A graveyard is a place where a deceased person’s remains are buried. It is also known as a cemetery or gravesite. The word cemetery implies that the land has been specifically designated for the purpose of burying the deceased. Its origins can be traced back to the Roman catacombs. There are several kinds of cemeteries and graveyards. In general, they are not large, and they tend to be secluded and dark.
Despite the differences between graveyards and cemeteries, the two terms are used interchangeably. Typically, graveyards are smaller than cemeteries, and they are not as manicured. In contrast, cemeteries are often well maintained and contain large family plots. They are also separate from the property of a church.
Those who work graveyard shifts are often paid extra. The additional pay can be a nice incentive for volunteering, but it is not much money. Many government organizations pay people for their time. However, some jobs don’t pay enough to compensate graveyard workers. For this reason, graveyard shift workers should keep in mind that a graveyard shift is not a good option for everyone.
Geology plays an important role in graveyards. The rocks used to make gravestones are billions of years old. This makes them appear to be eternal, but eventually they break down into dust. That’s why they’re sometimes called sarcophagi. These ancient burial chambers were often made of a particular type of sandstone.
Another important consideration when planning for the final resting place of a loved one is the location. The location of a graveyard should be convenient for family members. It should be close to the deceased’s grave, if possible. It should also have space for a companion. This way, you’ll be able to visit the graveyard as often as you wish, without feeling cramped or uncomfortable.
In addition to traditional burials, there are natural burials. These allow grave sites to be reclaimed without the need for headstones. However, this practice isn’t culturally acceptable. Natural cemeteries also don’t have traditional grave markers, although trees and rocks are often used as markers. These markers aren’t as easily visible as those used in traditional graveyards. You can also use GPS records to determine a grave’s location in a natural cemetery.
Geological factors also play a role in determining the location of a graveyard. It should be in a place that is partially permeable to allow for the body to decay as quickly as possible. In addition, it should have a thick layer of soil, at least 6.5 feet, so that it doesn’t contain contaminants that would affect the body’s decay. It should also be a safe distance from water.
In the early nineteenth century, London’s population doubled from one million to two million, putting a huge strain on parish churchyards. Furthermore, decaying matter in the water supply was causing epidemics. One such epidemic, the cholera epidemic of 1831, killed more than five thousand people in Britain, which put an unprecedented strain on the nation’s burial capacity. Putrefaction was also a cause for concern among public health officials. Many believed that people were inhaling toxic substances.
Depending on the location of the graveyard, the cemetery may be attached to a church. In this case, people buried in a churchyard may have been members of that church or expressed their desire to be buried there. However, most cemeteries are secular, and people of all faiths are welcome to inter their loved ones. It’s important to note, however, that a church-owned graveyard is likely to have strict rules about what can be written on the headstone.
Many cemeteries feature columbarium walls. This reflects the popularity of cremation. Families can place cremated remains in attractive places or scatter them in a beautiful spot. However, these options don’t allow for a long-lasting memorial plaque or the opportunity to invite a wider circle of friends and family to visit the site. For these reasons, many cemeteries have built brick walls with a rectangular array of niches in them. Each niche is large enough for one cremation urn, but not large enough for a full-size tombstone.