
A graveyard is a section of land where people are buried. It’s often associated with churches, and it may be a public cemetery.

Graveyards usually have a system of organization so that graves can be found easily by friends and family members. They also usually employ skilled personnel to dig graves.


Churchyard is a patch of land adjoining a church, usually used as a graveyard. Not all churches have a churchyard, but most do. Churchyards are fenced areas where people can be buried when they die.

Often, they are used for the burial of people who can’t afford to be buried in a cemetery or whose religion doesn’t allow them to be buried outside the church. They can also be used for outdoor religious services such as funerals, processions and stations of the cross.

They can also be used as a space for nature and for people to explore history and heritage. For example, churchyards can be home to a rich variety of trees and plants, including some that are classed as sites of special scientific interest. Many of these have survived because churchyards generally have been managed in a different way to the rest of the countryside and are protected from chemicals that would harm them elsewhere.


Unlike churchyards, cemeteries are not affiliated with any particular religion. They are typically located outside of the city or town center and may be large sprawling landscapes or smaller, more modern family plots. They are also usually independent of any church or religious organization and can therefore accommodate people from a variety of beliefs.

In many places, burial grounds have been pushed out of the urban centers to make way for housing and other development. This is often a practical necessity because traditional burials use up space and can lead to groundwater contamination from decaying matter.

Some families visit their loved ones’ graves regularly, bringing picnic blankets and bourbon bottles to share a few quiet hours. Others celebrate their deceased relatives’ lives at reunions, holiday parties, or community events. And some take vacations to see their loved ones’ final resting places, according to author Loren Rhoads. She has written a book called “199 Cemeteries to See Before You Die.” Visits to cemeteries are a growing trend, she says.


A gravestone, tombstone, or headstone is a stele that memorializes the deceased and may have the person’s name, birth and death dates, and other information carved into it. It can also contain funerary art, such as stone relief or sculptural figures. It is often placed over the grave of a dead person and is one of the most common forms of funerary art.

Upright stone markers are less common these days, as they tend to deteriorate and fall over with time. Many modern tombstones are flat and ground level, made from granite or bronze. Painted lettering and designs have a very limited life span on these markers.

Geologically, gravestones are a great place to study the way different rock types weather over time. Granites in particular offer a chance to examine a wide range of minerals, including crystal structure and zoning in feldspars, flow structures, and xenoliths. The fact that gneisses and migmatites split easily into thin slabs offers further clues to the rock’s origins.


While the terms mausoleum and columbarium may sound similar, they serve different purposes. A mausoleum is a tomb or vault designed to house casketed remains while a columbarium is built specifically to store cremated urns. Typically, the two structures are not used together in the same location.

Like many other cemetery memorials, columbarium niches can be engraved with names, dates and other personalized inscriptions. They may also have vases for flower tributes and personal mementos. The interior of the structure is often made from stone, bronze or glass. Bronze and granite are the most common materials because they offer durability and a classic appearance.

Families looking for a unique way to store their loved one’s ashes may want to consider a columbarium. While it is not a traditional resting place, many people choose this option because of its convenience and beauty. In addition, it can be more affordable than a casket burial. It is also a good choice for families who plan to visit their loved ones regularly.

Cemetery Design

Cemeteries need to make a good impression from the outset, which starts with thoughtful planning and design. A cemetery’s landscape and architecture can communicate your message through color, shape and other design elements.

Harboring lands to avoid water runoff, planting trees for their beauty and the shade they provide and transitioning asphalt roads to permeable materials can save on costly maintenance.

Master Plan

Having a well-crafted master plan will help you to navigate the future of your cemetery. It will serve as a roadmap for your entire property and ensure that you are following best practices and taking into account any potential issues.

Hilton Landmarks is widely recognized for its design and consulting expertise with cemetery projects for municipal, religious, not-for-profit and private cemeteries across the United States and Canada. Our cemetery designers are skilled in balancing a sense of place and identity with site functionality, ultimately resulting in creative built results that respect on-going maintenance costs.

We work to develop modern burial sections that incorporate high end options like family mausoleums and private estate gardens, bench estates, scatter gardens and cremation niches. We take advantage of natural features such as streams, woodlands, hills, boulder outcrops and scenic vistas. Good design adds value and can increase revenues. For example, converting asphalt roads to permeable materials saves on costly repairs, and native grasses reduce chemical runoff and eliminate the need for fertilizers.

