tudor et al., 2013).

However, the maintenance of these areas can be costly and time-consuming. Therefore, it is important to find ways of managing costs while keeping the quality of the environment high (Nordh et al., 2017).

In addition to their primary functions of remembrance and burial, cemeteries are also used for recreational activities. They provide a space for people to exercise, walk and relax. These activities are often accompanied by guided walks or cultural events, such as concerts or theater performances.


Accessibility is one of the most important aspects of cemetery design. If you have a loved one with physical or mobility issues, it’s important to make sure that their final resting place is designed in a way that allows them to have the best possible experience.

There are many different elements of cemetery design that can impact accessibility. These include signage, grading, and drainage systems.

During construction, there should be a lot of thought put into making your cemetery as accessible as possible for people with different needs. These elements will help everyone have an enjoyable experience and can also make your cemetery more attractive to visitors.

A road system in a cemetery should provide visitors with access to committal service shelters, burial and public areas as well as for service and maintenance traffic. The roads should be simple in design with an appearance that complements the landforms and topography.


A cemetery is a place where people are buried. It is an alternative to a churchyard, and it is often located away from the city center.

The word “cemetery” comes from the Greek term koimeterion, which means ‘dormitory’ or’resting place’. Originally, burials were under the control of the church, but as populations grew over time, there was a need for new graveyards.


A cemetery is a special place where the dead are laid to rest. It’s also a place where friends, relatives and interested members of the public can visit to remember, pay tribute and honor those who have passed away.

Cemeteries began to emerge in Europe in the 7th century when burials were controlled by the church. Initially the bodies were buried in mass graves, but eventually they were removed to crypts beneath the floor of churches.

As the population of Europe grew, so did the capacity for burials in these graveyards, which became increasingly unsustainably crowded. This led to the creation of new places to bury people independent of the churchyards.


Cemeteries are a place to honor, pay tribute, and remember your loved ones. The locations and services offered by cemeteries vary from one cemetery to the next.

In the early settlement of America, settlers often began family burial sites in small plots of land that bordered their homes or other farms. These sites eventually grew into true cemeteries, but many were forgotten when the families moved away or died out.

Today, most modern cemeteries have websites with maps that make finding relatives and family plots easy. If the cemetery you are interested in doesn’t have a website, you can contact the cemetery caretaker or administrator to find out the location of your ancestor’s grave.


A cemetery plot is a location where the remains of one or more dead people are buried. It can be a public or private cemetery, and it can also be used for cremated remains.

The type of burial plot you buy will impact the cost and convenience of burying your loved one. There are single plots, companion plots, and family plots.

If you’re a couple, you may want to purchase two separate plots for each of you. These plots are usually side-by-side or a double-depth plot that allows two caskets to be buried on top of each other.

These types of graves save space, but they can be costly, especially in larger, urban cemeteries. They’re not ideal for families who have many children or grandchildren.


Monuments may be simple or elaborate; they may reflect religion, geography and social attitudes. They are places set apart for burial or entombment of the dead, and they can be both holy fields or taboo areas.

A cemetery is also a place of peace and quiet, where mourners can remember their loved ones. The memorials in the cemetery are a vital part of this environment.

The Ellwanger family monument is a classic example of the Victorian style. The imposing pedestal and biblical quote on this monument symbolize a deeply religious German Lutheran family.

Some cemeteries are considering re-using old graves that have been forgotten or ignored by families. However, these are a sensitive issue and strong public opinion often forces authorities to back down.


Cemeteries offer a wide variety of memorial options to honor and commemorate loved ones. These options include headstones, monuments and markers.

A cemetery marker is a flat memorial, usually made of granite or bronze. They are less expensive than the more extensive upright headstone/memorial alternatives.

There are also a variety of urns, vases and plants available to memorialize the deceased. The choices are endless, so you can find something that reflects the personality of your loved one.

There are also special styles of headstones that are permitted at certain cemeteries, including those for veterans of war. These inscriptions are generally conservative and reflect Christian beliefs and values.

memorial park

Memorial parks are newer types of cemeteries that have bronze memorials rather than tombstones. They typically have expansive lawns, flowering beds, gardens and fountains.

Compared to traditional cemeteries, memorial parks are typically less expensive and do not require ongoing upkeep. They also offer a more private setting for families.


The Sprayground at memorial park is a great place for kids to cool off and play. It’s free and surrounded by playgrounds, picnic areas and other fun amenities.

The Parks and Recreation Department’s water spraygrounds offer an engaging and interactive fun activity year-round for children. They provide an alternative to pools, which are costly and often require regular maintenance.

