A cemetery is a place that is used to bury the dead. It is a land that has been specifically designated as a burial ground. The word cemetery was originally applied to Roman catacombs.
Lawn cemeteries
Lawn cemeteries are becoming increasingly popular. Their advantages are simplicity, ease of maintenance, and pleasing aesthetics. However, they have their drawbacks.
The original expectation of a lawn cemetery was that it would offer a more pristine landscape. That is, the grass would not cover the headstones, or if it did, it would not do so easily.
As with all cemetery sites, the rules are in place and must be followed. Cemetery authorities can prohibit decorations at graves or refuse to allow the installation of flowers. They can also restrict the size and shape of stone memorials.
In the early 1900s, memorial parks began appearing in the United States. Compared to traditional cemeteries, these parks featured flat monuments with strategically placed trees and shrubs.
These are designed to promote a sense of place. The layout is meant to reflect the departed’s wishes. Many are located close to residential neighborhoods.
Some are even more elaborate. A columbarium wall may be available for war veterans, as well as separate sections for different religious traditions.
Columbariums are permanent memorials that hold urns with the cremated remains of loved ones. These structures can be found in cemeteries, churches, and funeral homes.
They are often built into a church structure or in a columbarium garden. A growing number of cemeteries are installing columbarium gardens to provide a serene setting for families.
These structures can be constructed in a variety of sizes. Depending on the cost, they can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The size can depend on the number of urns that are stored.
Niche units can be purchased or created by memorial companies. They are a great way to display urns and mementos in a private, secure location.
The inscription on the outside of each niche can be personalized. A name and special emblems can be engraved. Plaques may also be placed on the niches.
You can choose from a number of colors and designs. The National Cemetery Administration supplies the niche covers.
Double-depth plots
Double-depth plots in a cemetery are a unique and affordable option. These plots allow two caskets to be buried in the same grave. While they may cost a bit more than their side-by-side cousins, double-depth plots are still a much better deal than buying two single-grave spaces.
Unlike traditional burial, a double-depth plot is relatively easy to dig. The caskets are stacked on top of each other and the grave is dug to a depth of about six feet. A caretaker is usually responsible for digging the grave to the required depths.
If you’re interested in the double-depth grave, you should look for a casket specifically designed for this type of burial. This will help ensure the final resting place of your loved ones remains upright and uncompressed.
Some cemeteries have special sections for double-depth plots. They offer incentives to encourage people to choose this type of burial. However, you need to confirm the grave’s depth requirements before buying.
Another option is a companion plot, also called a joint-burial plot. This type of plot is made for couples and contains space for two caskets.
Family plots
Family plots are an option for families who want to be close after death. However, there are certain things you should consider before making a decision.
One of the most important considerations to make is the physical space available. A cemetery can be very expensive, and it may be difficult to find a plot that meets your needs.
Many cemeteries have urn gardens, which are smaller and less expensive than a traditional burial. Urn gardens can also be in a separate area of the cemetery, which makes them an attractive option for families who want to stay close after a member of the family dies.
The costs for cemetery plots can vary depending on the type of grave marker you select. They can also be more or less expensive depending on the size of the plot. You can save money by purchasing a double depth plot, which allows you to bury two caskets side by side.
Some families choose to purchase family plots because they have a religious or cultural connection to the land. Others decide to purchase them for the convenience of close burial.