Landscape and Architecture

Cemetery landscapes must be beautiful and calming while still meeting the needs of visitors. This may include sidewalks and wheelchair-accessible paths throughout the property. It may also include a variety of plants and trees that are suited for the climate and site conditions. Proper drainage is another consideration. Drainage systems should be designed by a professional to ensure that water is redirected away from gravesites and buildings.

Cemetery architecture has evolved over the years to meet changing lifestyles and attitudes toward death. Modern cemeteries offer options such as multi-story columbariums, which provide niches for urns at half the price of a traditional stone grave. They may also offer scatter gardens to spread ashes in a natural setting.

The LA Group can help revitalize and expand community or historic cemeteries with master planning and implementation services. This can include consulting on financial options, opportunities for funding and volunteer development. This may also include community outreach efforts to generate interest and support for a project.


Cemeteries are unique environments that require thoughtful consideration when designing. An Architect needs to be sensitive to the delicate space and provide a design that will ensure long term sustainability and stability of the environment.

The lighting of a cemetery is an important aspect in its design and must be carefully considered to ensure that the entire site is well lit. This will help to improve safety and security and make it easier for visitors to find their way around the cemetery.

Solar lights for graves are a great alternative to candles and can be used in a variety of ways. They are also much more durable and can last a lot longer than candles. They are made of high-quality materials that can withstand harsh outdoor conditions. They can be mounted to a tombstone or other flat surface with a special adhesive. They also have a protective coating to avoid dust accumulation.


A cemetery’s signage communicates its mission and identity through directional signs, monument/headstone signage, informational maps, and other outdoor amenities. The right design shows the world what you stand for, makes people remember your brand, and helps potential customers understand if your product is right for them.

It’s also important that the Cemetery maintain its appearance by grading and ensuring proper drainage to avoid flooding and other site issues. Proper grading also helps ensure that a cemetery’s graves and monuments have enough space for expansion in the future.

The next step in the cemetery design process is to identify the types of memorialization and headstones that will be allowed on the grounds. Most cemeteries have a set of rules that govern the size, construction, and placement of memorials on their property. These restrictions may be cemetery wide or specific to a burial site. Depending on the cemetery, trained professionals like memorial counselors can assist with the memorial selection process to make sure personal expectations and specifications are met.


Cemetery is a place where people remember their deceased family members. It is a semi-public space that often has rules about how to visit and what to bring.

For example, it is not allowed to have meals in cemeteries or leave litter on the grounds. Visiting a cemetery can be emotional and overwhelming for some.

1. A Place of Remembrance

Cemeteries serve as permanent places to remember the dead. In modern society, people have a number of options for burial, including interment (burial in the ground), entombment in a mausoleum, or inurnment (placement of cremated remains in an urn). There are also memorial societies that do not operate within the State-regulated funeral industry and can be used for either interment or to hold a ceremony without the body present.

In the past, important figures were often buried inside their church walls or in ossuaries within churchyards. Today, they are most commonly buried in cemetery plots. For those who want to remember the dead in a more public way, there are cenotaphs and other monuments that can be purchased. These serve as a place to remember the deceased and help others to learn from their legacy. In addition, the constant presence of graves reminds us of the inevitable nature of death and that a person’s life is short.

2. A Place of Serenity

The word cemetery carries with it the connotation of serenity and peace. It is a place where people go to remember the dead and to reflect upon their own mortality.

When choosing a cemetery it is important to consider all of the options and services available. Then you can make decisions that are meaningful to you and your family.

Choosing a cemetery is one of the most significant financial choices you will ever make. Be sure to ask about the pricing options and be aware of any hidden fees.

Cemeteries are independent burial grounds that differ from church graveyards. They often do not have to be affiliated with a particular church and are usually larger than a churchyard to accommodate more burial plots. They got their name from the Greek work koimeterion, meaning a “sleeping place.” Unlike a graveyard, which was usually a family affair, most people today are buried in a cemetery. In fact, providing a final resting place for loved ones is still considered to be a responsibility of families in many cultures.