Ervan Chew Park’s water sprayground opened in 2010. The sprayground features a multi-colored rubber surface and a ground geyser, as well as bell-spray columns, misty arch, fire hydrant activator, raining buckets and an in-ground spray fountain.

It was built through the generosity of H-E-B and is designed to appeal to young people with its colorful play surface and curved seating wall, as well as its inventive water fixtures that are reminiscent of a child’s sense of whimsy. It’s open to the public every day except during park closures or events. The Sprayground also has benches for parents to relax on while watching their children have fun.

Basketball Courts

If you’re looking to get some exercise or just have a picnic, memorial park has several basketball courts available. These are constructed with porous play surfaces that help manage stormwater runoff from surrounding roads and buildings.

City liaison Joe Merucci said the goal has been to add a full court for some time and he expects construction to begin in 2022.

During the summer the park features a sprayground where children can cool off on hot days. There’s also a playground for kids aged two to twelve and other sports like tennis and volleyball.

A permeable macadam basketball court captures stormwater runoff and helps reduce noise. Combined with bio-retention / rain gardens along First Street and the corners of Crystal, the park will manage some 700,000 gallons of water that would otherwise flow into the combined sewer system each year.

Picnic Areas

The aptly named memorial park is a veritable cornucopia of outdoor recreation and entertainment. It boasts an impressive array of amenities including a sprayground, a golf course, several tennis courts and a playground. There’s also a surprisingly extensive network of biking trails that cover a number of city blocks.

There are a handful of fun and exciting attractions to be found in the city’s parks and recreation facilities, but the top notch picnic area is by far the best place to eat your lunch or bbq a pig on a stick. The aforementioned area features some of the largest and most comfortable outdoor seating in town. Located in the middle of an extensive green space, this spot is a must visit for families on a budget or those looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. The aforementioned area is free and open to the public.

Memorial Walls

The Memorial Walls at memorial park are a permanent tribute to the lives of our loved ones. Each family has the opportunity to inscribe their loved one’s name on the Memorial Wall.

The two 200-foot-long walls contain more than 58,000 names. They are arranged in a ‘v’ shape with one end pointing toward the Washington Monument and the other towards the Lincoln Memorial.

These walls are made from a shiny black granite that is reflective of the light. Visitors can see a reflection of themselves in the name on the wall and feel a connection with those lost.

There is also a bronze statue, “The Three Soldiers,” which depicts the contrasting ethic groups in the war. It is a reminder of the great sacrifice that is made by our men and women in uniform.

funeral bureau

The death of a loved one is an emotional and difficult time for everyone. However, planning ahead and making decisions in advance can help ease the burden during this difficult time.

Funeral arrangements should be made with a funeral director in accordance with your wishes and the wishes of your family. It is important to compare prices and services of funeral establishments before selecting the right one for your needs.


Preparation for a funeral is often a time of grief, and the responsibility can be overwhelming. But with a little planning, it can be a more manageable task.

Start by choosing a location for the service. Whether you want to have the service at home, the crematorium or somewhere else, it’s important to decide on a suitable venue.

You may also want to choose music for the funeral service. Picking songs that reflect the person’s hobbies or interests can help to make the funeral more personal and meaningful.

Lastly, you may want to make an obituary or write a death notice. This will communicate the preference for flowers or donations to charity organizations and other wishes. It will also let people know when the funeral service will take place.


Arrangements include selecting a casket, outer burial container or alternate container and deciding how to dispose of cremains. Funeral directors may help you with these choices, or you can work with a third-party provider that coordinates these services for a fee.

Funeral homes offer basic and extra funeral arrangements services. They can also arrange for transportation and lodging for out-of-town guests, a post-funeral reception, and cemetery or crematory services.

Funeral homes must provide you with a general price list and an itemized statement of prices for the goods and services they provide. This information must be made available to you before a discussion or selection of a casket or outer burial container occurs.


Funeral bureaus provide a variety of services and merchandise for the convenience of their clients. These services and merchandise may include things such as transportation, crematory fees, permits, obituaries, flowers, honorariums, certified death certificates and more.

Whether you are making arrangements for yourself or a loved one, it is important to ask questions and compare prices and services. This will help you make informed decisions that are meaningful to your family and control the costs for yourself and your survivors.

The State Board of Funeral Service licenses and regulates funeral directors, embalmers and funeral establishments. This helps to ensure that the public is treated with dignity and respect when they lose a loved one. It also investigates consumer complaints and takes appropriate disciplinary action when acceptable standards are not met.


