There are many factors to consider in cemetery design. A good cemetery can add value to the land, making burial plots more valuable than the average lot. For example, burial plots located near scenic features can command premiums. The design of the cemetery should also make use of views and proximity to park amenities. This can also increase revenue. One cemetery, Valley of the Sun Memorial Park, built a cremation garden and sold new private estates before the grounds were even finished. This sale paid for a fifth of the park’s construction, and they saw a return almost immediately.
A cemetery’s design must be a celebration of the life of the departed and the lives of the community. The design of a new cemetery must accommodate future growth, as it is often located on land beyond the city limits. However, the cemetery’s design must take into consideration zoning bylaws, practical requirements, and demographics of the society where the burials will take place. Cemetery master plans should also consider how to make the space more appealing to visitors.
Once the plan is approved, the final design should consider the cemetery’s layout and parking. There are three basic options for cemetery design: option “A” maximizes the layout and uses undeveloped land for parking. Option “B” takes advantage of existing roadways and makes full use of narrow sections. Using the “B” option creates a more aesthetically pleasing entrance sequence, with a large number of new blocks in the front. Once the plan is approved, a cemetery planner can discuss the details with the local community.
Changing landscapes also require careful planning. A cemetery’s design must fit within its surroundings and complement the existing architecture, while also being unique and adaptable to the current situation. The designer needs to consider different shades of green and species of flowering trees. Additionally, the hardscapes and softscapes should complement the overall layout. Special water features and outdoor lighting are also important components. A cemetery landscape can also include a cemetery’s directional signage and a revolving memorial garden.
The cemetery master plan establishes the vision of management. It determines what products and services the cemetery should offer to its visitors. This plan should be a collaborative effort that involves the entire cemetery staff. The plan should be based on current trends, and should include contingency approaches for any new development that could be needed in the future. A cemetery master plan should be an important tool for future planning, and should reflect a cemetery’s overall ambiance and aesthetics.
Adding green elements is another important consideration. Green elements help regulate temperature and soil erosion, promote tranquility, and help the deceased feel comfortable. Additionally, it also improves cemetery design. Many cultures believe the dead are aware of their surroundings and have the ability to sense what is happening around them. Therefore, adding green elements will benefit both living and dead. This is particularly important for cemeteries where children and pets may spend their last moments. So, the next time you visit the cemetery, consider incorporating green elements into your design.
The final option to consider is a combination of these two options. Option “B” emphasizes the layout, and includes the most grave blocks. Option “C” emphasizes a dramatic view of the cemetery as it turns eastward. It also promotes an attractive entry sequence and large number of new blocks. These are two of the best choices for cemetery design. But remember to consider your needs and how much space you have to work with when making a decision.
Despite the various considerations, cemetery design is vital to the success of your burial site. Good design is essential to ensure your visitors enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being buried in a beautiful place. The key is to make sure you do your due diligence to ensure that your burial site is an appropriate one. And, a cemetery design that incorporates the right features and amenities is important to the overall success of a cemetery. If you’ve taken the time to consider the above considerations, you’ll enjoy better service and greater value for your money.
A cemetery master plan is the first step in designing a cemetery. It helps cemetery operators optimize the use of the land, improve the overall aesthetics, and allow accessibility for different user groups. And, of course, no cemetery can be fully perfect without a master plan. That’s why a cemetery master plan is necessary. So, be sure to ask the cemetery planners about the most appropriate design for your cemetery. They’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you build your new cemetery.