3. A Place to Gather

In certain times of the year, when the veil between our world and that of the twilight world is particularly thin, spirit activity can be quite intense at a cemetery. This is why members of pagan communities often schedule their most auspicious gatherings at a cemetery at the winter, summer, and spring solstices or autumn equinoxes.

Take a close look at the markers. Are they fancy or plain, made from local or imported materials, crude or finely worked? How do their designs and materials reflect the social status of the people buried there?

Pay attention to how the people buried in a graveyard were related to one another. Look for families or groups buried together, military service, fraternal organizations (Odd Fellows, Masons, Elks), or other groups and associations. This can reveal much about the culture and history of the place. Remember that a cemetery is also a unique cultural landscape that deserves to be preserved.

4. A Place to Link Your Community

Cemeteries are an important part of the community, providing a place for families to gather, reminisce and communicate with loved ones who have passed. They also help to preserve the history of a local area.

Despite their often negative portrayal in horror movies, cemeteries can be places of community connection and fun. One example is Laurel Hill Cemetery, which hosts an annual Cinema in the Cemetery event where they show a popular bad horror movie on the grounds. It has become a popular way to reach a new audience and get people to come into the cemetery.

Across England, almost every local authority now has a cemetery, although many do not accept new burials. The policy picture for these spaces is fragmented and inconsistent, with little oversight or consistency. They make up around 4% of urban green space, but offer vital doorstep and neighbourhood access for many communities. We explore their (potential) ecosystem services in more detail, drawing on previous international research and a detailed case study of Bristol’s cemeteries.

memorial park

A memorial park differs from traditional cemeteries by using flat bronze markers to memorialize a grave. They also tend to have more park-like landscaped grounds and include sculpture, statuary and fountains to create an atmosphere of natural beauty and peace for quiet meditation.

An engraved bronze marker paired with a polished granite base is a beautiful way to memorialize your loved one. The cemetery offers many personalization options to suit your family’s needs.

The Gold Star Monument

The Gold Star Monument in memorial park is a flat, sculptured bronze plaque that lies level with the ground. Unlike traditional cemeteries, which have upright tombstones, memorial parks use similar flat plaques that blend into the landscape rather than occupy a prominent position in the cemetery’s primary design. They often include large areas of grass, trees, flowering beds and gardens, as well as central water or statuary features.

The monument is a tribute to all members of the family, including spouses, parents, children, stepchildren, adopted children, brothers, sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, who have lost a loved one serving in the military. It was commissioned by the Gold Star Families Memorial Foundation and sponsored by the Major Brent Taylor Foundation to honor the families of the fallen service members who have died in military service.

When the name of her brother was spoken at the unveiling of a Gold Star monument in Stamford’s Memorial Park, Patricia Parry cried. She had hoped that the ceremony would give her family a place to remember.

The Vietnam War Monument

The centerpiece of the park is the Vietnam War Monument, a two-acre site dominated by two black granite walls engraved with names of service members who died in South East Asia during the war. The names are arranged so that the first and last name at each end of the wall appear to meet in the center. This is meant to symbolize that the war ended where it began, with a sense of completion.

Maya Lin’s minimal design won a nationwide competition sponsored by the Veterans Memorial Fund, but her decision to forgo a figurative heroic sculpture in favor of the walls caused controversy. Ultimately, a bronze figurative statue designed by Frederick Hart was added to the memorial as a compromise.

The monument also features walkways of bricks, engraved with veterans’ names and branch of service. Those who wish to honor a veteran can purchase a brick in the memorial park’s office. The inner circle of bricks is reserved for veterans who served during the Vietnam War, and the outer for veterans of other wars or conflicts or anyone wishing to show their respect and support.

The Bald Eagle Statue

The bald eagle is an American symbol. It flies higher and sees more clearly than other birds. The eagle also represents strength, courage and freedom.

The memorial honors those who died serving their country. The monument consists of an obelisk base covered with a mosaic of local stones. A bald eagle is perched atop the obelisk. Below the eagle are five jet black granite tablets etched with each branch of the military service. Walkways of bricks engraved with veterans names, branch and service dates radiate from the memorial’s base.

