A graveyard is a place where people are buried. It can also be called a cemetery or burial ground. Historically, church graveyards were used to bury the dead. When they began to fill up, independent sites called cemeteries were created.
A cemetery is generally not associated with a specific religion, so both followers and non-followers can be interred there.
Ground cover plants
Ground cover plants can provide a welcome burst of color and are easy to care for. Many are drought-tolerant, like the hardy ice plant (Sempervivum), and others feature delicate flowers, like the minty Mentha requienii. The shade-loving Viola sororia has unique freckled purple flowers in spring and is a fast grower.
In the graveyard, these plants can also serve as a living memorial to loved ones, and they can be used to honor ancestors. Planting them is a wonderful way to remember those who have passed on, and it can be a consoling and meditative experience for the living.
Choose low-growing varieties that fill in quickly and choke out weeds without being invasive. Shown here, a mix of purple-leaved ajuga, fine-textured thyme, and mounding Japanese forest grass hugs a bluestone walk. These plants are low-maintenance and offer a pleasing, colorful backdrop to the gravestones. In addition, these plants help attract insects that pollinate nearby crops.
Plants good for planting on a grave
There are many types of flowers that can be planted on a grave. Some have decorative blooms, while others are unpretentious and do not require special care. For example, geraniums can be used as an attractive ground cover and will look good in most climates. However, they should be kept trimmed to prevent overgrowth that can obscure the headstone.
Another good choice is chrysanthemums. These are easy to maintain and will look great all season long. They also reseed themselves for continuous flowering. Other plants that are suitable for grave sites include calendula, echinacea and rudbeckia. However, it is best to avoid planting large-spreading plants, as they may interfere with mowing.
It is important to find out from the cemetery caretaker what the soil type is and how much sunlight it gets, as this will influence the selection of plants. Some plants will thrive in shady areas and do not need watering. Helleborus, also known as Christmas roses, are another option because they can withstand frost and lack of sunlight.
Flowers good for planting on a grave
Planting flowers on a grave is a beautiful way to honor a loved one. Many people choose to plant flowers that remind them of their loved one, such as chrysanthemums, geraniums, and pink daisies. These plants are also easy to care for and bloom all summer. They are also good for ground cover because they grow well in the shade.
You should always check with the person who maintains a grave site to ensure that it is okay to add flowers. This will prevent invasiveness and ensure that the flowers are safe from being mowed. If you are allowed to plant on the grave, consider adding spring bulbs like snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils. These bulbs will reseed and come back year after year.
You can also plant rose bushes on the grave. However, this may require frequent pruning. If you want to avoid this, opt for miniature rose bushes or rose trees. These are easier for maintenance crews to work around.
Long-lasting plants for graves
Many people like to plant flowers on their loved ones’ graves. Depending on the type of flower, they can last from a few days to a week. However, you must check the rules and regulations of the cemetery or church as some may require regular supplemental watering or a particular care routine.
The re-use of grave sites purchased in advance can be more complicated as the holders of burial rights may have died and contacting them decades later is difficult (although public notice is often sufficient to inform families of any re-use). This can cause distress and a refusal by some families to allow their loved ones’ graves to be re-used.
For shady plots, consider planting ground cover plants such as ferns. Ferns such as Polypodium, Dryopteris affinis ‘Crispa Gracilis’ or hart’s tongue fern can help provide a tranquil atmosphere. For a colorful summer display, try the low-maintenance annual portulaca. It grows well in sunny or shady areas and produces brightly-colored flowers until frost.