A memorial park is a beautiful space dedicated to a deceased person. These parks are often landscaped and feature dignified bronze markers. They offer an idyllic place to meditate and provide visitors with natural beauty. The park also features a “Scramble” path up to the top for dramatic views of the Uptown and Downtown skylines.
The park is located off Marcellus Road and includes the September 11th memorial, amphitheater, and Veterans Memorial. The Veterans Memorial honors those who served in the U.S. military and in the past. The park also has two steel girders that were recovered from the World Trade Center. The park also has plaques honoring county residents who died in the attacks. After the September 11th tribute, nearly two thousand people came to pay tribute to the victims.
The first 100 acres of Memorial Park will be dedicated to this new memorial park. It will feature two days of ceremonies and events. A 100-acre Land Bridge and Prairie will connect the north and south sides of the park. The memorial park is a place for all Houstonians, not just the veterans. The park’s Ten-Year Plan will help the Conservancy expedite the construction process. It is being funded through the Kinder Foundation and other generous donors. It will also be monitored by the Memorial Park Standards Committee, a group comprised of Houston Parks and Recreation Department, Memorial Park Conservancy, and Uptown Development Authority.
The park is a popular place for picnics. A large stone fireplace, dated 1933, is found in the picnic area. The Veterans Memorial Building is one of 10 similar memorials designed by Henry Meyers. The Veterans Memorial Building is a building that could be listed on the California Register of Historical Resources. Despite its age, the Veterans Memorial Building retains most of its original features. The building features Spanish tile accents, a tile roof, and a grand main hall with a stage.