A statue of a bald eagle carries an unfurled American flag in this monument to the brave men and women who served their country. The statue stands on a triangular site that was the former St. Vincent’s Hospital campus. The site was designed through a community review process. The monument was dedicated on October 21, 1982. The dedication ceremony was attended by representatives of the Norwegian Navy and Merchant Marine.

The Memorial Arch

Dedicated in 1917, this arch honors General George Washington and the Continental Army for their survival at Valley Forge, the military camp 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia where the Continental troops spent the winter of 1777-78 during the American Revolutionary War. Starvation, disease, and malnutrition caused the death of more than 2,500 soldiers.

Its styles are meant to mirror a simplified version of the Triumphal Arch of Titus in Rome that commemorated the defeat of the Roman Emperor in A.D. 70. Keller reworked previous designs to accommodate practical exigencies. For example, rather than constructing the arch at both ends of the Ford Street bridge as others had proposed, he placed it on one end to minimize engineering expenses.

The arch is adorned with a classical sculptured frieze and two medieval towers joined by a Gothic arch. Its soaring height and massive presence make it one of the most recognizable monuments in the city. Its gleaming bronze eagle has a story of its own; it was pushed off its perch in 1988 by three young vandals and required substantial repairs.

funeral bureau

The Board licenses funeral directors and embalmers; registers funeral establishments; investigates consumer/provider complaints related to the practice of funeral directing; and issues a crematory establishment permit. It also adjudicates disciplinary sanctions against professionals.

The Board has been made aware of communications received by some of its licensees threatening arrest or demanding personal information. Click here to learn more.

What is a funeral bureau?

The death of a loved one is a traumatic experience for anyone, and making arrangements often compounds the grief. It is important that consumers take the time to ask questions and compare prices and services before they select a funeral home.

The California Department of Consumer Affairs’ Cemetery and Funeral Bureau licenses and investigates complaints against funeral establishments; funeral directors; embalmers and apprentice embalmers; cremation service providers; cemetery brokers, salespersons and managers; and crematories. The Bureau also promotes advance funeral planning and protects a consumer’s right to choose a meaningful, dignified and affordable funeral.

It is illegal for a funeral home to accept a body without the written permission of the next of kin. It is also against the law for a funeral home to charge interest on an unpaid balance unless the charge was disclosed when arrangements were first made and listed on the itemized statement. In addition, a funeral home may not charge for embalming or burial services unless the person has signed a written authorization to donate organs and tissues.

How does a funeral bureau work?

When a loved one dies, family members are confronted with dozens of decisions that must be made quickly and under great emotional duress. They must decide what kind of funeral to hold, what funeral home to use, what casket to buy, and whether the body will be buried or cremated.

The Board licenses and regulates California funeral establishments, funeral directors, embalmers and apprentice embalmers; cemetery brokers, salespersons, and managers; and cremated remains disposers, crematories and hydrolysis facilities. The Board also enforces the Funeral Rule and investigates consumer complaints.

Before you sign a contract, ask for an itemized statement that includes all goods and services selected (and not just the bundled “funeral package”). The total dollar amount should include unallocated overhead costs such as insurance, advertising, and taxes. Ask if there is an additional charge for handling a casket bought elsewhere and find out how much it is. Also, ask the funeral establishment to obtain at least five to ten copies of the death certificate.

What are the benefits of working with a funeral bureau?

Funeral directors are trained to help bereaved families through the challenging task of arranging a funeral. They often meet with the family to discuss the deceased’s wishes, and can answer questions about where to hold a service, whether a casket or urn is preferred and how to proceed after death.

They also help family members deal with the paperwork involved, such as submitting papers to state authorities to record a formal death certificate, and notifying pension or insurance companies so that benefits can be transferred to survivors. In addition, they can provide assistance in making advance arrangements for a future service, so that relatives do not have to make difficult decisions under stress.

Anyone who enjoys working with people and helping them through difficult times might find a career in funeral services rewarding. High school students interested in this field can gain relevant experience through part-time or summer jobs at a funeral home. Those who want to become morticians or funeral arrangers must complete an apprenticeship, usually lasting one to three years, under the direction of a licensed funeral director or manager.

How do I find a funeral bureau?