Funeral merchandise is any per- sonal property sold by a funeral establishment for use in connection with a funeral or disposition of human remains. It includes, but is not limited to, caskets and alternative containers; clothing; memorial folders; monuments; outer burial containers; prayer cards and register books; cremation interment containers; flowers; and urns.

Funeral homes must offer you a General Price List (GPL) before you meet with the funeral director or select any goods or services. The GPL must include the retail prices for all items regularly offered for sale.


Preneed plans are a popular way for people to save money and avoid the stress of funeral planning after the death of a loved one. These contracts allow you to decide on the services you want, and then pay a set amount into a trust administered by the funeral home.

The funds in the preneed account are held in an interest-bearing account with a separate financial institution. You can change to another funeral home without penalty, if the contract is revocable, or request a refund of the principal and interest earned at any time.


A mortuary is a place where deceased bodies are stored prior to burials or cremations. They offer embalming and direct cremation services, as well as a variety of funeral related services.

Mortuary science programs teach students the biology of a body and the restoration arts such as embalming and dissection. They also learn about ethics and grief counseling.


Embalming is a funeral practice that delays the natural process of decay and allows the body to be viewed by family members before burial. It has been practiced for thousands of years and is commonly carried out to ensure a body can be displayed as part of a funeral ceremony or kept preserved for medical research.

There are several steps to embalming that take place before the body is prepared for viewing. First, the body is washed with an antiseptic solution to sanitize it and remove any lingering odors.

Next, the limbs are massaged to alleviate the symptoms of rigor mortis and to soften the stiff joints and muscles. The eyes are closed using a specialized eye cap, the mouth is shaved and wired into position, and the lower jaw is secured in place.

The body is then injected with embalming fluid. This chemical solution is designed to replace the blood and other bodily fluids with formaldehyde-based chemicals. It is often dyed to give the body a pinkish glow.


Burial, also called inhumation or entombment, is the practice of burying a dead human being. Burying is a cultural practice that reflects the desire to show respect for the dead.

It can be done in various ways depending on the culture and religion. In many cultures, the body is dressed up and presented in an attractive casket before being laid to rest.

Another common way of burying a deceased is in an earthen burial pit or grave. These may be covered by soil or a grave cloak (also called a burial shroud).

In Christian tradition, bodies are usually buried oriented east to west with feet at the eastern end and head at the western end so that they can rise facing the east upon the call of Gabriel’s trumpet. This is believed to help in their resurrection.


Cremation is a dignified way to honor your loved one’s life. It is also an environmentally responsible alternative to burial.

The body is placed in a container (such as a casket suitable for cremation) and then placed in a special furnace called a retort at a temperature of over 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat dries the body, burns it, vaporizes and calcifies soft tissues, and reduces it to 3-7 pounds of bone fragments.

During cremation, all non-natural pieces of metal from jewellery, dental fillings, and surgical implants are separated and permanently disposed of. Mechanical devices like pacemakers are removed to avoid explosions during the process and to protect staff and equipment from injury.

The remains of the body are then ground to a finer consistency with a machine called a cremulator. The resulting cremains are then presented to the family. These can be stored in an urn, displayed as a keepsake, or interred in a cemetery.

Funeral Services

Funeral services are a time to honor the deceased, reflect on their life and give them a final goodbye. Whether held at a funeral home, church or cemetery, the service provides a place to say goodbye and show support for the family.

A traditional funeral includes a viewing or visitation, a funeral ceremony and burial at the gravesite. The funeral may include music, reading of a religious or literary passages, a eulogy and prayer.

Many funeral homes also offer educational events and seminars that provide valuable planning information. Topics can range from advance health care directives to senior safety tips and understanding Medicaid.


A graveyard is an area where people are buried. It is a place that is usually associated with a church.

Graveyards are more common than cemeteries in the United States.

They are typically a smaller affair, owned and operated by churches or other institutions.


A graveyard is an area of land where people are buried. Often, it adjoins a church and is used by members of that religion.

The term was introduced in Europe around the 18th century as a response to the problems of overcrowding and outbreaks of infectious diseases near churchyards, as well as limited space for new burials. This resulted in the opening of many new cemeteries outside of cities, mainly by municipal companies or private corporations.

The term is also commonly used to refer to a cemetery which does not adjoin a church. This may be a family cemetery, for example, which was a common practice in the US during the colonial period.


A cemetery is a place where people are buried. This can be a traditional graveyard that is attached to a church or it can be an independent burial ground.

In the past, people were buried close to churches and those who were of high status were often buried in crypts under church buildings. As the population began to grow and church graveyards became full, new places for burying people were established a little away from town/city centres.

