A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It originally refers to a catacomb, which was a type of Roman burial ground. However, now the term is used more loosely and is applied to any land designated for the burying of dead people.
Modern day cemeteries provide services to people of different cultures and beliefs
Modern day cemeteries are often not residential spaces, but they provide services to people of different cultures and beliefs. Moreover, their presence in urban landscapes provides the chance to deliver a variety of ecosystem services.
These include cultural, spiritual, physical, and experiential interactions. They also contribute to multifunctional green infrastructure networks.
Some research has focused on the potential restorative power of cemeteries. Others have used evidence to assess the role of cemeteries in urban green infrastructure networks. A recent study addresses a gap in the research literature.
In addition to their traditional functions as a place of burial and rest, they are considered green recreational and urban spaces. They are valued for their cultural and heritage value, and for their quiet and tranquil qualities.
The National Cemetery Administration, part of the Department of Veterans Affairs, manages national cemeteries. Local authorities manage some of these cemeteries, while others are operated by Cemeteries and Crematoria Services.
Among the many ecosystem services, visitors have been reported to appreciate the comforting effects of nature features, especially plants and trees. Grave markers are also important in this regard, as they enable survivors to express their sentiments.
Family cemeteries were a matter of practicality during the settlement of America
During the early settlement of America, the family cemetery was the logical choice. A large estate could be set aside for the departed. But locating living family members can be prohibitively expensive.
In fact, the Ewing family of Stephens City, Virginia was one of the earliest settlers in the region. William Ewing and his descendants farmed land for over 175 years before the first local church graveyard was constructed. They did so with the help of wooden crosses and markers.
While the Ewing’s cemeteries were the fabled predecessors of today’s cemetery megamalls, the practice of keeping ashes was more or less forbidden on residential property. It was not until the middle of the 19th century that a new class of cemeteries emerged. These were private and often located away from the city center.
Some of the more interesting features include the columbarium, a fancy brick wall with a rectangular array of niches. Each is large enough to hold cremated remains. The walls may also be separated into sections for veterans and religious believers.
Secular graveyards allow people of all faiths to be buried there
There are a lot of ecclesiastical laws regarding burials. These laws are not directly applicable to church cemeteries. However, there are some laws that are more or less applicable to churchyards.
Cemetery laws are in place to protect the sepulture of the departed and to ensure that the grave is in a safe and sanitary location. They also allow for the incorporation of cemetery associations. Those who wish to acquire land for a cemetery can do so by following the general statutes.
In some cases, the church allows non-religious people to be buried in the churchyard. This allows those who do not have a religious association to have a place to bury their family members. The churchyard is usually full and it can only hold a small number of burials.
Churches may prohibit interments in their parishes if it is believed that there is danger to the public. Cemeteries are also considered sacrosanct.
Catholics and Protestants are free to consecrate their own cemetery grounds. However, they must have their coffins blessed by a priest.
The term “gravedigger” is still used in casual speech
While the term “gravedigger” has fallen out of favor in more formal contexts, it still finds its way into casual speech. Whether it is a joke or a snarky comment, it is still used. Even in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the gravedigger plays a key role in a subtle commentary on class.
In the play, Hamlet asks the gravedigger whose grave he is digging. The gravedigger replies that it should be his. This is a clever play on words that makes the point that the gravedigger is an intellectual equal to the prince. Having this distinction in the dialogue allows the two characters to spar on a much higher level.
Although the role of the gravedigger is a common one, the job is much broader than simply burying dead people. Many cemeteries will employ a full-time staff of gravediggers to maintain the grounds. They may also be responsible for other duties such as maintaining the cemetery’s facilities. However, many cemeteries have since adopted the term caretaker instead of gravedigger.