The Bureau regulates and investigates complaints about California funeral establishments, embalmers, apprentice embalmers, directors of mortuary science, preneed funeral planners, cemeteries, cemetery brokers, cremation authorizations and crematories. It also licenses funeral service schools and their programs, and administers the Funeral Service National Board Examination.

Funeral Consumers Alliance is a non-profit organization that promotes advance planning for funeral needs and consumers’ right to choose meaningful, dignified and affordable funeral arrangements. It has been protecting the public since 1963. Visit their website to learn more about funeral choice and consumer rights in your state. Licensing and education requirements vary by state for funeral services professionals, so contact your local board for more information.


A mortuary is a room in hospitals where dead people are stored. They are refrigerated to prevent decomposition.

A mortuary can also be a separate business that offers services such as embalming, burial and cremation. Unlike standalone morgues, mortuaries attached to funeral homes can aid you during the entire process of mourning.


An autopsy is an examination of a dead body. It can be conducted for medical reasons or for criminal investigations. The results of an autopsy can help physicians diagnose and treat diseases or injuries. The procedure also helps families understand how their loved ones died.

Students in mortuary science programs often learn about the process of an autopsy, including how to prepare and operate the equipment needed for the procedure. They also learn about the laws and regulations governing the procedure.

People working on an autopsy should use proper protective garments. This includes a surgical scrub suit, disposable gown with full sleeve coverage and cuffed ties, facial protection (preferably a face shield) and resistant closed shoes. An additional layer of double surgical gloves is recommended. When finished, the pathologist prepares a detailed report on the findings of the gross, microscopic and special studies such as microbial cultures. This report is then transcribed, proofread and signed.


Embalming is a common practice that can help people say goodbye to their loved ones. It can also be used to prepare the body for viewing. It is not a requirement for burial, but it’s often needed when there will be an extended period of time between death and the funeral service or entombment. Embalming can also restore a damaged or disfigured body to make it look more like the person who died.

To embalm a body, the embalmer washes it and massages the limbs to relax the stiffness caused by rigor mortis. They then inject the body with an embalming solution through the arteries. The solution typically contains formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, ethanol and phenol. The embalmer may also add dyes to the solution to create a more life-like skin tone. After the embalming process is finished, the embalmer styles hair and applies makeup to help the body appear more natural. They can also apply moisturizers to hydrate the skin and make it feel soft.


Cremation is a popular option for funerals today, often because it saves money and allows for more personalization. It also helps to reduce land usage and protects the environment, as it eliminates the need for embalming chemicals that are dangerous to morticians and can leach into the earth and surrounding waterways.

The body is placed in a large furnace called a crematorium or retort and subjected to extreme heat, which reduces the remains to bone fragments and ash. Once the cremation process is complete, it takes several hours for the ashes to cool. The ashes are then inspected for metal remnants, such as pins or screws that were surgically removed from the body, and any of this debris is discarded or sent for recycling.

Cremations can cost more than traditional burials, but final expense life insurance — also known as burial insurance — can help pay for these expenses and other associated costs. You can read more about how this type of policy works here.


A body can be buried either in a casket or in the ground. In some cultures, burying the dead is considered the most holy of all acts. Some people choose to have a cremation rather than a burial.

If a loved one’s family wants to hold a viewing before the funeral, it may take a while for the body to be ready. This is because the body must be embalmed or refrigerated before a viewing can occur.

There is a risk that workers in the mortuary could contract disease from a corpse. However, the training that funeral directors receive includes lessons on worker safety. Sharps (scalpels, scissors and lancets) can pose a health risk.

Some funeral homes also offer burial insurance, which is a type of life insurance that pays out upon death. These policies can help families who cannot afford a traditional funeral or burial. The money can be used for anything the family wants, but it is typically earmarked for funeral expenses.


In most cases, cemetery authorities hire skilled personnel to dig graves. They also employ caretakers to prepare graves before mourners arrive for burial. This is so that relatives don’t have to worry about damaging the grave or accidentally injuring themselves.

Most people use the words graveyard and cemetery interchangeably. But there is a difference between the two, as this article will demonstrate.


A graveyard is a location where people are buried. It is often used for religious burials. Graveyards are usually located near churches. The word graveyard comes from the Latin term for ‘grave’ and refers to a place where bodies are buried.