The word “graveyard” is thought to be derived from the old practice of attaching a bell to a coffin. People who were feared to be buried alive would make arrangements for someone to watch the grave and ring the bell if they woke up.


A graveyard is an area of land, often near a church, where dead people are buried. It can also be used to describe a place where worn-out or obsolete objects are kept.

The origin of the word graveyard is not entirely clear, but it may be from a Germanic source. The Proto-Germanic root for “grave” is a variant of *graban, meaning “to dig.”

In Europe from about the 7th century CE a person’s body was under the control of the Church and could only be buried on consecrated church ground in graveyards (and then later called cemeteries). This meant that burial was highly regulated by social status.

Those who were rich or important had their own burial crypt inside or beneath the relevant place of worship with a headstone engraved with their name, date of birth and death and sometimes other biographical data. These headstones were typically set up above the place of burial and tended to be very expensive.


A graveyard is a place where people are buried after they die. They are usually located on church grounds and often have a number of tombstones.

The word graveyard is derived from the proto-Germanic word “graban,” which means to dig. It’s related to the word “groove,” but not to the word “gravel.”

Today, both graveyard and cemetery are used to describe a place where people are buried. However, the two words have different meanings depending on the context.

The main difference between a graveyard and a cemetery is their location. Graveyards are generally smaller and more choosy, due to land limitations.

Cemetery Design

The design of a cemetery should be both beautiful and functional. It must take into account the needs of the community it serves as well as its religious and cultural traditions.

The master plan should take into consideration the site’s topography, geotechnical characteristics, soils, drainage, vegetation, wildlife and views both on-site and off-site.

Designing a Cemetery

The process of designing a cemetery involves assessing the needs and goals of the site. This includes zoning, climate, soils, drainage, landscape and other factors.

Once a master plan is created, it is time to start planning cemetery design. This is a critical step in creating a beautiful and serene burial grounds.

A well-designed cemetery landscape provides cleaner mowing lines, lower maintenance and less cleanup. It also enhances wildlife and promotes a peaceful and relaxing environment for families to remember their loved ones.

As part of the cemetery design process, it is also important to consider interment products such as mausoleums, crypts, cremation niches and monuments. These structures must be accounted for in the cemetery layout and design process to maximize space and optimize the future use of the land.

Creating a Master Plan

One of the most important things you can do when designing a cemetery is to create a master plan. This will ensure that you will always have a roadmap to follow as you make changes and additions to your cemetery.

You will be able to see potential problems that could arise down the road and plan for them accordingly. This will also give you a way to show prospective buyers what your cemetery has to offer them.

One of the most important parts of a master plan is to account for all the cemetery facility operations and utilities that will be required on the site. This includes water supply, drainage, and sewer piping.

Creating an Accessible Cemetery

When designing a cemetery, it is important to consider the needs of people who may be living with physical or mobility challenges. This includes making sure that the entryway to the property is wide enough for a wheelchair or golf cart, and that curbs are low and easily accessible from the street.

In addition, it is also a good idea to ensure that a cemetery is not too large or too hilly. These factors can make it difficult to get around the cemetery in a wheelchair.

In addition, it is a good idea to consider how cemeteries might be used more actively by the community. This could include incorporating outdoor recreation facilities into the design, such as grass pitches or hard courts. These are great ways to encourage active engagement by the community and can be very beneficial for both the environment and people who are using the cemetery.

Creating a Green Cemetery

Creating a green cemetery is a great way to help preserve the environment. These cemeteries have a variety of eco-friendly features, including natural burial areas and composting.

It is important to choose a location for your green cemetery that offers soil conditions that are favorable for decomposition. This is particularly true if the soil is rich in nitrogen and organic compounds.

Aside from being environmentally friendly, these cemeteries are also easier on your budget. They typically don’t require the use of a casket or vault and may have prices lower than traditional funerals.

These cemeteries are becoming increasingly popular as people look for a way to reduce their environmental impact. They are a growing segment of the funeral industry, according to the Green Burial Council.

Creating a Beautiful Cemetery

Cemeteries are a public space that invites people to reflect, make pilgrimages and enjoy the beauty of nature. They’re also a place for family and friends to pay their respects to loved ones who have passed on.

A master plan is the most important step in cemetery design. It creates a cohesive plan that optimizes land utilization and improves the overall aesthetic of the space.

The city of Austin, Texas, has launched a major initiative to reclaim its cemeteries and their natural surroundings as sacred ground. A mix of historic preservation and visionary planning, the project seeks to connect people to their heritage while reviving the landscape.