Generally, it is difficult to dig a new grave in a churchyard, as the cemetery will already be full. However, the re-use of existing plots is possible, but this can cause distress to families who own the rights to those plots and may feel that it is a desecration.

During the adult timeline, Link visits Dampe’s tomb in the west of the graveyard and challenges him to a race. If he wins, he receives the Hookshot. In addition, a grotto in the east of the graveyard holds a Fairy Fountain and can be entered after playing the Sun’s Song or beating Dampe’s race in under a minute. The graveyard also contains the Royal Family’s Tomb.


Historically graveyards were often associated with churches and churchyards, but as society changed so did the way people thought about burial. New landscaped cemetery grounds were established outside of the urban centers, and many of these were privately owned or run by private corporations.

When a person is buried in a graveyard, they are typically surrounded by headstones which are generally arranged according to social status. Those with wealthier backgrounds are likely to have more elaborate and ornate headstones.

As a result of changing attitudes, many graveyards are now considering re-using existing grave sites that have been purchased but never used. However, this can be a difficult proposition since the owners of these plots may have died and contacting their family members could be challenging. There is also the issue of whether any re-use would constitute a desecration of the original grave site. Some cemeteries now have columbarium walls which are a space-efficient alternative to individual burial plots, but these are typically more expensive.


In most cultures those who were wealthy or of high social status had their graves marked with a headstone with their name, dates of birth and death and any other biographical data. Typically, the richer a person was, the more intricate and awe-inspiring their headstone could be.

When the church’s control over burial was firmly established in Europe, people were buried in graveyards within church grounds. As populations began to grow, the capacity of these sites became strained and graves were often overcrowded.

As a result, independent places for burial began to appear that were separate from church grounds. These independent sites are now referred to as cemeteries, although the terms are still used interchangeably.


When referring to a burial site, the term graveyard is used most often. It may refer to a large cemetery, but it can also mean the area of a churchyard where people are buried.

From the 7th Century onward, churches had a monopoly over burials. Rich congregants were buried in crypts within the church and lesser-wealthy congregants were interred on the grounds of the church, known as a graveyard.

In modern times, however, the term cemetery is often used instead of graveyard, since the latter was a church-associated type of burial ground that came into existence in an era when people were developing new ideas about death and the afterlife. The term cemetery has the additional benefit of implying that there is no longer a monopoly over burials, so people can choose their own final resting place. If you are considering a cemetery plot for yourself or a loved one, Titan Casket offers several options for your consideration.

Cemetery Design

Modern cemetery design must be more than a place to lay a gravestone. It must be a vibrant celebration of life, family and history integrated within a community.

Cemetery lot sizes should be sized during the master planning process so that they can efficiently accommodate burials without exceeding the space limitations of the site conditions.


Cemetery landscaping has the unique challenge of promoting a serene environment while embracing the primary purpose of the space – to serve as a place to remember and mourn. The landscape elements must honor the past while allowing the future to unfold.

Cemeteries are usually designed with high end areas with family mausoleum gardens, bench estates and individual graves surrounded by natural features like streams, boulder outcrops and scenic vistas. They may also include cremation gardens with columbaria and ossuaries or scattering gardens.

Increasingly, the landscape must incorporate sustainable practices to reduce the site’s impact on the environment and reduce maintenance costs. Examples of these are incorporating more natural vegetation, transitioning roadways from asphalt to permeable surfaces and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and chemicals. The LA Group works with clients to understand their goals and budgets to evaluate options for the best built result. This often includes a collaborative approach which combines historic context, value of place and site functionality to achieve the most effective built solution.


In addition to flowers, people decorate their loved one’s final resting place with all sorts of personal touches. Some choose to leave country flags, solar lights or even stuffed animals. Others leave trinkets, coins and other small tokens of affection.

Many mourners prefer to leave a burning grave candle – known as a znicz in Polish. This is a common practice on All Souls’ Day and at Jewish war graves. Newer columbarium wall designs take this into account and incorporate metal clips beside each plaque designed to hold a single flower or posy.

Another simple yet touching option is to fill a mason jar with string fairy lights and spike it in front of a grave. These are typically solar powered and charge during the day, shining through the night. Wetting down a tombstone with water can also make the carvings stand out more than when dry. Aluminum foil can be used in a pinch as well.


Traditionally, cemetery management has mainly involved the allocation of space for burials, the digging and filling of graves and the maintenance of headstones & monuments by families. More recently, however, the design and construction of new memorials, including columbarium walls, has become a service offered by many cemeteries.

The entry gates to a cemetery are usually highly crafted pieces of art. This is a sign of respect for the dead, and it also shows people that they are about to enter another world.

Vaults and grave liners protect the casket from the ground as it settles. A “natural” or eco-friendly option involves not using any outer container at all, and simply burying the body in the earth. A burial site may require a concrete slab or a fence to mark the boundaries. Alternatively, a stone bench can be provided to sit at while visiting the grave. In war graves, a small timber remembrance cross with red poppy or a Star of David is often placed on the grave.

Columbarium Walls

A columbarium is a final resting place for cremated remains. It may be a mausoleum or a collection of niches, and it can either be indoors or outdoors. The niches are usually encased in marble or granite and can be engraved with names and epitaphs. A single niche typically measures about 9 inches cubed. However, niche design and size will vary between cemeteries.

The interior of a columbarium has urn spaces known as niches where loved ones’ ashes are stored. A double niche can fit two urns side-by-side. The urns are kept in a zinc lined container that is labelled and hidden behind the black granite facing of the niche.

A well-designed columbarium can provide a serene and dignified place for family members to come remember their loved one following the West Valley City, UT cremation. WEA offers a range of cemetery design services including Columbarium and Niche Wall design, site selection, concept planning and detailed design of custom and pre-manufactured columbarium walls and paving solutions.

Cemeteries have a rich and storied history. Many have an “Our History” page on their website where you can learn more about the cemetery’s past.

Cemeteries provide a dignified place for mourners to gather, burial space and grounds maintenance & beautification. They also provide a variety of support services to the public.

It’s a Place of Remembrance

A cemetery is a place of rememberance and healing for family members and friends who have lost a loved one. It is also a source of comfort for those who are still alive and it is important that they visit the gravesite of their loved ones to commemorate them and heal from their loss.

There are a variety of types of cemeteries:

Ethnic cemetery – A private or public cemetery owned and operated to support a particular religion.

Military cemetery – A burial ground for the military.

Natural cemetery – A newer style of cemetery set aside for burials or interment of cremated remains in a wooded area without traditional markers.

A cemetery is a place where the names of dead people are recorded, and the burial site may be a conventional grave, a tomb, a columbarium or a mausoleum. Burial registers are kept in most countries and they often include (at least) the name of the deceased, the date and location of burial.

It’s a Place of Healing

For people that have suffered the loss of a loved one, Cemetery is a place where they can experience a sense of comfort and peace. They can visit the grave site to cry as much as they want, or even sit in silence for a while and think about their loved one.

Incorporating annual remembrance events can draw large groups of people together (as long as social distancing allows). From a business perspective, it is a great way to increase footfall and emphasise the role your cemetery plays as a community space.

Incorporating traditions that honour the dead, like placing flowers and other offerings, is a way to show respect. For example, war graves are often marked with timber remembrance crosses, and Jewish war graves are sometimes marked with the Star of David. Placing burning grave candles, called znicz in Polish, is also a popular tradition on All Souls’ Day and for Jewish holidays. Other traditions are specific to the deceased and their families.

It’s a Place of Community

Although media tends to portray cemeteries as spooky places of death and darkness, they actually provide a sense of community for those who have loved ones buried in the area. They are a place to go for peaceful walks, get in touch with your own mortality and spend time reflecting on the life of someone who has passed.

The design and layout of a cemetery is influenced by geography, culture, religion, burial traditions and practices, and aesthetic and sanitary considerations. The inscriptions on headstones and monuments, the specific architecture of memorial buildings and graveyards, and the general landscape layout of a cemetery reveal information and emotion shared by family and friends over the years.

The use of digital mapping allows for a more precise management of plot allocations, allowing cemetery staff to serve their communities with greater efficiency and effectiveness. It also allows for the cemetery to be more relevant in a public sense, something that many have found lacking in modern society.

It’s a Place of Legacy

For genealogy researchers, a cemetery is a place to uncover clues about an ancestor’s life and death. The cemetery can provide information on burial sites, burial rituals, art, architecture and attitudes from the time of an ancestor’s lifetime.

Historically, people of importance were buried within the walls of a church or in ossuaries next to a place of worship and their gravestones included a full stone inscription that detailed their name, occupation and other personal information. The less important were buried on the outside edges of a churchyard where their names were often illegibly carved in the ground.

Many families visit cemeteries as a way of remembering and honoring their loved ones. A cemetery can become a place of pilgrimage for some, where they leave offerings such as coins, paper cranes, water and sake. Some even bring flowers or other mementos to place on the headstone.

Memorial park is a new type of cemetery introduced about 75 years ago. Unlike traditional cemeteries which have upright monuments, memorial parks use dignified bronze markers lying flat on landscaped plots.

When it’s time for play, kids can burn off energy in one of the two tree-house themed playgrounds or on the basketball court. When it’s time for exercise, the 1.1 mile fitness loop is shaded by the park’s impressive tree canopy.

The Park’s History

The Park has served as a stage for national expressions of remembrance, observance, celebration and the exercise of First Amendment rights. From colossal monuments to commemorative gardens, from presidential inaugurals to civil rights demonstrations, the Park hosts history in the making.

Before Memorial Park existed, the land that makes up the Park was home to a forest of native plants and wildlife. In 1924, Houston’s famed Hogg family donated a portion of the land to the City to become Memorial Park, named in honor of the soldiers who had once inhabited Camp Logan.

Today, joggers will likely find little evidence that the Park was once an Army camp. That chapter of local and national history is beginning to come into clearer focus, thanks to the efforts of local advocates.

The Bald Eagle Statue

The eagle is the symbol of our national power, and it’s also an icon for freedom. This bronze statue stands in honor of our nation’s heroes at the Veterans Memorial Park in Stoughton, Wisconsin.

The statue features an obelisk-like base adorned with local stones. It has a bas-relief of an eagle with outspread wings, and it’s flanked by medallions representing the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.

A plaque on the obelisk reads “E Pluribus Unum,” meaning “Out of Many, One.” The monument was dedicated in 2005. It honors county veterans who served in all branches of the military during peacetime and wartime. There are also engraved names of those who died in service.

The Walls of Remembrance

Unlike traditional cemeteries, which require upright grave markers that take up space, Memorial Park offers flat markers that do not obstruct views. It is also easier to manage the space because it can accommodate multiple families in the same area.

The Gold Star Monument, which honors family members who were lost in the Vietnam War, is the newest addition to the Park. It follows the style guidelines set by the Woody Williams Foundation and was built in partnership with Delaware Gold Star families.

Joggers and walkers now pass through Memorial Park without any signs that it was once a teeming Army camp. But the legacy of this priceless piece of land lives on. It’s a place that opens doors to compassion and understanding. It challenges ignorance and complacency and invites vigilance against hatred and oppression.

The Gold Star Monument

The stunning black granite monument honors the families of service members who have died in the line of duty. It features two sides; one side reads “Gold Star Families” and the other tells a story through four granite panels: Homeland, Family, Patriot, and Sacrifice. Each panel shows a different scene and in the center of each is a silhouette of a fallen Hero.

The Gold Star Monument is a project of the Hershel Woody Williams Medal of Honor Foundation, an organization that seeks to build these monuments in all 50 states. After completing the first one in Woody’s home state of West Virginia, it became the Foundation’s mission to install them in communities across the nation.

The City of South Jordan worked closely with the local Major Brent Taylor Foundation (led by Gold Star Widow Jennie Taylor) to raise funds and get the monument installed in Veterans Memorial Park.

The AIDS Memorial

Located in the former St. Vincent’s Hospital campus, the Memorial sits at a crucial point of the city’s and the nation’s early AIDS history. The Memorial honors the people who died from AIDS in New York City and those who cared for them. It also honors the activists who organized to provide care, fight discrimination, lobby for research funding, and change drug approval processes—all of which contributed to saving millions of lives.

The national AIDS Memorial marks World AIDS Day each year with observances at the 10-acre Memorial Grove and displays of panels from the AIDS Quilt throughout the United States and internationally. Each panel bears the name of someone who died from AIDS-related causes. It is the largest living memorial project in the world.